In late August, she entered the school with warmth and began to be busy with her entry.

She was assigned to work as a counselor in Business Administration with 210 new students.

The first few days of school are really busy.

Although there is a student union to help meet the new students, she is still busy.

She left school at half past nine in the evening.

Along the way, the new group wechat that she just built has been getting new news.

Go back to the community and find Huo tingshen's car.

Huo Ting saw her powerless appearance deeply, walked to her side, rubbed her head: "very tired?"

She smiled and said happily, "I'm not tired in general."

"Do you want to continue to do this job? I can help you move. "

"No, this job is very interesting though it's tired. When I'm with a group of new students, I think of myself again four years ago. And you know, there are girls in our class who can't even cover themselves."


She shrugged: "her parents must love her very much. It's really enviable."

"I mean, who does her quilt cover belong to?"

"I did it for her."

Huo Ting deeply frowned: "counselor, do you want to do this kind of thing?"

"You don't know. Is there a glib. When students are beaten, the security office asks: who is your counselor? The student borrowed the book but didn't return it. The leader said: find a counselor. Students don't have classes, find counselors. Students stay outside and find counselors. Students don't pay tuition? Find a counselor. It's good to hear. It's a teacher. It's bad to hear. In fact, it's no different from nanny. "

"Then you have to do it? Do you like to be a nanny? If you like, come and be my nanny. I'll hire you as my full-time personal nanny with high salary. "

She would rather take 10000 students with her than serve the man who eats people and doesn't spit bones.

"I don't want it."

"Why? I wonder where this job appeals to you. "

"My mother's greatest hope is to make me a people's teacher, teach and educate people, meet the man who loves me, and lead an ordinary life," she said

"So, you insist on staying in school just for your mother? Not your own dream? "

Thinking tenderly, "is it your dream to be a big president in the company?"

Huo Ting's face was deep. "Now it's about you."

"I'm just like you, but the habit given by the original family has become my dream. Since I was a child, I've heard my mother read me like this. As time goes by, I believe in my heart that being a teacher is my biggest dream, and I don't think it's bad. Like today, although tired, but I feel very full

She said, even laughing.

Huo tingshen also feels speechless. After all, his dream is not to be trapped in the company all his life.

"Haven't you had dinner yet?"

"I don't have the strength to cook for you tonight, because I want to eat instant noodles. You'd better not eat this kind of thing."

"It's hard to eat instant noodles. I don't think you want your body anymore," he said, taking out his mobile phone to call Butler Tong and ask him to deliver the meal.

She wanted to stop it. It was too late because he had finished.

Moreover, in this case, her objection is probably invalid.

After going upstairs, I went back to my room and changed my clothes.

Two people sit on the sofa together, watching TV while waiting for Butler Tong to deliver rice.

At the beginning, Wen Qing still watched the TV program and chuckled, but within five minutes, the sound of warm and even breathing came from the side.

Huo Ting turns her head deeply, and she falls asleep.

He picked up the remote control, turned off the TV, got up and went to the room to find her a blanket to cover her.

Looking at her attractive sleeping face, she could not help but lower her head and kiss her forehead and hook her lips.

When Butler Tong delivered the meal, it was already half past ten.

Seeing that she slept so well, he didn't have the heart to ask her to get up for dinner, but he carried her horizontally into the bedroom

The next day the cell phone rang in the living room.

The warmth yawns and stretches.

But the left hand pushed out, but hit a warm meat wall.

She opened her eyes, turned her head, and ran into Huo Ting's deep vision.

She blinked and looked at him, "how can you be here?"

He sat up lazily and said, "it's not Monkey Sun. Don't worry."

"Why didn't you leave last night?" she said

Huo tingshen quickly moved forward and kissed her.

She shrank back tenderly, but because the bed was too small, she almost fell out of bed.

Fortunately, he grabbed her with a quick eye and pulled her into his arms.

After two struggles of warmth, he sat up and got out of bed.

She looked at him: "Huo tingshen, I find you are more and more unscrupulous."

"So what? Anyway, you can't get married. Why don't you disarm me honestly?"

The warmth slanted his one eye, hummed, turned around to leave the bedroom, went to wash.

She doesn't have time and mood to play with him now.

There are a lot of things waiting for her to deal with at school.

Breakfast, warm will last night Butler Tong sent dinner hot.

In the beginning, Huo tingshen still disliked the warmth and gave her leftovers.

But the warmth only said, "like to eat or not, I have no time to make breakfast again," Huo tingshen had to surrender.

In the next period of time, he was afraid that he would like to eat a meal made by her, which became a dream.

After all, this stinky girl is so busy.

He has some regrets now. He helped her to talk about the job.

Is this a self inflicted hardship? Probably.

On the official opening day, several counselors went to the student office for a meeting.

When I entered the student office, I met Gao Muran in a suit and suit in the corridor.

She thought that working at school would meet him one day.

After all, his mother is the principal of the school.

But she didn't expect it to be so fast.

Today is just the first day of school.

But how strange, on such a day, what does he do when he comes to the school staff office building?

She bowed her head as if she had not seen him.

And Gao Muran is the same. He just glanced at her and passed her and walked into the conference room as if he didn't know her.

A few counselors on the side took a warm look.

Warmth as if not to see.

After all, this is her alma mater. What she did with Gao Muran was so sensational that it would be discussed and reasonable.

She went into the meeting room with several counselors.

The director of the student affairs department saw that everyone was here and started the meeting.

"First of all, let's introduce to you. This year, we have three more new colleagues. This one beside me, Gao Muran, will work in the student office from today. Later, he will only manage all the counselors in the school."

Warm eyebrows, thunderbolt from the blue.