The third prince added fuel and vinegar to describe the painting that Duanyue hid under the book case over and over again.

Finally, he said, "my son also found this painting by accident. The woman is really the spirit of autumn jade for the bone, the only appearance of ice and snow in the world. This is a fake painting. Maybe it doesn't even show her 40% charm. It's no wonder that the fourth brother is so kind to the beauty. "

"But these four younger brothers are so cruel that they poison the original painting. One of the close attendants around big brother was so harmed and killed. "

The third prince kept on talking.

Prince Rong Li just stood in front of Cangzhou emperor without saying a word.

The second prince smiled and looked up at the third prince from time to time, with a hint of meaning on his lips.

Their third brother, how to say their temperament? At best, they are honest and frank, at worst, they are brainless, irritable and impulsive

Tut, tut, look at the father's face, it's really ugly.

"All right!" Cangzhou great emperor angrily drank, waved his hand to the servant of Zuojin and said, "go and call the fourth."

When the third prince saw that the emperor was angry, he closed his mouth quietly.

The great emperor of Cangzhou looked at the prince who didn't say a word and suddenly asked, "what's the prince's opinion?"

Prince Rong Li took a step forward and saluted respectfully. "Father and son think that the fourth brother is really confused. If, as the third brother said, the fourth brother secretly hid the picture of the future Prince and Princess of Shenzhou, then I'm afraid it's not conducive to the peaceful coexistence of Cangzhou and Shenzhou. "

"Nowadays, the pattern of the world is unpredictable. Outside the three states, the barbarians often covet. Although a hundred years ago, the two sides signed a peaceful alliance with us, but after this hundred years, the world has changed a lot, and we don't know whether it is as reliable as before. "

"Although the three states coexist, as we all know, Shenzhou is the strongest. Even after the coup many years ago, Shenzhou is still at the top of the world. "

"My son begged his father to make an order to choose a concubine for his fourth brother."

"My son thought that the fourth brother was just a young man, young and romantic. In time, if we can determine the nature, it must be the well-being of Cangzhou. "

Cangzhou emperor looked at Rong Li, nodded and turned to the second prince

"My son thought that what the prince said was very true."

Let Li drop his eyes in silence and sneer in his heart.

He is the second brother. His temperament is totally different from that of the third brother, but he can't see the ostrich's style.

At least the third one is a little bloody. The second one, he is ha ha.

"Your Majesty, the fourth Prince is here."

"You all step back and let the fourth in." Cangzhou emperor waved his hand.

"My son is gone." Rong Li and the three of them gave a salute and turned to walk outside the hall.

In the open four red carved lacquer gate, the three saw their fourth brother come in.

Under the beautiful appearance, a white moon dress, the wind is clear and plain.

Long hair hanging waist, not tied up, looks like a lazy and loose look, but the eyes are sharp, glancing at one side, Rong Li only feels that the whole body is suddenly cold.

How can the eyes be so sharp?

"I have seen my father." When the three of them left the hall, they closed the four gates slowly and heard the voice of their fourth brother.