~: Little G was forced to do business

June 2, 2021, Wednesday, April 22 of the lunar calendar, cloudy to moderate rain to light rain to tick rain to overcast

Hello everyone, I'm Little G!

I am here to share my life with you!

I just learned today that a cat owner is called a **** shovel officer.

Those who keep dogs...should be called a **** picker.

This shit-picker in my family has a nickname for himself - the shit-hunting emperor.

He will really put gold on his face and capture the Emperor of Shit. I heard that he has learned electric welding before. If he does not switch to writing novels, will he still call himself "Welding Emperor"?

I listened to catch shit... Bah!

I heard the **** picker say that the husky of my parents' family was taken away!

I heard what the guy who took him back was...emmmmm...

Let me think, what is that profession called?

Can't remember, wait for me to Baidu first!

Oh, the armed police.

Said to be a challenge to train it as a police dog.

Die of laughter, if it can be a police dog, tomorrow I will send the **** picker in for training.

Shit-picker, you are already a mature adult, you should learn to self-strategize, go to report tomorrow, and strive to be on duty next year!

Win glory for the country, honor the ancestors, ancestors ... smoke from the ancestral graves here, I am optimistic about you.

At that time, the lady shoveling officer of the cat boss will definitely treat you differently.

Break away from being single, marry Bai Fumei, and move towards the pinnacle of life.

At that time, you must remember that the ancients once said: Gou rich and noble, do not forget each other!

Hit the cat boss, drive it out of the house, let it live on the streets, and finally be bullied and end up with hatred or something.

Really enjoyed seeing it.

cough cough.

How did you tell the real purpose?

Closer to home, the shit-picking officer seems to be very anxious in the past two weeks, and he always has a lot of words when he goes out for a walk.

It's all things I don't understand.

What: Miscalculation, hard to write without an outline.

Oops, the book is crashing again.

Alas, or a new book has to be opened.

what! No inspiration for the new book!

It's so hard for gold fingers to open their minds!

The world view is so difficult to set up!

The characters are all floating clouds!

some type of.

As a husky, I certainly can't help much with the job of a **** picker.

With a talent, I can only hide from others, write a diary or something, and share my life with others.


Why don't I open a book secretly and write about my daily life of demolition?

I just don't know if those whips will sign me.

I heard the scavenger say that if I don't sign any contract, I can't make money, I can't buy dog ​​food if I can't make money, I'll be hungry if I can't buy dog ​​food. If you can’t tear down your home, you won’t have your daily life. If you don’t tear down your home, you won’t have to write, and if you don’t write, you won’t be able to make money…

Infinite loop?


Let's run away from home tomorrow. The family who keeps Tibetan mastiffs eats well every day. With my ingenuity and intelligence, I will capture the hearts and minds of their shit-pickers in minutes.

At that time, the car, beef jerky, and big bones are all me!

Wa hahaha!

and many more!

The **** picker seems to be up, I'll go see what he's doing?

The shit-picker said he was hungry and was ordering takeout.

It seems to have ordered an Italian restaurant of some kind.

Their steak is delicious, and the taste is very good. The last time I picked up a steak, I packed it back, and I chewed it for three days before chewing it.

It is forbidden to bite more than a molar stick.

If I could eat a piece of that kind of steak every day, I believe that even if the shit-pickers couldn’t support me one day, I would still be able to find a way out on the streets with this sharpened tooth.

At that time, I will not forget the hard work of picking up the **** officer and give him some food.

Don't say it, I'll go point the molar stick...

Oh no, I ordered a few steaks of salsa or something.

and many more!

The shit-picker uses a computer

? ? ? ? ? ?

what the hell? ? ? ?

And writing this **** when I'm not paying attention? ? ? ?

Grandma's is actually better than mine? ?

Today, some people say that Xiao G's writing is better than the main text. I will send it to the Armed Police Brigade tomorrow to give it a thorough renovation.

Little G, little G, you are already a mature husky, it is time to learn to earn dog food money by yourself.

Fight for the job next year, go search with me!

——Catch the **** emperor, it's very long!

- At the strong request of the dog, signed: bald dog little G.

By the way, the G of the small G is actually the initials of the pinyin for dogs.

Pronounce ge.