Chapter 58: Variant Bloodline Murloc

Zhou Nan is envious.

With card recasting skills, it is much easier to collect cards. Whether it is equipment flow or mount flow, you can go much smoother. As long as the mana is enough, you can also fight face and recast powerful cards. .

Theoretically, with card recasting skills, there will be no useless cards. The more advanced cards are, the more valuable they are.

"My profession is the emperor of black cards. Black cards cannot be recast or decomposed. Card enhancement and card decomposition are of little use to me. There are too many skills in the skill library, both good and bad. There are strong and weak, strong skills and junk skills. When I reach level ten, I don’t know which three skills will be randomly selected. If I choose one of them..."

Zhou Nan thought for a while.

Ordinary players’ professions are card warriors, and card warriors have many professional skills, such as the random [Save] from [Run Fast on a Narrow Road]. Zhou Nan remembers that the effect of this skill seems to be to use cards to save mana by a percentage. Skills The higher the level, the higher the savings percentage.

And his profession is the only and hidden [Black Card Emperor]. Zhou Nanke doesn’t know what professional skills the Black Card Emperor has. After he reaches level ten, logically speaking, he has a chance to encounter black cards when he draws skills. Emperor Ka's professional skills, he was still looking forward to it.

Next, Zhou Nan single-mindedly swiped the guardian Cassana on N5 difficulty, over and over again, never getting tired.

In the process, Zhou Nan also had a clear understanding, such as the Black Goat Card, Goblin Machine Gun Card, Goblin Iron Helmet Card, General Rock Card, etc. There are probably hidden settings, and one player is the most. Only one can be played.

He has been playing wild in the monster forest every time, and he has never played these cards again.

It was the Slime Slime card. After playing the guardian Cassana of N5 difficulty three times in a row, Zhou Nan played another card.

Further on, Zhou Nan swiped out a one-star white card [Mutated Murloc? Tiantian], using this card can summon a double-sword murloc that is exactly the same as the mutant Murloc in the monster forest.

The mutated murloc’s attributes are very scumbags. If it’s one star, its HP is only 100 points. When using double-sword attack, the attack power of the left-handed knife and the right-handed knife are different, even if it can be affected by the [murloc 66] skill, it’s free Upgraded to six stars, it is also a cannonball.

However, its card attributes come with all the secret recipes for strengthening from one star to nine stars. There are only two materials needed, that is, the murloc's left-hand knife and the murloc's right-hand knife.

"The left-handed and right-handed knives of the murloc that were played before the loss are kept. I didn't find an NPC to exchange for gold coins. Isn't that useful? Nothing to do, see how this mutant murloc grows..."

Zhou Nan is very happy to get this card, because the mutant murloc can also be used as a cannonball by the artillery. This is a powerful cannonball, and of course it must be a star.

As a result, Zhou Nan used 999 left-handed murloc knives and 99 right-handed murloc knives, almost used up the left-handed and right-handed murloc knives accumulated before, and in one fell swoop raised this mutant murloc from one star to nine stars every day.

This is Zhou Nan's first nine-star card.


Card Name: Mutant Murloc? Everyday

Card color: white

Card Stars: Nine Stars

Use level: Nine

Mana consumption: 90

Description: Summon [Mutated Murloc Everyday] to fight for you. The Mutated Murloc has a daily life value of 900. It is equipped with a Murloc left-handed knife and a Murloc right-handed knife, double-knife interval attack, left-handed knife attack power 9-10, right-handed knife attack The power is 18-20, the attack speed is 0.8, and the occupation is set as cannon fodder.


Zhou Nan was very satisfied after reading the attribute information of [Mutated Little Murloc? Everyday].

If you only look at the attribute data of the mutant murloc, of course it is scum.

Nine Stars is only 900 HP, and the average attack power is less than 14.

You need to know that if you give 99 sets of murloc knives and knives to the guard Kakar in the copy of Kazanar, you can exchange for 495 gold coins.

The reason Zhou Nan was satisfied was that it was purely because of the nine-star mutant little murloc's life value. With it, the artillery man had a powerful cannonball when he climbed into the mine.

What made Zhou Nan even more pleased was that he brought this card to the [Ancient Mermaid Statue] and found that the mutant murloc card also belongs to the murloc card and can be mutated into a red bloodline murloc card.

So, Zhou Nan only used a portion of [Murlock Bloodline] to mutate [Mutated Murloc? Tiantian] into [Mutated Bloodline Murloc? Tiantian].

After becoming a mutant blood murloc, the little murloc's health has been increased to 1500, his attack power doubled, he has the blood burst ability common to blood murloc, and the ability to kill enemies, but the nine-star is already the limit of growth.

Zhou Nan summoned him out, and found that this guy looked quite mighty, a little bigger than an ordinary one-star bloodline murloc, about eighty centimeters tall, and full of crimson. His two swords are in the Kazanar monster forest. The mutant murloc is different. The left-hand knife is a straight knife, similar to the watermelon knife, and the right-hand knife is a thick-backed kitchen knife. Throwing the knife in the hand, turning around, playing very slippery.

Although this mutant blood murloc is still difficult to stand alone, but his artillery shells when he becomes a gunner and mines.

1500 blood, once bombarded by the current six-star artillery, it would be able to deal 9000 damage!

There will be another blood burst at the end, that is 10500 points of damage, breaking 10,000 points!

"It's been approved The destruction bomb, but unfortunately it takes only 24 hours to fire it. It seems that I have to go to the infinite fire duel again, and then I will increase the stars."

So, Zhou Nan next played 25 consecutive duels with unlimited firepower. He let the artillery boarding mine use the bloodline murloc as a cannonball every day, without exception, all of them sent away their opponents with one shot!

What Zhou Nan didn't know was that the nickname "Emperor Heika" had been remembered by his opponent who sent him away. Someone gave him the nickname, "Murloc Cannon".

With Zhou Nan's continuous victories in the infinite fire duel, his nickname "murloc cannon" has become more and more famous.

Zhou Nan went to randomly match with unlimited firepower [Sifang Temple], specializing in killing spiked dragon turtles, relying on artillery to climb thunder and mutant bloodline murlocs every day, counting the resurrection time of spiked dragon turtles, Zhou Nan is basically about six minutes You will be able to harvest a [Wild Monster Recruitment Token].

What kind of temple force is still developing?

Zhou Nan played with spiked dragon turtles for half an hour, and he was basically able to recruit five spiked dragon turtles, and then brought these spiked dragon turtles to the opponent’s home, and that was a direct push, and novice players hardly tried to fight back. force.

Of course, Zhou Nan's gameplay is purely entertaining, and he likes to see his opponents look dumbfounded.

In the next two days, Zhou Nan spent the next two days playing in the arena and single-swiping the N5 difficulty [Guardian Cassana] until he reached the small goal of [Guardian Cassana] 50 times.

[Valkyrie Lin Yun] I paid it back, and Zhou Nan’s [Sunset Forest Entry Voucher] listed in the trading bank was sold out, and the artillery thunder boarding also rose to nine stars. The power of the murloc shells is nine times the murloc’s health. Times...

Zhou Nan felt that there was nothing to miss. He came to the mission hall and opened the experience treasure box wildly.