Clerk: "Uh-huh?

In the afternoon, Olympia was taken to a spacious room with a chic atmosphere in the Imperial Castle. Everything says this is the "office of His Excellency General Seven."

"Yes. In addition to your service as Kingsguard Knight Commander, the new Knight Commander will also sit as General. So I was hoping you could do it in this office as of today."

"I see. So, what do I do?

"For the time being, please take a look at this report and other documents, and give us your approval and instructions as appropriate."

".................. ooh"

At the end of Olympia's turn, three mountains of paperwork piled high above the udder.

Are you going to go through all of this, which way do you approve or instruct? Yep...? That's not true, how many days the hell does it take?

"It's two days today, so it's a little more. Starting tomorrow, I was wondering if this would be half the amount."

Ah... Akan here.



"Call Nat Shaman."

"... Ha!?

No, I'm not desperate for this. If this happens, there will be no shame or outrage. Ask the other general how to do it.

"Well... are you sure you want to call me"

Olympia says that in confusion.

Oh, well, you think Nato's gonna be mad. Well, sure, I just provoked it and made it bumpy, and it's natural to think so.

"I don't mind. I'm not fighting or anything, and I wouldn't be mad. I know exactly what he's like."

"! Are you two familiar back in the day?

"No, Exercise Day was the first time we met"

"Then how do you know..."

"A game is like serious socialization. And sometimes it's like childhood play, it's hot adolescence, it's life itself, sometimes it's like a single book. In his case, it was a comedy. I've seen The Nat Shaman Show ten times. Enough to tell someone in a coffee shop for hours."


Very high density. Each other gives each other every hand for the game. I'll do everything I can to make sure there's no more. I don't have time to hide past terrible experiences and crooked personalities. Everyone bumps into each other naked with their nature stripped out. This would no longer be something beyond socializing. I think so.

In that sense, I also know how Gloria feels. He's a book bug who reads as many books as he has, but I'm also a game bug who plays as many games as I can.

"I'm impressed with this Olympia! I'll call you right away!

Olympia, applauded by my argument, turns right and goes to get Nato.

Well, I called General Nato with the slightest desire to have him help, but will he really come by fulfilling it?

Nato is instrumental. Good dating. And honest. I felt that way throughout the game. Always remember the attitude of polishing your learning self, sticking to everything and never giving up, a flexible man who can skip pride and lend ears to people's words, that's Nato.

Yeah, so, I'm sure he'll come...

"Excuse me!!

- Apart from his mood.


No, I'm so angry. No!!

"No, you're here a long time ago."

"Your Majesty ordered us to strengthen our ties and establish cooperation between the generals."


"Me and you, General. But your sun is shallow compared to mine."


"I am the senior and you are the junior! Juniors calling seniors and more are unheard of!


Is that true? That's why you were angry.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize. Watch out for next."

"... at all. Talking to you is driving me crazy."

But you came. I knew Nato was a good one, just like I thought.

"So, a lot of people don't know how to twist this paperwork?

"You got it, big winner"

"How far did you go?

"As you can see"

"None of them, I see."

Nato sighs and shudders, and starts getting ready.

Somehow it seemed to write letters on five note papers, and when I put them at equal intervals on my desk, I opened my mouth.

"Authorization, rejection, suspension, consideration and other. I always divide the paperwork into five parts."

"Ooh...? How is suspension different from consideration?

"Reservations are particularly time-consuming in what you can judge. Consideration shall be material, such as consulting with His Excellency the Chancellor, Spica and, in some cases, His Majesty."

"I see. What else?

"It's something that doesn't belong to the other four. There will be a lot of reports, etc."

Report. Is there such a thing?

"We should keep a lot of other space, mostly for reporting"

Copy that.

It's an easy way to understand. I can do this.

"Nato, thank God. Let me know if there's anything you don't know again."

"... fine. Instead."

"Instruction? Say it anytime."

"! Yes, thank you. Sit down."

Strong upliftment, and for that reason, I can forget my position. This would also be a good part of Nato.

I'll give Nato another thank you and drop him off. Nato glanced at this one and left with a meeting.

"Well, shall we?"

Mumble more than exhale, and I sit in a chair dodgy.

Oh, I hope it's over before the date changes...... I guess I can't. Shit.

I hate Seven.

It doesn't change that feeling, though.

I don't like it. Why, thank God, it's a man.

That man is clear, His Highness Merson's enemy. I mean, it's supposed to be my enemy.

But I don't like it for some reason. Even with all that rudeness, in the end, I have forgiven.

His rhetoric can't even be good for flattery. The same goes for standing and behaving. I don't break my attitude of spare time at all times, but I'm joking with my eyes from somewhere above. I'm obviously an idiot if I say it's stupid or brilliant, but that's why I put the word out of my mouth, even if the other person is His Majesty. It entails a lonely atmosphere unlike anyone else, and I can't help but be intrigued as if it were even a charm.

And above all, combat technology, which can also be called that heavenly realm. That is the darkness at the same time as it is his light, which makes him persuasive in every word and deed and adds an endless amount of charm.

Strange. Strange man indeed. He is my enemy and I'm sure he hates it, but somehow he feels respect at the same time.

Nevertheless, how could I, know him so well? Oh, it's weird.

- Nato, where have you been? I thought you were instructing me to consolidate my protection!

"Ha... I'm sorry to bother you. His Royal Highness's protection was left to the men of the squad, who went to Seven to work with the generals."

Hurry back to His Highness Merson, but I have been reprimanded.

His Highness Merson sharpens his eyes on my interpretation and continues his words.

"Seven!? Seven by the way!? Don't be ridiculous! I'll take your day off as punishment!

I'd rather not bow my head.

However, His Highness Merson has lacked too much room in his mind these days. What is His Highness in such a hurry and fear?

... No, are they obvious? His Royal Highness has just spoken.

"I will sit with you, Your Highness. Even if I'm ten, I can't stop Seven."

"You must know that too. You won't have to worry that it won't strike you in spite of that,"

"I'm too optimistic! You must be staring at the opportunity!

"Your Highness. In any case, there is no stopping that man, neither to me, nor to the Kingsguard, nor to the shadows"

"Then tell me what to do!!

Disgusting. His Highness Merson is so cornered. More than ever.

Only one man, in only ten days, hunted that brave and wise lord down to this point.

Again, I hate Seven. I hate it from the bottom of my heart... but I can't help but be in awe.

"Your Highness, be sure. You must not be swallowed by fear. You have the right fear."

"... the right fear," he said?

"Yes. Being rightly afraid is what you will need to do. Fortunately, right now, it doesn't look like we're going to set it up from the Seven side. If so, I was wondering if we should strike as many measures as we can now."


"Your Highness, please calm down. If you are a normal, calm lord, you will surely come up with a way to open it."

When I managed to forgive him, His Highness had finally calmed down.

Ha, and a deep sigh, peeking into my eyes.

"... Nato, you're right. I seem to have lacked some calm. Thanks to you, I've settled down."

"No, that's why I'll sit with you, Your Highness. My beloved."

"Glad to hear it. The boulder is my knight. What can you do about it?

"Ha. About two"

"Say it."

Perhaps His Highness Merson is anxious about the current situation, which is inferior to His Highness Wright by force.

Especially the presence of Seven. Seven's power was immense. I was so illusioned that my life was being targeted. Seven for His Highness would be out of the way, out of the way and out of the way.

... Has Your Highness used shadows to set up an assassination on Seven? So you're afraid of retaliation? If you think about it, this agitated appearance of His Highness also fits. Well, then again...

"One is to increase the shadows that would be able to counteract Seven. Win in numbers or in quality. The former would require at least fifteen. It would be difficult if the latter were not so magnificent as to be seen in the heavens."

"Stupid trick. Neither is realistic."

Yes, only, this is ideal.

Fate is the next measure.

"The other thing is - to ask His Excellency Cigarone for help. He's the only one in Imperial Castle who can fight Seven."

The next morning, I told Olympia, who showed up in the office, that's what I told her the most.

"Good morning and sit down, Knight Chief. Today..."

"Call Nato."


"Na-doo hoo!!

"Ha, yes no!!

Oh, I'm all night after all! Ahhh!

I only finished half of it. It's the limit now. I can't do this. This is it.

"So much so that you don't call me -!"


To Nato, who has been here for five minutes or so, I will speak as if to speak.

"Help me..."


Nato was silent and breathed out slowly and deeply with his hands on his forehead as to whether he had a headache.

"Huh. So, what are you having trouble with? Say it in turn."


"Fine. We'll be done by breakfast."


I knew it was Nato!

"First of all, this report is depressing and frustrating. Are you reading this?

"Of course."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! You didn't read the story just here, did you? Huh?"

"... sometimes it's a diagonal reading"

"Wow? I don't care who was assigned anywhere, I'm sick, I'm off, I broke the window vitreous in my room, I don't care about dying. Seriously."

"Well, to be honest...... you can gently flush out the content and put it away if it doesn't seem important. It takes ten seconds. If you've read it for five minutes or more, the sun will go down."

"That's right!

Nato seemed depressed, too. Something's getting tense. It would be a unique array all night.

... Then for about thirty minutes, I took Nato's proper advice and processed the burrs and paperwork.

"There was a request coming for trees to be felled to expand the training grounds on the west side, and this is up to me to decide?

"Depending on the location, it would be better if you had His Majesty's forgiveness. Essentially, everything from Imperial Castle belongs to His Majesty."

"I see, so is that"

"... now, shouldn't you not tell me much about the paperwork? Sometimes you don't want me to know, even though it's the same general"

"I'm not special."

"Oh, really?"

Maybe there's something confidential, but what do you know? It's worse to make me a general.

"Oh, this... did you zero the coffee?

Continuing with the paperwork, he entered the staining zone. Some liquid stained a few of the pieces under the paperwork. As a result, the black stain is on more than ten documents.

Blood: "Oh, yeah, this is it. There was an assassin in the middle of the night, so if you give him back, he'll fly."


"It was a different one from yesterday. It's an annoying story."


Nato opened his eyes and stood up on the spot as he knocked down the rattlesnake and chair.

I wonder what's wrong. Sudden convenience?

"Twice, you say you were about to be assassinated!?

"No, three times. Well, you don't know."

Looks like Merson hasn't told me. Wine from the feast, during The Incense Car Assassination and all night. Three times in total, I've been targeted.

"Excuse me......!

"Ah? Oh, thank you?

Nato left the office in a hurry. Was it a shock that Merson wasn't informed of my assassination? Or would it be the bathroom?

I had to tilt my neck as I conveyed my gratitude to that back.

"- Your Highness! No more dangerous things!

Nat Shaman is a desperate shape-shaped man, who makes a direct judgment to Merson.

Earlier, he was heartbroken.

Seven is aware - that whoever is planning to assassinate him is Merson.

Nevertheless, he behaved that way with Nato, Merson's handyman, in front of him.

It's like we're not dealing with each other. Exactly the room itself. "I don't care if you care about that," it said on his face.

"Didn't you decide yesterday to ask His Excellency Cigarone for help!

Anyway, don't let Seven "care about it"...... Nato, who thought so, speaks with a stronger tone in order to make him stop what could also be a provocation by Merson.

Because if the face of the Buddha is up to three times, the two of you should not be in the world anymore.

"Of course I'll do it."


"But just in case. I don't think Cigarone alone can fight it. I don't even think Cigarone can seriously help me. Then I will continue to assassinate as much as possible, increase the number of powerful shadows, and look for a killer under heaven. I'll do everything you said. But if you don't, you can't protect the Empire......!

But Merson didn't try to stop the assassination.

In order to protect the empire, I have no choice but to become the next emperor. That's what I'm assuming, so I stick to the elimination of Seven. And the only good opportunity for that was now, somehow, that Seven had no intention of fighting back.

Melson tells himself that attack is the biggest defense.

"Nato, I'll have you set up, too. Look at the gap and mix this with Seven drinks."

"Your Highness... that's it"

"Don't say it. Father has changed. It's too harsh in Cigarone. Light is still naive. There's no one else. I am no better than this Merson Marvel becoming the next emperor."