The car was as hot as aman's stomach, so he took out the kettle in the inner world and gulped most of the kettle before being sealed by his tutor.

Hanging the remaining half pot of water on his waist, the car asked impatiently, "how long will it take to get to the entrance?"

"It should be near."

The speed of the procession slows down. The people originally walked on the winding mountain road, and now they stay in front of a red stone field.

The rocks here are all roasted red. They are all red to the eye.

The trees stopped with the procession.

"You, you, you! The three of you are near the entrance of the red stone forest, hunting and killing ten level 13 Xuan beasts. " Wei Wei said in a cold voice, pointing out three of the 23 teams.

"Now, I will seal all of you. When you fight with the beasts in the mountains, you can only use your own accomplishments and strength! "

"Is the water and food out of the inner world? Give you another minute to make adjustments. Hurry up! "

Che Ruman's face was ugly. He took out the other two pots of water in the inner boundary, and took out a lot of dry food and stuffed it in his arms. He could not help protesting, "tutor, the environment here is so bad that we can't use the inner boundary? Is this entrance test too harsh! "

"If you don't want to test, you can leave now!" Wei Wei said coldly, "the rules have been made clear to you for a long time! There is no point in raising objections now! "

The next second, when everyone was unprepared, he put his hand to seal all people's profound knowledge.

This hand is exposed, but let all students admire it.

The car such as man secretly moved the mysterious knowledge, really can't use!

For a while, the car's face became extremely ugly.

The inner circle couldn't be opened. She regretted that she didn't take out the remaining two pots of water.

Now there are two and a half pots of water hanging on your body, isn't it a little less?

It's too late now. The inner boundary has been sealed. Look at the appearance of Weiwei tutor, cheruman's heart has no end.

As Wei Wei said, even when he met a large spirit beast, he would not help them, right?

Wei Wei stretched out his hand and trembled. He saw a golden oath of heaven. It was like an unfolding scroll. It was spread out in front of the public layer by layer, revealing a row of crooked names on it.

"If you decide to continue to take part in the test when you arrive here, you can come forward and sign this affidavit of life and death."

"If you don't want to sign, you can go."

The faces of all the people changed greatly. They were not blind. They could see clearly what was written in the oath of heaven.

According to the affidavit, everyone volunteered for the entrance test.

In the process of entrance examination, there will be no tutor to rescue in case of any danger of life and death. All depends on the cooperation of their own team to win the battle.

Every time you hit a team of ten xuanshou designated by your mentor, you can call your mentor and apply to leave the lava mountain beast area.

If the task is not completed within the specified time, it shall be regarded as a test failure and must go down the mountain and leave immediately.

After all people have looked at it, they voluntarily sign this oath of heaven. Life and death have nothing to do with the college!

This is a life and death certificate. Do you sign it or not?

You can get out of here without signing!