"Bang!" Laohaidun was hit to fly, turned over and fell to the ground, with a "poof" in his mouth, spewing a lot of blood.

"Big brother." Lao Jiang was shocked and rushed forward to help him up. Unexpectedly, the voice of Lao Hai came from his ear.

"Second brother, be careful!"

"Big brother -" the two brothers were hit by two masters at the same time and flew out again.

Following that force, he rolled out with no resistance, one hit the cabinet next to him, the other was thrown on the wall.

Hit the one on the cabinet, the cabinet fell down and hit him on the back waist.

The one on the wall is even worse. The whole big head goes out of the wall, and people are stuck on the wall, unable to get down for the time being.

The whole hall was silent on the spot.

Wang Shizi of Jianping stepped back a dozen steps and hid behind the Taishi chair. He looked at the prince in a kind of panic and said in a trembling voice, "cousin, let's have a good talk, let's have a good talk."

He said that the fighting power of this kid is amazing. Lao Hai and Lao Jiang are not even clear about the details of Prince Mo, so they dare to rush up and talk. They are not very clever.

Looking at the two close bodyguards who are still able to get their hands, and thinking about the two long followers around brother two, Mo Kun can't help but be distracted.

Although I am the first son of King Jianping. According to the ancestral system passed down by my ancestors, I succeeded in inheriting the name of this son. But my father's favorite is his elder brother who is both literate and martial!

Even the eldest brother is equipped with a long follower who is close to the spiritual cultivation.

And these two people around me, Lao Hai and Lao Jiang, are only the level of level 10 great spiritual master.

It's absolutely feasible to put it in zhongliufu and xiaxingyu. But if it's put in shangsanzhou, it's It's a long story.


Mo Kun thought of something. He frowned and thought for a while. Suddenly, he looked at the prince Mo with a face changed.

My cousin, within a few breaths of waving, has solved two level 10 great spiritual masters?

What is his realm!?

Mo Kun could not help but be a little afraid, holding the chair and back a few steps, "you don't come here."

He cried to Mo Lian, "cousin. We are of the same origin, which is the same lineage, all of them have the same surname. You can't be so cruel to me. My father, he is your uncle. "


"Ah, yes, yes." Mo Kun nodded quickly, but holding the chair, he went back a few steps.

As soon as the arbor saw his eggshell, it couldn't even see the Mohist family.

Hurry to draw the little hand in the palm of the ink lotus, not out!

Ink lotus:!

Angry, because this nerve Mo Kun, not only by two uncle misunderstanding, but also let Jo Jo see ink family

"Cousin, I'll tell you what's the matter with us. I'll be calm and have a good talk. Then, those beauties who give you, you, it doesn't matter how you like! Ah, I won't care if you want to leave them in the inn for sweeping and pouring the night incense. "

"Do you mind?" The tree gave a rude grunt, raised his hand and shouted, "what are you still doing? Send the return! "

Mo Kun's eyes stood up suddenly, his nerves tensed inexplicably.

Special, special? Do you have any reply?