Well, it seems that the little princess has reminded the master before.

She also asked him again and again if he wanted a new way to die, but he didn't listen.

The crowd sighed and shook their heads.

Then only listen to the prince princess Lengleng said, "the Zhou family exile to the northwest of the bitter cold."

"In this life, they are not allowed to return to Mojing."

Zhou Yuan sat on the ground, his eyes straight looking at the cold face princess, murmuring, "no, you can't do this to us! It can't be done. "

The tree glanced at him, "Oh? Don't want to be exiled, so you want to die more happily? "

"Collude with the enemy to sell the country, lead wolves into the house and hide the enemy!" The tree's cold and silent voice clearly fell into the ears of the Zhou Yuan family.

"Don't want to be exiled? Want to die? "

Zhou yuanniang stares straight and quickly climbs up to cover her son's mouth.

At this time, she finally came back to her mind. What a stupid thing she had done before.

Looking at the figure of the little princess turning away, the old lady opened her mouth, but she couldn't make a voice for a long time.

She can't make any more noise. The little princess is obviously a little guy who eats soft but doesn't eat hard. If she dare to make noise in front of her again, the end will be more miserable.

At this point, Zhou Yuan's family are like a cockerel in a fight. They are left with their heads down.

Pu ruoli breathed a sigh of relief and secretly clenched her hands with her mother Qiao Wenxiu.

In the future, when the family leaves Kyoto, their life should be much smoother.

At least I don't have to face this disgusting family all the time.


Po ruoli sighed and looked back at her little sister-in-law. She had pity on her soft and weak sister-in-law. She was afraid that life would not be easy in the cold northwest.

Qiao Wenxiu shook his head and sighed, "Miss Gao is really unlucky."

A well-to-do rich family will have to follow the Zhou Yuan family and go to the northwest bitter and cold place.

However, Qiao Wenxiu just sighed a little, and then put away the occasional trace of sympathy.

To put it bluntly, these people are also to blame!

Their mother and daughter will live a good life for themselves in the future, and do not have to think about other things.

That night, the palace banquet held by the old king was very lively. All the ministers and their families gathered in the same hall, but it was also a pleasure.

Till the end of the night, there was no strange moth.

This makes you nervous adults, heartfelt status of their own embrace a tears of sympathy.

They were really frightened by the lack of a good feast.

I still remember that in the past, when the king held a banquet, all kinds of situations were multiplied.

Today, the Palace Banquet is really smooth and beautiful, during which there was a small episode. Molly, Princess 10, toasted the Crown Princess and accidentally spilled the wine on her.

In addition, they spent the whole party without waves and waves. They could not believe their eyes calmly.

After the banquet, arbor and Prince led a group of Qiao family back to the east palace.

Along the way, but see Mo Lian frown, the tree can't help but look at him curiously, "how do you frown all the time?"

"Molly toasted you today and intentionally spilled it on you."