The reason why she anonymously released the secret record of Xu Lulu being gang raped that day, and then acted as a pusher behind, is to make the relationship between Xu Lulu and Lin Xiahua completely antagonistic.

The development of this matter, no matter what Xu Lulu did to Lin Xiahua because of her hatred, or what Lin Xiahua finally could not bear to do to Xu Lulu, is very beneficial to her.

However, looking at Xu Lulu, Lin Doukou felt that she could harvest some small surprises.

For example, the child in Lin Xiahua's stomach, she has not liked it for a long time.

With Xu Yimo's slightly wavering mood, after the child was born, I don't know whether Lin Xiahua will occupy a place in front of him with the child, which is absolutely unacceptable to Lin Doukou.

"Don't be too sad. This matter will pass sooner or later. I heard that brother Yimo has tried his best to help you suppress it. In the final analysis, Lin Xiahua is really wrong this time. Sometimes, I really hope I don't have her sister, but Yimo doesn't really want to protect her. As you said, sometimes, because of children, there is no way." Lin Doukou turns the corner and tries to deepen Xu Lulu's impression that Xu Yimo is protecting Lin Xiahua only because of her child. At the same time, she implies that if something really happens, she must be partial to Xu lulu.

Sometimes the power of language hint is still great. Xu Lulu looks at Lin Doukou, her face is uncertain, and she seems to be thinking about something.

"I just want to see you today. I'm relieved to know you're OK." Lin Doukou saw that the delivery was almost the same, so she got up and said goodbye.

There was only Xu Lulu left in the room. She thought for a long time and finally made a decision.

Lin Xiahua doesn't know about Xu Lulu's sinister intentions. After returning to Xu Yi's Mohist school, she goes back to her room to sleep. This period of experience has cost her too much energy. She really needs a rest.

Life is still very calm, after two days, Lin Xiahua received a phone call from JS, inviting her to establish a long-term cooperation with the brand and hire her as a designer.

Lin Xiahua almost didn't jump up with joy, and was recognized by JS, an international brand. In her design career, it was a great addition.

"When can I come over and sign the contract?" Lin Xiahua tried to suppress the excited mood, stabilized the tone and asked.

"If it's convenient for you, tomorrow morning will be fine. We'll be waiting for you at the headquarters." The response there is very simple.

Lin Xia said thanks, hung up the phone, and jumped three times in the living room excitedly.

"What makes you so happy?" Xu Yimo just came in from the outside and saw Lin Xiahua's childish behavior. His tone became softer.

"JS company asked me to go to the headquarters to sign the contract tomorrow." Lin Xiahua's smile makes her teeth invisible, and the whole person is full of happiness.

"Well, congratulations." Xu Yimo said and thought, "his headquarters is in the suburbs of the morning. What time will you go tomorrow?"

"I'm going in the morning. The earlier I sign, the better." Lin Xiahua took it for granted.

"Well, I'll take you tomorrow morning. It's more convenient." Xu Yimo said lightly.

Lin Xiahua thought a little, but he didn't refuse: "OK, let's do it at ten tomorrow morning."

Xu Yimo nodded and went back to the bedroom while taking off his tie.

In the kitchen, Lin Doukou listened to the conversation without losing a word. A trace of unknowable cruelty flashed through her eyes, and she went straight out to Xu Lulu's house.

When Xu Lulu opened the door, she found that it was Lin Doukou. There was no accident. It was inconvenient for her to go out these days. Lin Doukou came to chat with her when she had nothing to do.

These days have passed, not only has the matter about her not subsided, on the contrary, it is still growing momentum. Even if Xu Yimo has already cracked down, some anonymous water forces are not so easy to solve.

Xu Lulu is depressed and resents Lin Xiahua more deeply. However, she has never found a chance to start. Lin Xiahua has been at Xu Yimo's home all this time. She hardly goes out every day and is protected by Xu Yimo. She can't help Lin Xiahua.

"How do you think you are getting worse and worse?" Lin Doukou said with a smile.

Xu Lulu sighed: "I was made like this, but the culprit is at ease, who can be happy on who."

Lin Doukou nodded quite knowingly: "yes, you are in a mess because of her high work, but she is going to work as a designer in JS Company."

"What did you say?" When Xu Lulu heard the news, she sat up straight and asked in disbelief.

"JS Company has invited her to be a designer. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, she will go out and sign a contract at the headquarters in the suburb. At that time, she should be sent by ink." Lin Doukou said it in great detail, and even wanted to remind Xu Lulu of the license plate number of Xu Yimo.

Xu Lulu snorted coldly: "if she has done me such a harm, she will be happy?"

When Lin Doukou saw that the fan was almost over, she stood up. I had to go back to give Mo to prepare clothes for her tomorrow. Ah, I'll go first.Xu Lulu is indifferent to Lin Doukou's leaving. She sits there silently, her eyes flashing a gloomy light.

This is a good opportunity. If Lin Xiahua had an accident on the road and had an accident, she would still be sitting in Xu Yimo's car. In this way, she could completely get rid of the relationship and let Xu Yimo reduce the investigation in self blame.

Thinking of this, Xu Lulu took out her new mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Do you know who I am?" Xu Lulu's voice is a little hoarse.

"Just know, half a million, to solve a woman, there is no need to let her die, as long as the injury is heavy enough." Xu Lulu doesn't really want Lin Xiahua's life. As long as she can't keep her children, her goal is achieved.

"Well, tomorrow morning around 10 o'clock, in the suburbs, a black Rolls Royce, remember, as long as you solve the woman in the car, you must not hurt the driver!" Xu Lulu stressed: "if your people hurt the driver, don't say that the money won't be given to you, I will be with you forever!"

Xu Lulu was very satisfied with the other party's reply, she showed a smile: "if you do it quickly enough, I will increase the money."

Hang up the phone, Xu Lulu this can be called beautiful face showed a very distorted expression, mouth murmured read twice the name of Lin Xiahua.

All this, the two people who were taken as the target did not know at all. At nine o'clock in the morning, Xu Yimo drove out with Lin Xiahua.

Two people sitting in the car, there are several times Xu Yimo seems to want to say something, but Lin Xiahua has been looking ahead, and did not want to exchange, Xu Yimo can only give up.