Seeing the situation in the room, the little girl's eyes flashed two times.

Ju Xian and Mei Xian, two big girls, went to drag the second-class girl who didn't know the etiquette. Naturally, they saw his royal highness in the room, holding the little princess in her lap.

Both of them blushed and hurriedly walked out of the door for two steps.

Little apricot, the second-class girl, stood at the door in a dilemma and said in a thick voice, "little apricot, see you, I have seen the prince and the princess."

Prince Mo released his palm without expression, pulled the little princess to stand up, and his eyes swept her coldly.

That icy eyes light, really like looking at a corpse, so cold that the little apricot girl, could not help but shrink her neck.

Caixiu rushes up angrily, pushes the second-class girl to the side, and says, "master, the second-class girl in Mufu really doesn't know the etiquette. Please forgive me for disturbing your highness and your mother. "

The tree looked at the second-class girl coldly, "come to me."

"It's the crown princess." Aunt Jing hurried to come here with some women coming out of the palace.

"Throw people out, and she will not be allowed to appear in this garden again."

"Yes!" Aunt Jing hurriedly yelled at the women, pulled the little girl up and walked out the door.

Little apricot cried angrily, "Your Highness, your highness, Princess! What are you doing? You! Let go of me! I'm not from the palace. I'm from the Mu family! You can't do that to me! "

Mother Zhou looked on coldly, looking at the girl who died, and snorted coldly.

Just now, after Caixiu came to give the prince's instructions, she said that if she had no orders, she would not allow everyone to enter the inner garden, let alone step into the south wing room for half a step.

Although everyone was a little unconvinced, there was only little apricot, who really dared to make a scene the day before.

She was only a second-class girl, usually she could only stay in the inner garden, and the wing room was definitely not accessible.

At the moment, several big girls didn't make a scene. Instead, she made it first.

With what mind, who can not know?

It's not that the prince has a beautiful body, but also stays with the princess in the Yulan garden, so he has a little bad idea and tries his best to get close.

It's a pity that the little princess is not a vegetarian. With one order, all the servant girls are stopped outside.

Although people are so popular that their teeth are itchy, they are not stupid. Who dares to quarrel with the crown princess the first day?

"Stop her mouth." Aunt Jing frowned. She had never seen such a girl without manners.

In front of the crown prince and his concubine, I dare to make such a mess.

It can be seen that the rules of the Mufu of the Millennium family are not very good.

Hearing this, the two coarsely made women seized up their sleeves, slapped little apricot on the left and right first, and directly blocked his mouth with a dirty rag.

The garden was suddenly quiet.

Everyone was relieved.

When mother Zhou and the four big servant girls turned to look at the little prince and concubine, they saw the girl's face was cold and fierce, her eyes were like ice crystals, and she looked at the little apricot girl coldly, and her heart was shaking.

"Do you want to die?" The tree looked at her coldly, and the words were cold to the extreme.