"Her obesity can't be solved by beauty Dan alone. She has to detoxify first."

"She's a housewife, and she has no accomplishments. Who wants to have a quarrel with her and poison her?" said the princess

The tree shrugs, which is not her domain.

"Antidotes can be given to you." Arbor took an antidote pill and gave it to the princess. Then she said, "that day she said she had money and would pay several times for my beauty pill."


"Don't worry about Joe, just let my little sister-in-law bleed." She can only cherish it if she buys it at a high price.

In the evening, Mo Lian and the old prince went back to the palace together.

As soon as I entered the hall, I saw my little daughter-in-law sitting in danger in the hall, holding a porcelain cup in her hand, and looking round at him.

As soon as I saw him, I turned my head around like I didn't see him.

"Prince Mo was very happy. He ran quickly and reached for his daughter-in-law." good evening, Qiao Qiao. I miss you so much because I haven't seen you in a day. "

Hum! The little guy left him a back spoon.

Mo Lian smiled and turned her little body around. "Joe, what do you do for your husband to make you unhappy?"

"You didn't wake me up when you left."

Mo Lian hooked up the corner of her mouth, bent over her delicate neck and rubbed, "heaven and earth can tell, sun and moon can watch. At that time, I called Qiaoqiao seven or eight times. Qiaoqiao didn't pay attention to her husband."

Qiao Qiao looked at him expressionless, moved his little body, raised his hand and pushed his face, hesitated and said, "my wood spirit power, with strong vitality, can help you to give birth to hair!"

"Poof..." Ink lotus laughs.

His little daughter-in-law can think of everything.

"Will the hair of Weifu grow to the outside of the hall as soon as it is born with the power of wood spirit?"

It's possible!

Arbor thought, or put down a small hand, touched the head of Prince Mo, "that's OK."

The old prince secretly glanced at the two of them, and said to the princess in a low voice, "why did you cheat the little girl again?"

"Hey, you didn't see it. The little rabbit was in a hurry. Even the Mu family did not come back. They directly boarded the king's carriage and had to come back with me! "

"I didn't invite him." The old prince turned his mouth.

The princess took the old prince's hand and walked to them. "Prince, Prince, go to the dressing room first. You can have dinner later when you come out."

Go change! The little guy reached out and patted him on the chest. He despised his stinky expression on his face.

Prince Mo can't help being happy. He lowers his head and kisses her hard while he doesn't want to. Then he blinks and says, "Joe, there's a funny thing going on today. I'll talk to you later."

After that, he went to the room to change his clothes.

After a rush of incense, the four people sat down beside a small round table in the dining room.

The old lord roared with a mean voice on his face, "I heard from the housekeeper that Liu Lanxin is making trouble today? How did you send her? She didn't embarrass you, did she? "

Princess Kang gave him a speechless look. "How can she embarrass me. But it's a new widow. I'm not in trouble. "

"Hum." "The old prince did not have a good temper to hum a," the husband just died, she a widow three days two run out to show off, also not disrespectful disgrace