v2 Chapter 278: observation room

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"It turns out that the door was blocked. No wonder no monsters have come over for so long. Wait..." Li Zheng was stunned for a moment, "Why did the footsteps get behind us?"

"Up there!" Xiao Siyuan raised a mysterious declaration, and a ventilation pipe was placed above the passage. At this time, he was trembling due to the chaotic footsteps, and it seemed that it would collapse at any time.


Just as everyone looked up, a sharp bone spur stabbed down from the ventilation pipe, just behind the team.

Fortunately, the length was not enough, and it did not hit anyone in the team.

Without hesitation, Lu Li raised his sniper rifle at the top of the bone spur and fired a bullet.

The slender, iron-like warhead penetrated the ventilation pipe, accurately piercing the monster with bone spurs above it, and a roar sounded in the ventilation pipe.


A harsh metal scratching sound sounded, and the bone spur monster was not killed by a shot, dragged the bone spur to open the ventilation duct, and the dark green sticky liquid flowed down the cut gap.

The members of the team below avoided one after another to prevent contamination with this mucus, for fear that it might contain biochemical viruses.

"That won't work." Li Zheng instantly judged the form, and said to Xiao Ying, "Stay at the door, don't let those monsters rush in, I'll go up!"

"Ow." Sakura nodded, and took Fan Polly to guard the half-open gate.

Fan Polly's pair of iron fists could just pass through the gap in the gate. At this time, he approached, stretched directly to the opposite side, and opened the strange fists.

puff puff~

clap clap ~

A series of chaotic beating sounds indicated the effect of Pink Polly's attack. From the gap of the gate, a large amount of dark green slime could be seen splashing around, and the roars from behind the door continued.

Seeing this, Li Zheng did not delay, started the aircraft, and rose from the ground. The sharp blade tore the ventilation pipe, and the whole person got in.

He wants to stop the monsters in the ventilation pipe from going down, otherwise it may cause damage to three teammates with slightly lower strength.

Breaking into the ventilation duct, the space here is much wider than expected, and it is even wide enough for two sediment trucks to run side by side.

The height is a few pounds and five meters.

The monster pierced through the ventilation duct with bone spurs looks different from the zombies in appearance. The surface of the body is covered with a layer of gray bone armor, and the front of one arm is like a praying mantis, with a long bone blade.

There was a terrifying hole on his body, and a large amount of dark green slime gurgled out of the hole. This was the result of Lu Li's victory.

In addition to this ashes zombie, there are also a large number of ordinary zombies in the ventilation duct. Li Zheng was bitten by several zombies as soon as he emerged.

Fortunately, his reaction ability was extremely fast, and under the guidance of Zhan Zhouzhou's swordsmanship, the scabbard sword threw out the sword light again and again, sweeping away the ordinary zombies around him.

"These zombies are all wearing white coats, are they scientific researchers?" Li Zheng took the opportunity to glance at them. He estimated that these zombies in the ventilation ducts were probably the researchers who hid in when the biochemical virus broke out. Couldn't escape the virus infection.

"Kill the big monster first, before it jumps off!"

Throwing off the mucus on the sword, Li Zheng activated the characteristics of the beholder boots, and instantly appeared three meters away, just in front of the ashes zombie.

The long sword advanced, and Li Zheng wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the opponent's bone blade stuck in the pipe, and take it down in one fell swoop.

"Roar~!" The ashes roared loudly, pulled up the bone blade, and slashed Li Zheng horizontally.

These monsters are not afraid of death, have no thinking ability, only instinct.

If Li Zheng didn't retreat, he would most likely be cut in half by him at the moment of killing the ashes.

"Power Magic · Madness!"

The incarnation of the power demon representing the rage appeared, Li Zheng resisted the attack abruptly, and a sword smoothly plunged into the brain of the ashes zombie.

With a pain in his waist, Li Zheng was knocked back two steps by the ashes zombies, and he swung his long sword horizontally, cutting off the few ordinary zombies that were surrounding him.

Reaching out his hand and wiping it on his waist, there was no blood, not even the skin was scratched, Li Zheng was immediately relieved.

He was afraid that he would be infected by the virus if he suffered a little skin injury. Fortunately, the defense of Limo's incarnation was still very strong, and he was not penetrated.

Hu Hu Hu!

Li was interspersing back and forth in the ventilation duct, and Zhan's swordsmanship was used again and again, ploughing all the zombies.

Making sure that there were no dead ends, Li Zhengcai went back the same way and fell below.

puff puff~

clap clap clap!

Fan Polly was still using his strange punches, and the sound of blows on the other side of the gate didn't stop.

Xiao Siyuan and other long-range attackers were not idle, and took the opportunity to shoot from the gap in the gate, but the effect was not guaranteed.

"Xiao Ying, you two get out of the way!" Li Zheng gave an order, raised his sword and rushed to the gate, swiping it open twice.

The incarnation of the violent demon is holding a diamond-level sheathed sword. Cutting a metal gate is no different from cutting tofu. It is very easy.

Li Zheng lifted his foot and kicked open the debris of the gate. After rushing over, he found that the environment here had changed, and there were many small rooms on both sides of the passage.

A large number of zombies are locked inside, and the door and walls of the small room are made of transparent material similar to glass, which seems to be very fragile, but even those zombies can be prevented from hitting.

"Experimental body observation room?" Li Zheng recognized this kind of house that often appeared in Hollywood sci-fi movies at a glance, and his heart suddenly became awe-inspiring.

Those frogmen in white coats are actually actively creating zombies and detaining them for research!

It's just that for some reason, the virus spread in areas where it shouldn't be, causing the researchers in the entire biochemical laboratory to die collectively and become one of the observed.

The passage, or the corridor, the zombies here have been beaten into meat paste by powder Polly. Stepping on it is sticky and wet, and it feels extremely disgusting to the touch.

"The difficulty of this second-level dungeon doesn't seem to have improved much?" Li Zheng quickly checked the corridor and found a few lone zombies with a sword head.

Soon, only the experimental subjects in the observation room were still able to move in this area. When they saw the living creatures, they roared hoarsely, clinging to the transparent material, staring at Li Zheng, their turbid eyes showing a look of extreme longing. .

"This scene reminds me of the slave era mentioned in the textbook. When the imprisoned slaves saw the heroes who rescued them, they probably behaved like this." Xiao Siyuan crossed the gate and looked at the observation rooms, sighing.

"That's a lot worse Lu Li came over with a sniper rifle. "The slaves want freedom, and what they want is to tear us to pieces, or become one of them. "

Zhan Zhouzhou waited for them to come over before entering here with a complicated expression.

Originally she should be doing Li Zheng's work, but now she is left behind by everyone to protect her, which makes it difficult for her to accept.

"The exploration rate is only 10%, which means that we have not encountered an official attack yet. Maybe the zombies in these rooms are also our target to clean up." Zhan Zhouzhou pointed at a room with his sword and said, "They are all ordinary. Zombies, let's spread out and clean this place to save time."

With that, she went over to open the room.

"Wait!" Li Zheng stopped her.

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