After breakfast at the hotel.

check out!

Shu Fu didn't go back to Mingshan City immediately, but wandered around the capital, let alone the Forbidden City and the Great Wall, going at this time was simply to see the heads.

Everywhere is full, so I can only watch the fun.


Out of the hotel, all the way north.

It’s not in vain to walk to Chang’an Street to have a look if you don’t catch up with the flag raising. In his previous life, Shu Fu had come to see the flag raising, and his wheelchair was inconvenient, so he came early in the morning.

Waited all night.

During this period, also made a few single business.

Engraved like?


The high-speed rail can’t carry those knives. I originally planned to draw a picture of Tiananmen Square and the surrounding landscape, but some tourists saw it and asked him to draw a few.

One hundred for one person.

Ever since.

One-way tickets earned back.

. . .

Walked a few streets.


A sports car passed by, attracting a lot of attention. Shu Fu couldn't help but smile. As expected of the capital, he has encountered three sports cars passing by since he left the hotel.


Very noisy!

If he had no past life experience, he probably would have bought one for himself, but at this moment, he had an inconsistent consciousness living in his body.

I don't care about sports cars.

And short.

And small.

The view is very bad when driving, and it is not as comfortable as a commercial vehicle seat when sitting. As for the so-called pursuit of speed stimulation? You might as well start a fighter jet.

The excitement produced by the speed on the ground is too weak for his physical strength.

Totally unmotivated!

Driving to doze off.

. . .

is walking.

A message came.

"Reject, just interview you, don't talk about me!"

Shu Fu responded.

The new launch of Bilibili has naturally attracted the attention of the media. Of course, it is not a TV station, but some online media, Sina Swoosh and the like.

Shu Fu didn't want to show up yet.


In half a month, these media will avoid Bilibili, because the Toutiao website will be launched, and it will suddenly become their peers.

Who would be willing to drain peers? It's not bad if you don't step on it.

. . .

After one hour.

When approaching Zhengyangmen.


Shu Fu stopped in his tracks, and through the crowd, he could see that it was a portrait of a girl, and a man was sitting in front of her, and he was the one in the painting.

"It looks like a painting!"

"This girl is really good at craftsmanship."

"People are beautiful too."


The girl's craftsmanship was unanimously praised, and when Shu Fu came, he had just finished painting, and after the plastic was sealed, the man handed her fifty yuan, with eyes full of reluctance.


He rarely dared to make eye contact with pretty girls.

Just now, he just stared at the girl for a long time. Every time the girl looked up at him, she felt so happy, even though she knew it was just for the portrait.

The man leaves.

The onlookers also dispersed because no one sat down.

Fifty one.

Not cheap.


Most people seldom draw a sketch for themselves, because it is very similar to a black and white photo, which feels a little unlucky.

The girl didn't care either.

I made fifty dollars just now, and I was in a good mood. I sat here for two hours, drew two pictures, and earned one hundred dollars, but I was a little helpless because the guests were all men.


She also knew the reason, it wasn't because her drawing skills were so good, although her drawing skills were indeed very good.

Seeing that there were no guests, she picked up a sketchbook at hand, turned to the bookmark page, and began to draw.

. . .

Shu Fu was about to leave, but when he glanced at the content in his sketchbook, he stopped, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes, because it was the line draft of a comic.

There is no plot on a single page.

But the characters are very cute.


The girl suddenly raised her head and asked.


Shu Fu felt a strong sense of familiarity. When he set up a stall before, he asked about the engraving.

"Are you a manga?" Shu Fu asked back.


"It's very well drawn."


The girl just smiled, and then ignored Shu Fu. From her point of view, there was nothing to talk about with an outsider. This person must have come to strike up a conversation again.

The more you reason, the more the other party will pester you, it's very annoying!

See here.

Shu Fu understands very well that beautiful girls always receive more attention than ordinary girls, and everyone knows that they want to get closer too much.


Anyway, I wasn't ready to strike up a conversation.

If it wasn't for the girl's question just now, he wouldn't even have planned to talk to her.

At this time.

A foreign couple came in front of the stall, making gestures and rowing at the girl.

Pointing to the sketchbook.

One side pointed to the north again.


The girl was a little confused, she could speak some English, but it was obviously not English.

At this moment, Shu Fu's voice came.

"They want to invite you to go to Zhengyang Gate and help them draw a portrait of their husband and wife. The reward is one hundred."

"Do you understand?"

There was surprise on the girl's pretty face.

"Well, I know some German." Shu Fu smiled.

I was bound to the library of the University of Berlin before, and went to Germany to get equipment a few times, so I learned some German by myself. With a super memory, I can speak a little bit.

Complicated ones won't do, but simple ones will do.

"Can you?" Shu Fu asked again.


The girl was a little hesitant and couldn't understand the language, which was really troublesome.

"The one hundred he said was in Euros." Shu Fu added.


The girl's eyes lit up, and she immediately nodded in agreement. One hundred euros is worth 900 yuan according to the current exchange rate, which is equivalent to drawing about 20 guests.

heard the words.

Shu Fu said to the couple, "She agreed."

"You can speak German? That's great." The couple were also delighted. Their Chinese proficiency was just as good as that of you and me, and they were really blind.


Seeing Shu Fu chatting with the couple, the girl was sure that Shu Fu could really speak German.

Gritting his teeth.

"How about you help me be an interpreter, get paid, and give you... one hundred."

"Two hundred." Shu Fu smiled.

"make a deal."

In a short time, she couldn't find an interpreter anywhere, so two hundred was two hundred.

"Are you sure it's Euros?"

"Of course, if not, I'll make up for you." Shu Fu said.

"That's not necessary." The girl shook her head slightly.



She started to pack up the stall, but it was nothing, all her possessions were a backpack with a foldable stool inside for the guests to sit on.

In addition, there are drawing books and pencils.

tidy up.

Ten minutes later, Shu Fu came to Zhengyangmen, also on the way, and Shu Fu knew the girl's name.

---Jiang Xiaomeng, a freshman in CAFA.

. . .

The couple had already chosen the location and angle. They took a few photos just now, but they didn't think it was enough. Since they passed by when they came here, they wanted to draw one on the spur of the moment.

Then I turned back to the stall.

Although it is a business, no one cares about it.

Because it's not like pushing a cart or putting a bunch of things on the ground.

Seeing a person painting another person's portrait, I can't associate it with "occupying the road".

Get out the stool.

Jiang Xiaomeng sat down and began to paint the background, feeling a little nervous, because this kind of portrait is not as good as ordinary people.

After all, it is customized.

The price is not low.

If the painting is not good, it will be embarrassing and thrown abroad.