Chapter 75 Festival

Name:Mirror: Twin Cities Author:Cang Yue
I'm worried. I find it very strange that Master Somo's return this time seems to be different in many places. He actually said that Sunuo was killed by the Kongsang noble..."

"Why? Didn't Sunuo die like this?" Bai Ying asked in surprise.

"Because Master Suno has never lived!" Madam Ruyi squeezed her hand, her body trembled suddenly, as if she felt some inexplicable fear, "Princess Baiying, you didn't know that Master Sumo was born when he was born. How weird-he was born with a huge black spot on his back and huge lumps on his chest and abdomen, which looked terrifying. So he was locked up in Dongshi for more than forty years and suffered humiliation and suffering, and he has never had a buyer. Buy him."

"Forty-odd years..." Bai Ying murmured and repeated, imagining the situation where the shark's baby was being hawked in a cage, and suddenly his body was shocked. On the top of the Garan White Pagoda, for the first time she saw the shark boy who was brought up to play a puppet show, and she guessed what kind of past would make this child have that indifferent expression. However, it was the first time I learned of his life experience.

It turned out that although there were earth-shattering past a hundred years ago, they never really understood each other when they were young.

"At that time, I was taking care of the shark children who were for sale in the East City, treating them like my own children, but in the end I could only watch them being bought one by one-as you know, some of your Kongsang nobles just liked them. Child.” Mrs. Ruyi looked back at the past indifferently, in a calm tone, but such a statement made Bai Ying, who is a Kongsang, ashamed, “But Master Sumo has been imprisoned for more than forty years, and still can’t Get out of the cage. The shark child’s tears are small, and the broken beads are not worth a lot of money. If it weren’t for the consignor to see him with a face that is astonishing, he would have dug out his eyes and made a jade bead! "

"Later the cargo owner found a doctor who wanted to cure Master Somo’s strange disease. The doctor looked at and said that the dark spots on his back could not be eliminated unless he peeled off the entire back; but there was a huge chest and abdomen. The lumps may be cut out." Mrs. Ruyi smiled slightly when she saw Bai Ying's surprised eyes, and raised her hand to make a "cut" posture, "The owner agreed to take a risk, so the doctor took a knife and opened Su. Master Mo’s chest and abdomen, the result—"

Having said this, Mrs. Ruyi still couldn't help shaking her body, her voice lowered."How?" Although knowing that Somo is still alive, Bai Ying still couldn't help asking.

"As a result... From Master Somo's chest and abdomen, I took out a large and **** tumor." Mrs. Ruyi shuddered and continued, "The strange thing is that the tumor is actually in the shape of a newly formed baby! Yes! Hands and feet, as well as eyes and mouth, in the shape of a living child..."

"What?" Bai Ying was surprised, her fingers shook, and then she breathed out and asked quietly, "That's Suno?"

"Yeah." Mrs. Ruyi nodded slightly. "The doctor said, about the time Master Somo was in the mother's womb, there was a twin brother-but the mother's fetal nutrients were not enough, and the twin brothers began to fight, and finally Master Somo survived. Come down. The other one was swallowed by the winner and born together."

"After the tumor was taken out, Master Somo's body returned to that of an ordinary child. But he refused to throw away the fetus, and actually left it as the only toy-I don't know how he kept it. That fetus didn't rot." Mrs. Ruyi sighed and said the last sentence, "Master Sumo named that thing, called Suno, and called his younger brother."

Hearing this explanation, Bai Ying's eyes were still shocked. Suno... is Somo's twin brother? The brother who was swallowed by him in the mother's womb, but was born from his body?

Such a weird twin...

"So I was surprised when I heard Master Sumo said that Arnold was killed by the Kongsang people...Has the memory of Master Young become confused?" Madam Ruyi murmured suspiciously, her face heavy, "Hundred Years" Now, Master Somo has become so strong after returning from Zhongzhou, but there are many things wrong with the whole person... The strangest thing is--"

"Do you think? Do you think that puppet...that puppet is alive?!" Her voice suddenly sharpened, and Bai Ying jumped. Mrs. Ruyi turned around, pulling Bai Ying's sleeve and asked urgently. However, how ordinary people can hold Mingling, her hand fell empty, but she continued to ask, her face pale: "Ano is alive...Ano is alive!"

Bai Ying's eyes also changed, and she lowered her head: "Yes, that puppet... that puppet has his own willpower."——How can I forget, when I first met in the dark room last night, how the puppet was a killer to himself, almost with the hatred of being put to death and then quickly. And that kind of action was not at all controlled by the puppet master himself.

" you think so?" Hearing the other party's answer, Mrs. Ruyi's face became paler, her hands trembling slightly, but she said in a more trembling voice, "That Arnold... That Arnold! You don't know. , He has grown up! I remember that when it was first taken out, it was just over a foot tall-now and now it is twice as tall! He, he will grow up!"

Bai Ying was shocked suddenly and gasped.

"That is no longer just a'crack', but has become a'mirror'!"

——That kind of sentence came to her heart again. Her face was also pale. Zhen Lan... he saw it at a glance.

Already... has been hopeless, and can no longer separate the image from the real body.

"How could this happen?... How could he make himself like this." Muttering to herself, the woman in white seemed to raise her hand in pain, and pressed her eyebrows—there was the cross star that was originally marked by the princess. The red marks had long since disappeared, but the first kinds of poison seemed to penetrate deep into the bone and existed like a brand.

"So..." Mrs. Ruyi looked at Bai Ying, and suddenly knelt down at her feet, begging in a low voice, "Princess Baiying, please save Young Master! Please save Young Master Sumo! Otherwise he will be over!"

"Huh?" Bai Ying looked at the beauty of Yuren with some surprise, and suddenly smiled with emotion, leaned down to Madam Ruyi, and pulled her up: "Tell the wrong person... he is so powerful now, I There is no such ability—madam, no one can save anyone."

Muttering, as if hearing some strange noise, she raised her head and looked towards the northern sky.Under the black night, suddenly a few bright meteors slid down here.

"It's finally here." Bai Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and recognized that they were Lan Xia and Hong Kite who had arrived on a pegasus, as well as a large number of Underworld warriors-Zhen Lan came out to pick her up, but she didn't have anything to do with it. There is no news, the kings in the colorless city are afraid that they will be broken, right? She stopped answering Mrs. Ruyi's request, and looked up at the starry sky calmly.

However, while waiting for her companion to arrive, Bai Ying's face suddenly changed slightly, and she heard another voice in the wind.

It was the sound of countless wings flapping and landing in the dark night, accompanied by a strong weird spirit.

"Bird spirit?" Relying on her spiritual power, she distinguished the dark wings in the dark night, couldn't help but change color, and exclaimed.

Before reaching the entrance of Nancheng Xinyi Square, a strong smell of burnt and blood has come out, making a group of soldiers suffocated and nauseous.

"His grandma's, it's too much." Bringing his men to the battlefield, Chief Guo Yanyun has experienced many battles, but has not yet entered the completely burnt block, but can't help but mutter, "What Zhengtian? The Legion... is simply a mad dog that bites people, not as good as animals!"

"Hush, Chief Soldier, be careful to leak the words and be heard by the upper one." The vice president on one side whispered, but his eyes were also irritated-like burning, killing and looting on his own land, any soldier would have a skyrocket in his heart. Anger. However, without the governor's order, Yao Taishou sternly ordered troops to move. They had a sword in their hands, and they could only sit and watch the people being killed.

Soldiers in the squad were already whispering—some brothers who lived in Nancheng, who could no longer conceal the anger and fear in their hearts when they approached this Shura Field. There was Xinyi Square in front, and the entrance street was close at hand. However, facing the burned home in the dark, the soldiers did not dare to take a step closer, and fell to the ground and wept bitterly.

"Grandma's, get up! Don't be a spoiler, get me up!" Mr. Guo gritted his teeth and kicked the soldiers up with his feet, making a venomous voice, "Go! Go to the rubble and dig out the corpses of parents, wives and children." I don't have any strength at all, is he still a man?"Several soldiers were kicked up, howled, and staggered to their feet and rushed into the battlefield. After the massacre in the daytime, the entire Nancheng was deadly silent, with only a few dark fires that had not been extinguished, and they were jumping in red, making crackling burning sounds. On the windows, on the threshold, and on the street, there were corpses hanging upside down everywhere. The blood had solidified, giving off a stench, accompanied by the smell of fat burning and evaporating in the fire, which made people feel like vomiting.

The soldiers ran towards their home separately, but their legs were already shaking.

Before reaching the door, a soldier was caught by the corpse of his family half a street away. Seeing the expression of the married man who was shot during the run, he could not help falling to the ground holding the corpse and crying.

"His mother's army, Lao Tzu..." Standing in the block, looking at the ruins under the faint firelight, Guo Yanyun's fist was clenched with blood, and he punched a broken wall, crashing a stack of walls. , "Grandma's, I can't bear this tone! It's reversed, just reversed