Translated by Coke

Edited by Joh

From An Wuyang’s internal disposition, he was absolutely prepared to lose his chastity from the moment he realized that he had consumed a stained wine. In all seriousness, he indeed didn’t have a strong view about chastity, but it also didn’t imply that he was a casual person.

If he hadn’t been purposely tricked by some mere pervert, he probably wouldn’t end up in bed alone with someone. 

Without waiting for Huo Yunchuan to respond, An Wuyang resigned himself to his fate and propped himself up, looking for his phone.

“What are you doing?” Huo Yunchuan deeply misinterpreted An Wuyang’s sudden actions and assumed he was actually going to find someone. His brows immediately met in the middle, could it really be that unbearable?

‘Is it possible that this youngster, who appeared to be very young, is already a veteran in this field?’

Inexplicably, Huo Yunchuan felt a burst of anger.

He always loathed people with unrestrained private lives and those who had engaged in a plethora of people at such a young age.

An Wuyang, oblivious to the thoughts racing through the mind of the man next to him, powerlessly fell back to the bed, hands, and feet spread out, and asked in a low voice, “Call my phone…inform my classmate Fatty…” 

Fortunately, An Wuyang was able to express his concern loudly enough to be heard and clearly: “Tell them…don’t wait for me…” 

Huo Yunchuan’s face finally seemed to relax a little. When he finally picked up the youngster’s cell phone, the involved party unexpectedly added, “By the way…find me a man who is clean. I’m about to die..”

“…” The man’s grim expression darkened all of a sudden. Huo Yunchuan stood up and walked to the side of the room to make a phone call. 

As soon as the call was connected, he briefly explained the situation and then disconnected the line.

As for the boy’s second request, Huo Yunchuan felt quite sorry as it is improbable for him to find someone now that he wasn’t in the mood to do so and had no channels.

But if the boy really couldn’t endure it any longer…

He exasperatedly loosened off his tie, turned around with a frosty expression on his face, and walked back towards the side of the boy. 

When the imposing figure presented itself before his eyes, An Wuyang breathed a sigh of relief, and was finally freed from his worldly worries. 

“…” But he soon discovered that this was all a misconception!!

Some men even had it rough and wanted to die than other men!

No, it’s not just dying once, but incessantly dying!

‘Inhuman…animal…hypocrite.’ An Wuyang gazed at the man on top of him with dimmed soulless eyes full of accusation, feeling the constant jolting and thrusting of the shrewd staff inside of him, and also experiencing the painful taste of dying and coming back to life.

Huo Yunchuan primarily intended to just gamble a  sigh of relief at the beginning and didn’t leave to think about making it to the end.

Merely that what followed afterward spiraled out of control.

‘I foolishly allowed myself to indulge several times in a row and did something that violated the principle.’

When it was over, An Wuyang’s body, which had been brutally racked by pain, seamlessly fell asleep without managing to move his fingers and remained still in the initial position he was in.

When Huo Yunchuan saw the aftereffects of the exhausting activity, his vision suddenly moved past the covers and saw the shocking traces of their actions accentuated by the hotel light. His eyes grew large and still for a moment as if pondering life: “…” He didn’t realize how rude he was just now. After all, he was blinded and controlled by his unprecedented rage. And it’s the first time he’d engaged in this type of sexual activity; aside from being cautious and gentle, he doesn’t approve of other domineering behaviors in bed.

But the undisguised fact was in front of him: he had harmed the other party.

“…” Huo Yunchuan pursed his lips firmly. He looked at the time and saw that it was still a few minutes before one o’clock in the morning. He dragged himself out of bed, changed into his discarded clothes, and dashed downstairs. 

He spent some time walking around the streets looking before successfully locating the most nearby 24-hour drugstore.

Then entered the drugstore and walked to the counter, asking for an ointment for reducing swelling and relieving pain.

Without hesitation, he also asked: “Can I use it if there is a broken skin or wound?”

He wasn’t sure if there were any wounds in the other party’s most tormented area, so he had to ask with extreme caution.

“Yes,” the clerk replied, inadvertently passing her eyes on the bite mark on Huo Yunchuan’s neck and being almost certain that the customer had purchased the ointment for its usefulness. When she noticed her face was getting hot, she offered the condoms she had in stock and asked, “Mister, do you also need condoms and KY?”

Huo Yunchuan’s face turned blue and white as he remembered not using a condom and even more so the KY “No need,” he hurriedly paid for the ointment and rushed out of the drugstore, his voice bitingly cold and resolute. 

{T/N: probably a brand of lubricant? Comment down who knows what a KY is ahhh}

It was past two o’clock in the morning when he returned to the hotel. 

With warm water delivered to their room, a towel was soaked in for a few minutes to warm it up. Wringing the warm towel off of unnecessary water, he wiped the other party’s body clean and smeared on the ointment. It was three o’clock in the morning.

After doing all that needed to be done, Huo Yunchuan was finally able to lay down beside the sleeping youngster, but he was far from sleepy. After all, the shock he received was not significantly less than that of the boy sleeping soundly beside him, if not greater…

Everyone must have known that before this day, the wealthy young master from the wealthy aristocratic family had not even considered the possibility of being gay himself. 

And it turned out that he didn’t despise the body of the same sex after all. 

Even after closing both of his eyes shut, he couldn’t help but relive the invigorating mood of the previous fierce battle, as well as the…performance of the other party.

“…” Huo Yunchuan couldn’t bear the thought of separating himself from the young man, ensuring that he didn’t inadvertently subject the other party to the same type of activity was too devastating to endure.

Just a moment ago when he was applying the ointment on the other party, he saw a more serious bruise, and at that moment he immediately doubted himself whether he was perverted.

With this complicated thought, Huo Yunchuan’s face turned red and blue. And for quite a time, the spirit of sleepiness finally dawned on him as he slept soundly on the bed together with An Wuyang.

He kept a regular schedule for managing his work and rest, so he rarely went to bed later than one o’clock in the morning. Otherwise, his biological clock would be thrown off its course, and he would be unable to get up early the following morning.

An Wuyang, who had just finished the college entrance examination, awoke refreshed after a restful night’s sleep. He would always wake up before or around 7 a.m., no matter what time he went to bed the night before. Then go to school when it’s time to go to school and get back to sleep after the long hours of studying. 

This morning, An Wuyang awakened on the bed as usual, but with a “Fuck.” He discovered that his entire body ached as if he had been run over by a car the night before. No part of his body was left with strength, especially his hands and feet, which were all achingly limp. 

‘Even my mouth hurts…’

It took An Wuyang more than ten seconds after being hit by the waves of terrible anguish to be dumbly hit again by the ashamed wave of last night’s happenings, and he abruptly lifted his palms to cover his sour eyes as if that would eradicate the deeply engraved memories of yesterday night’s.

“Ah…” I want to die!

‘When I was under the influence of drugs, I didn’t feel that there was anything wrong with spending the night alone rolling in bed with someone. But when I finally satisfied my physical desires and entered back to the virtuous sage state, I, right away, disliked it!’

This should be a common problem for all men.

An Wuyang, who was only eighteen years old, thought. But he was a real man, through and through. 

After sitting up, which had taken practically all of his power, he turned his head and glanced at the man next to him. The sleeping face had such lovely characteristics, such as a taller-than-average nasal bridge, he was simply handsome!

But this didn’t prevent An Wuyang from rolling his eyes at him, because no matter how heaven-defyingly attractive this man was, it still couldn’t mask up his innate nature of being a beast. Seeing the various sizes of discolorations the old fool made on his body, it nearly appeared as if his skin had turned into a palette.

“Beast…” his sore muscles hurt even more when he attempted to move out of the bed. 

Without wasting time, he quickly looked around for his clothes, and successfully found the entire set placed on the sink of the bathroom.

After putting it on, he scurried out from the hotel fleeing it as if it were a plague

Because it was just seven o’clock, there weren’t many people out walking on the streets.

As the frigid morning air washed over him, An Wuyang took a deep breath, pulling his shirt snugly against his body, and reached for his pants pocket. 

There wasn’t much money that could be seen in his wallet, merely two pieces of one hundred bills. 

That was originally the amount that An Wuyang planned to share with everyone last night. An Wuyang strolled over slowly on the sidewalk as he remembered it, sending a text message to Fatty: “Man, how much was each person’s portion last night? I’ll give it to you as soon as I pass by.”

He placed his phone away and focused on walking, believing that his classmate most likely was not awake at this time.

With a ding-dong, An Wuyang’s heart constricted at the unexpected sound, just like a frightened little bird.

“Animal…” he stroked his chest carefully, attempting to calm his frantically beating heart while silently berating the man who mistook the reflection of a bow in the cup for a snake [1].

—Dude, we didn’t split the bill. It was paid in full by a local tyrant.

—So good, who was it?

—Xie Rong, that kid, his family is rich.

—How was that girl last night?


When he saw Fatty’s response, he knew there was nothing good he could say about it. An Wuyang wasn’t the type of guy who would uncover someone’s scars out of curiosity. He smiled and put his phone away before deciding to eat a small breakfast in a stall set up on the side of the road and retrieving one of the two hundred notes as payment.

“Thanks.” An Wuyang carefully tucked away the pile of change handed to him by the seller. He then took two pennies from his wallet, went to the next bus station, paid his travel cost, and boarded a public bus that would take him to his family’s home situated in the old city district.

He was an alley kid who grew up in this old city district. His family was neither impoverished nor wealthy, but an ordinary well-off family.

Ahead of him, there was a surprisingly talented sister who was presently enrolled in a prominent school, and after him was a smart younger brother who had successfully accelerated up two levels this year and was enrolled in a prestigious school’s affiliated middle school.

It was said that the second child wasn’t wholly humiliating, and this was accurate.

An Wuyang’s parents were also perplexed as to how the eldest and third children were smarter than the least preferred one – which was the type of children who would become the society’s outstanding individuals in the future, and unfortunately, it wasn’t the second child’s place.

Even if you didn’t have a particularly high IQ and weren’t entirely accepted in the society’s behavioral conduct, you’d still have skin from head to toe that looked the same on everyone.  The character wasn’t comically incompetent, but it wasn’t really endearing either. In any case, even if it was ordinary and lacked significant strong features, it would be difficult to find serious shortcomings.

The retired couple’s hopes were totally dependent on the family’s eldest and youngest children. They normally kept a close check on the two children and provided them with adequate assistance while they worked to earn a living, for fear that the two young talents would deviate from the correct path.

The control over An Wuyang, on the other hand, was not overly stringent. He could lose a few points in the examinations without being chastised afterward. And if he wanted to go out and play, he could, as long as he returned home at the appropriate hour.

This was An Wuyang’s first time not returning home for the night. As a result, he was a little frightened when he entered through the door.

However, he was the only one who overthinks. He came at eight o’clock, and his parents didn’t get started until half-past nine. They hadn’t even gotten out of bed yet.

An Wuji, the youngest and third child, was doing his homework in the living room. When he spotted his elder brother, he raised his head and faintly called out a greeting.

“En, studying so early?” Because it was only his brother who happened to chance upon him, An Wuyang loosened up his stiff muscles and stood in the entrance hall to change his shoes.

“It’s almost over,” stated An Wuji.

“Oh,” An Wuyang, this mediocre student, became ashamed as he remembered his younger brother’s passion for accelerating levels and quietly murmured, “Then I will leave immediately to my room and sleep, so I won’t disturb you.”

“En,” An Wuji replied, as though he was completely focused on his studies.

Due to a lack of available rooms at home, the two brothers were forced to share in a room with a bunk bed.

The older brother slept on the higher bunk, while the younger brother slept on the bottom bunk.

Today, however, was different, An Wuyang was unable to climb up to his bed and sleep, so he slept on his brother’s bed instead.

When An Wuji came in half an hour later to fetch something, he noticed An Wuyang curled up on his bed like a shrimp.

This eleven-year-old top student in junior high school’s second grade, with such a cool and attractive face, strolled over to his bed and pulled up the quilt to cover his sluggish older brother, who couldn’t even take care of himself.