In the castle.

As Ji and Qing grew up day by day, their small, round faces were often stiff, much like Ji Jingchen when he was a child.

The housekeeper, like his own grandson, runs after Ji and Qing every day.

Even more, the cook was afraid of melting in her mouth and holding it in the palm of her hand for fear of being exposed to the sun. 24 hours a day, always ready to make delicious food for young master.

Because Ji and Qing once drank her soup and laughed for a second or two.

Wentiantian also teaches Ji and Qing to talk again and again every day, and Ji and Qing are even more closed.

Now good, do not cry, do not speak, smile is also stingy to one.

If it was not for the doctor's repeated examination that there was no problem with his vocal cords, Wen Tiantian would almost have thought that Ji and Qing were really in trouble.

Just after lunch, wentiantian takes Ji and Qing to the yard to bask in the sun.

Ji Jingchen specially asked people to prepare a small blanket, which just covered the child, just for a rest.

The old castle covers a large area, and the surrounding lawn is trimmed neatly. At this time, in early summer, it is green and relaxing.

Large gardens surround the castle, the rose garden, various rockery pools, the place where the castle wall is attached, and a small house which is already luxurious for dogs.

It's the mansion of little dog that wentiantian bought back for Ji and Qing.

After a period of emotional training, Ji and Qing have some differences in the little dog, no longer directly ignore.

But the occasional play is just mutual company.

Even petting the dog's action, that situation is rare, if there is, that day's dinner must be more abundant.

Wen Tiantian puts Ji and Qing aside and continues to read.

It is the first time for her to see the black porcelain given by Mr. Peng this time. She must study it carefully.

Xiao and Qing have been able to climb now, but rarely can move.

Every time wentiantian wants to see him climb over, he has to coax thousands of coax to succeed.

Just came out, after a while, the little dog sniffed his nose and came out of the doghouse, shaking his head and tail to look at the owner.

"You Qing, New York hasn't eaten yet."

New is the new name of the poodle.

Wen Tiantian took a bag of dog food from the housekeeper's hand, took Ji and Qing's hand and said to him:

"Qing Qing, do you want to give him a try

Pointing to a bowl in the corner, Wen Tiantian wants to see if Ji and Qing can understand her.

Unfortunately, Ji and Qing just took a glance.

However, New York was quite active in running over, took his bowl and put it on the ground, looking forward to Ji and Qing.

Ji and Qing seized a handful of dog food and scattered it in the bowl.

There were only a few of them, and he finished in the blink of an eye.

"Come on, let's feed new together." Wentiantian squatted down, holding Ji and Qing's hands, and poured some dog food into the bowl together.

Holding the soft hand in the palm, warm and sweet some daze.

There are some chickens in the yard, chirping and rushing to grab dog food.

Ji and Qing rush forward, the small short leg kicks, frightens the chickens to flee, he finally giggles twice, and then chases the chicken away.

Wen Tiantian heard Ji and Qing's laughter, and felt relieved.

Ji and Qing are chasing the chicken. At this time, the automatic irrigation system in the garden is turned on, and the sprinkler head is spinning, and the cool spring is coming out.

Ji and Qing just ran to a place, the water fell on his head, he stopped.

Wen Tiantian looked at it and rushed forward to carry him to the place where the water couldn't reach. The sun is just right here.

"Don't move here."

Looking at his head full of water, Wen Tiantian turns around and runs back to the hall. She remembers a towel on the sofa.

Ji and Qing, who was drenched with water, did not cry. Instead, his eyes were fixed on the shadow of a landscape tree, where a shadow flashed by.

Ji and Qing want to go and have a look. As soon as they raise their feet, they think of Wen Tiantian's words and ask him not to move.

I can only keep staring at that place.

Wentiantian wiped the water of Ji and Qing, and the small curly hair was rubbed in disorder.

The little guy dodged his mother's claws, but wentiantian was addicted to it, laughing to scratch his creaky nest.

Ji and Qing pursed their ruddy lips.

"Hey. I don't believe it. "

Wentiantian put her fingers in her mouth and gasped, and went on itching him.

Ji and Qing held back a smile, dodged left and right, and finally couldn't hold on and burst out laughing happily.

The housekeeper and the cook looked out through the French windows of the hall. The mother and son in the yard were holding each other and laughing happily.

Two people look at each other, also tacit understanding smile.

That night, wentiantian cooked fish soup in a good mood, using fish without spines. Ji and Qing could also drink it.Ji Jingchen looks at Ji and Qing, who is buried in the soup. He speaks slowly with a straight face and gives a thumbs up to wentiantian.

I haven't drunk the sweet fish soup for a long time, and the taste is still so delicious.

It's all in the light of Ji and Qing.

Ji Jingchen was very angry. He had complained about wentiantian's coquetry before, and wanted to drink the fish soup she made by herself.

It was the next day, but as soon as he tasted it, he knew it was the cook's handwriting.

And Wen Tiantian is busy picking clothes for Ji and Qing.

He shook his head and drank the soup from the bowl.

Because the opposite Ji and Qing have finished drinking their own, and handed the bowl to the side of wentiantian, want to drink another bowl.

To see his son so appreciative to drink a bowl, wentiantian gave him a small half bowl.

Ji Jingchen also dried the soup in the bowl and put the bowl in front of Wen Tiantian.

He motioned to her to serve the soup, too.

The soup was in the middle of the two, but he wanted to serve it himself.

Wen Tiantian smiles helplessly and scoops him a bowl. The vinegar jar on the opposite side is satisfied.

"Don't make a sound when eating."

Ji Jingchen listens to Ji and Qing's gurgling voice when he drinks soup, and opens his mouth with a straight face.

Although Ji Yuqing can't speak, he can clearly understand the attitude of the other party and even understand some words.

The eyes shrunk for a while, the movement of drinking soup is much smaller.

"Sit up straight and keep your chest up."

Ji Jingchen then opened his mouth and corrected his sitting posture.

But Ji and Qing are only half-year-old now. Although they can climb, it is really difficult to sit upright

Wentiantian was just about to persuade him. When he heard the words, Jing ran ran really slowly straightened out his chest and his back collapsed straight.

Wen Tiantian gave Ji Jingchen a look of disapproval, but did not open her mouth to refute.

When Ji and Qing fell asleep, Ji Jingchen pulled wentiantian to explain:

"do you think I'm too strict with you?"

Wentiantian nods and is still angry about it.

So much for a kid, so tough?

"He's still young." "You have to educate as a child." He started to scratch the tip of her nose with his index finger, which was an intimate act between the two people. Every time Ji Jingchen shaved her nose like this, her anger was completely eliminated.