Qin Jun did not interrupt, but listened patiently. He paid attention to karma for many things. Qi Honglong's current situation must have something to do with some things in those years, so Qin Jun asked.

Qi Honglong sighed and said.

"When I started, what I did was not milk business, but milk powder business. At that time, milk powder was specially supplied to children."

"Unexpectedly, an accident happened in a raw material factory, which led to a batch of substandard milk powder. A group of children had eating problems. When these children were two or three years old, their heads were bigger than normal children. At that time, the media called them big headed dolls."

Qin Jun nodded. Although it was not the news of his time, it was a sensation at that time, so Qin Jun also heard about it.

Qi Honglong continued.

"This matter was originally my main responsibility, but later I found a relationship, found a person to carry the black pot, fought thunder for me, and put me in prison, so I continued to do business outside."

"After switching to the milk business, it became a leading enterprise in the milk industry."

"But as those children grow up, the impact on them will last forever. When I think about it, I feel very guilty. I set up a foundation to make up for these grown-up children, which can be regarded as a comfort for my conscience."

"But as I started to have nightmares a few years ago, my health became worse and worse, and I made more and more money. But I often dream that I made money by stepping on the bodies of those children, and the money was covered with blood."

"Later, every time I had a nightmare, I felt that my life was worse than death. I just wanted to find a place to bump myself to death. Fortunately, my wife saved me in time. Otherwise, I would not have known how many times I had died."

Qin Jun smell speech, nodded, expression has no special, things reasonable, in his expectation.

Many people have done something when they are young, and come to them when they are old.

Qin Jun also learned that Qi Honglong has indeed done a lot of good deeds for so many years. He is also a good man. It is reasonable to say that the debt of that year should be made up. After all, Qi Honglong didn't mean to do it. He just didn't take the responsibility.

Qin Jun said, "I probably understand things, not so big said, these children are just not sensible, you have done enough, Qi always don't have any psychological pressure."

Mrs. Qi asked nervously, "now my husband is like this. How can I solve it?"

Qin jundao, "in fact, it's very simple. Just go to the temple and ask for an amulet."

Qi Madame Leng for a while, "this can be useful?"

It's too common to ask for amulets in temples. Many people have asked for amulets.

As the saying goes, men wear Avalokitesvara and women wear Buddha. Madam Qi invited Qi Honglong many Avalokitesvara. It's useless to wear them around the neck, around the body and around the waist.

Qin jundao said, "of course, it's useful, but you have to ask for the right one. Guanyin is in charge of sending children, regardless of children."

"Go back to the mountain and invite a big belly Maitreya Buddha. It's sure to be useful."

Qi Honglong and Qi Madame all Leng for a while, "this?"

They are really too surprised, invited so many masters are not optimistic, many complex methods are used, even Chongxi are used.

As a result, on the side of Qin Jun, only one Amulet of Maitreya was solved?

Qin Jun smiles, "this is it."

Two husband and wife looked at each other, feel a bit incredible.

"By the way, Lao Qi, I asked for a big belly Maitreya Buddha for you in Wudang Mountain before. At that time, it was to make you rich. It just came in handy!"

"All right, bring it quickly!"

Mrs. Qi rummaged and found a silver Maitreya Buddha and put it on Qi Honglong.