Chapter 510: Mr. Su came to pick up the people in person

Chapter 510 Old Su came to pick up someone in person

He raised his head.

Wei Ling looked over with contempt, and deliberately asked him casually: "Cai Ju, Wei Qi was beaten to a grade ten disability, how do you say this should be judged?"

The level of disability refers to the degree of disability of a person. It is determined according to the severity of the disability. The general disability is divided into grades one to ten.

Tenth-degree disability sounds very serious, but first-degree disability is the heaviest.

Level ten is similar to minor injuries.

Many times, it is difficult for the hospital to determine whether the injured is a grade 10 disability or a minor injury. The serious point of a minor injury can be written as a grade 10 disability. If the grade 10 disability is lighter, it can also be written as a minor injury.

But in terms of the result, if Wei Qi is only slightly injured, then Qiao Nian does not constitute an offence, and only needs to pay an apology.

If Weiqi is disabled, it would be hard to say.

Wei Ling was precise on this point, so she found someone to send Wei Qi to the provincial hospital, and got a new injury appraisal result. Originally, she wanted to make Wei Qi’s situation a little more serious in the report, but I don’t know how Qiao Nian did it. The Provincial Hospital refused to write it down anyway, telling her that she could issue an identification result of a tenth degree disability at most. , Otherwise it's a minor injury...

She came to her senses, did not continue to think about it, and said in a deep voice: "You said before that you could not close the case hastily without investigation. Now that the injury has been identified, Wei Qi was beaten and disabled. I don't like embarrassing others. , I want a statement now, and you can tell me, can you close the case and give my brother a fair deal?"

"This one…"

Closing the case definitely cannot be closed, and closing the case is tantamount to admitting Qiao Nian's crime of intentional assault.

Cai Gang was pressed by her step by step. I really don’t know what reason to find to excuse Qiao Nian, but he must find a way to save Qiao Nian. He whispered: "The result of the appraisal from the city hospital was a minor injury, Madam Shen. The appraisal result you gave is another grade ten disability, and I don’t know which hospital’s result shall prevail..."

"It seems that Cai Ju doesn't shed tears after not seeing the coffin." Wei Ling snorted coldly and said; "Don't go in circles with me, I am not such a deceitful person. According to your regulations, the result of a higher-level hospital must be Quasi. The result of the Provincial Hospital says that Wei Qi is disabled, that is, it is a disability. If you don't even handle such a simple case, I will only let someone who can handle it!"

She meant to transfer Qiao Nian away.

"No!" Cai Gang didn't want to stand up and object.

Wei Ling gave him enough face. Seeing that he doesn’t make money, she would protect Qiao Nian. She didn’t want to waste time with him. She just planned to tell Wei Dongshan that Wei Dongshan would find someone to replace Cai Gang...

I saw Wei Dongshan hurriedly entering, his face was not very good-looking.

"what's happenin?"

Wei Dongshan quickly walked up to her, his face turned blue. He first glanced at Cai Gang on the side, then looked at her, a little wilted, and said: "Su Lao is here, the car is outside, and I want to take that Qiao Nian away. …"

He really saw a ghost today. How could Mr. Su make a special trip for an ordinary high school student, and when he talked to him, he had a very tough attitude, and there was no room for negotiation. Even if he raised Qiao Nian by himself After wounding Wei Qi, the other party didn't care, and was not afraid of making enemies with Wei's family. It was just that kind of attitude, magnanimous!

Wei Ling didn't react yet, she frowned, "Which Old Man Su?"

"Su Huaiyuan."

He said a name, and Wei Ling was stunned for an instant.

Wei Dongshan looked at her distraughtly, with obscure eyes: "Isn't she an ordinary female high school student, how can she know Su Lao?"

Gu San: No, no, you are innocent. I used to be as innocent as you. When you grow up, you will understand. You know that sister not only knows Lao Su... but also many people you don't know.

(End of this chapter)