Luck, isn't it?

Sha Gua holds the third sign in a stupefied way and looks at it carefully for several seconds, only to find that the third sign is still the third sign!

Sha Gua is really going to cry!

What's going on? Why should God play such a joke on him!

He didn't want to draw Miss Qiao's team at all!

So ferocious girl, what did he do to meet her?

Looking at Sha Gua as if he was going to faint, everyone could not help but feel a little curious and looked at him more.

Some familiar people couldn't help laughing and shouting, "Sha Gua, why? This strange expression on my face! Your team is very lucky! "

After all, top colleges are not famous schools, and they are not among the top universities.

This kind of unknown primary school, hippo college is naturally easy to catch, promotion is nothing!

Which material -

the leader of hippopotamus academy, Sha Gua, looked at a group of melon eaters around him with accusing eyes and shouted angrily, "you know what fart!"

A group of melon eaters can't be too busy!

He's dying here, okay?

I didn't expect that this time, they will be brushed down in the third round of the check-in competition, it's too early!

Arbor looked at Sha Gua, the leader of hippopotamus college, curiously, turned around and stepped off the challenge arena.

Just after returning to the seating area, I saw the referee Hong Lao walking up to the challenge arena with a smile on his face, announcing, "everyone, the third round of the college qualifying competition, which has attracted a lot of attention, is about to start. Before that, there was a team that chose to fight in the open mode! "

There was a great deal of uproar in the audience, and a lot of people who didn't know what was going on howled excitedly.

With the voice of Hong Lao falling, Gu Liuli led Zhao Li and other people to walk slowly to the challenge arena and receive the attention of all.

"As the challenger of this competition, Feihua college will launch a fair fight with the top colleges!" Mr. Hong reached out his hand and made a gesture of "please come to the stage."

In the warm applause, duanmuqing coldly led the other seven members of the top college to the stage.

"The game starts immediately." Old Hong turned the hourglass in his hand and said with a smile, "in half an hour, the time of the game."

Zhao Li of Feihua college, the first to fly to arbor with his fist in his hand, came here with the wind of his fist.

The arbor didn't even look at him. He dodged to the side. Then duanmuqing and Qi Xuanxuan surrounded him. One of them threw out a magic power and patted Zhao Li in the face.

Both sides started to die. Duanmu and Xuanxuan photographed Zhao Li. Even if he didn't die, he would lose half of his life.

Zhao Li roared, stepped on his feet, and immediately summoned the Xuan beast he had with him.

The beast was a bit like an ox, but there was no horn on its head. It looked very fierce. It bit Qi Xuanxuan's little arm with one bite.

Qi Xuanxuan didn't change her face and heart, so she released her golden lion with a wave of her hand.

The golden lion was so ferocious that he bit Zhao Li's leg and tore off one of his flesh immediately. Zhao Li fell back and forth in pain.

Gu Liuli's eyes were angry, and then he slashed Qi Xuanxuan with his sword. "How dare you poison your hands?"