Since the emergence of luanzhi, there have been calls of alarm around.

Black hair, black eyes, perfect figure, mysterious breath constantly attract all people's eyes, this special charm is not comparable to others.

Take care of other people's blonde hair, blue eyes, sharp facial features, at this time to see Luan Zhi, is more amazing!

It is said that the original design of the designer is for the Europeans. When Luan Zhi appeared, others were worried that she could not show the designer's idea and even become incoherent.

But now, all the worries and fears in everyone's heart have been overturned!

Many people at the same time found that luanzhi in front of them and their memory, some different.

More mature, introverted, not as sharp as before.

Even in such an international stage, luanzhi is also fully able to control.

Perfect and solid steps, step by step.

All eyes fell on her, unwilling to move away.

Wen Tiantian's eyes are slightly bright, and they are also amazing.

Until she stepped down, everyone was immersed in the memories just now.

Some people who do not know the disorderly command have begun to ask others who the people on the stage are.

There are journalists, media and other designers.

Designers regard their own design as their own children. If they can find a satisfied person, it is best to express the design concept accurately.

At this point to see luanzhi, ready to move.

One heard that the other party is luanzhi, also very surprised.

Luan Zhi as a supermodel, many people have heard her name, but some designers have no sense of her.

Until now, it is finally seen that the plasticity of her temperament.

The really powerful supermodels can not only express the designer's idea perfectly, but also help them get new inspiration!

You can meet but you can't ask for it.

Seeing this scene, Wen Tiantian is equally happy in her heart.

Looking up, I just saw Irene standing beside the stage.

She looked at Luan Zhi's performance on the T-stage, watching her attract people's eyes, got everyone's affirmation, is even more angry to gnash teeth.

Although Irene is today's slender opening model, but because Luan Zhi's appearance, instantly took away the light on her body.

Everyone is discussing luanzhi's comeback.

She can even imagine, wait until tomorrow's news comes out, certainly all is Luan Zhi, will not have her position!

Irene worked hard for a year's achievements, just a few days, will be surpassed by Luan Zhi!

How can she be reconciled?

A see Luan Zhi has begun to change the second set of clothes, she took the gap, in the background to look for.

Must not let Luan Zhi continue, otherwise, his position, will soon be replaced by her!

Luanzhi's first appearance in the past, wentiantian began to look forward to her second performance.

It's a pity that Min'an song can't come today. Otherwise, we can let Min'an song have a look. At that time, it will be amazing!

Thinking, Wen Tiantian couldn't help laughing.

Ji Jingchen on one side saw him and inquired: "what's the matter? What are you laughing at? "

Wen Tiantian turned her head and whispered, "I think of Min'an song."


Ji Jingchen lowered his voice and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"So Mrs. Ji and I are sitting together and thinking about other people?"

When Wen Tiantian heard this, she was stunned for a moment and said with a smile: "I don't mean that. I mean, if Min'an song is on the scene today, she will be bewildered by luanzhi now."

"Even so, you can't think about it." Ji Jingchen is very domineering.

Warm sweet helpless.

This man, even now, as long as he meets other people's affairs, he will become very domineering.

Moreover, Ji Jingchen is not alone now. Even Ji Youqing, who is sitting in his arms, does not know when he learned from Ji Jingchen. He is very domineering.

At ordinary times, although there are not too many emotional changes on his face, he is very indifferent to everything.

But as long as a warm sweet thing, it will be completely changed.

At this time to see two people chatting, is not willing to be lonely, babbling up.

Although I know the other party can't understand, I will not give up like this.

Wentiantian's face is slightly red, and the temperature also rises.

Looked around, saw no one to see, then whispered to Ji Jingchen: "don't worry, my heart, can only put you and Qing."

Did not expect Ji Jingchen to hear this sentence, but also dissatisfied.

"If you have me, you can kick this kid out, you don't have to put it in it."

When I heard this, I was in a hurry.

"Babbling!" He complained discontentedly.Ji Jingchen ignored and directly suppressed by force.

"What? Not at all? "


Ji and Qing's tone is more aggressive, dare to challenge Ji Jingchen!

Ji Jingchen just said lightly: "I advise you to give up as soon as possible. This is my daughter-in-law. If you want someone to put you in your heart, you can go to someone else."

Even for a child less than one year old, Ji Jingchen's jealousy did not decrease at all, and he swore his own ownership.

Over his head, he turned to Ji Qing again.

Wen Tiantian is amused by the interaction between the two people.

At this time, Ji and Qing are so pathetic that they can't bear to bully.

"Come on, don't bully Xiao you Qing."

With that, she reached for Ji and Qing.

Who knows Ji and Qing looked at her, but did not move. Instead, he drew close to Ji Jingchen's clothes and shook his head.


It's warm, sweet, and confused. "What did he say?"

Ji Jingchen slightly raised the corner of his mouth, with a smile in his eyes.

"He let me hold it, you concentrate on watching Luan Zhi's performance."

Wentiantian inquired about Ji and Qing and finally gave up when she saw that he was really unwilling to let her hold her.

Forget it, Ji and Qing usually stick to themselves, and now they are willing to get close to Ji Jingchen, which is quite good.

Thinking about it, he turned his head and continued to watch the performance.

At this time, Ji Jingchen raised his hand and gently touched Ji and Qing's head.

"You are good."

Ji and Qing nodded.

Wen Tiantian is in the competition during this period of time. Most of the restoration of cultural relics is meticulous work. Sometimes, he has to contact the magnifying glass, which tests the dexterity of the restorer's fingers.

Since the beginning of preparing for the competition, Master Chu made special efforts to tell her not to take the weight, so as not to lose the accuracy of her hands.

Wentiantian always abides by it, but as long as she meets Ji and Qing, she will forget about it.

Just now Ji Jingchen's worry is also true, in order to warm sweet competition, but also temporarily do not let her hold better.

Ji and Qing of course also know this, so just now just refused wentiantian.

He sat in Ji Jingchen's arms, bulging his cheeks.

In order to numb and numb, he reluctantly let his father hold it. A proud look.