Hula --

the quilt originally used to cover the body was taken away, and the warm, sweet, smooth and white skin was exposed to the air.

She jumped to her feet and rushed straight to the bathroom.

Just ran a few steps, the hand did not touch the door, Ji Jingchen long arm a fishing, directly held the person back.

Wen Tiantian's eyes flash, and when she reacts, she goes back to bed.

The soft mattress hit her in front of her, and when her sight returned to normal, she saw Ji Jingchen standing in front of her.

He was naked, and his face was flushed and his heart beat.

Wentiantian shrank back, pitifully reaching for the quilt on the bed, trying to cover herself.

Before she touched a corner of the quilt, Ji Jingchen suddenly reached out and grabbed the quilt directly.

Wen Tiantian shook her head and put her hand back on her chest.

White tender toes because of shyness a little bit red, the face also has a flush.

Yesterday, I didn't know when Ji Jingchen had dragged her to. She was already exhausted. But I didn't expect that Ji Jingchen would wake up as soon as she woke up this morning before she could open her eyes.

Sleepy and tired, forced to accept Ji Jingchen's gentleness.

Wentiantian wants to cry without tears. How can anyone force marriage like this?

Remembering Ji Jingchen said before that he could stay on the island for two days, it seems that he has already been prepared.

Let her trapped on the island, can not escape, two days, if she has not agreed, must have been in dire straits.

No one will come here at ordinary times, let alone save her.

Seeing Ji Jingchen in front of his eyes, he is warm, sweet and angry.

Did he really think that he would give in?

"Sweet? Why not

He opened the small black box in his hand, and a shining diamond ring came into his eyes.

The huge pink diamond is surrounded by more than ten tiny pink diamonds, which are shining everywhere.

As soon as it was opened, the whole room seemed to brighten up in an instant.

But wentiantian turned her head.

"No, as the ancients said, wealth can't be lewd, flat key can't be used, and power can't be..."

Before she finished, Ji Jingchen put the ring on the table, leaned forward, and pressed Wentian under his body.

It seems that the eyes of the sweet eyes will be scalded.

Wentiantian opened her eyes and looked at him, Leng Leng, she was pressed on the bed again.

From the forehead to the tip of the nose, from the corner of the mouth to the earlobe, the kiss is like being held in the hand.

Wen Tiantian frowned slightly and her voice became intermittent.

"Mighty Power cannot Oh Ji Jingchen... "

The voice gradually dropped down and was soon covered by the sweet and greasy breath.

At this time, it was on their island, and no one could disturb them.

Wen Tiantian indulges in the sweetness woven by Ji Jingchen, but is dissatisfied in her heart.

There are always a hundred ways for an insidious businessman to achieve his goal.

By all means, even if you sell your body, you have to get an answer.

From time to time a voice of inquiry came from the room.

"I love you, sweetie."

“…… I love you, too. "

"Marry me?"


Long and sweet punishment grinds people's nerves, and wentiantian keeps the last trace of soberness.

The seesaw war is still going on.

From the morning to the afternoon, until Wentian fell asleep, there was no compromise.

Ji Jingchen looked at the body has fallen into a deep sleep, suddenly some helpless.

Wentiantian also has a bright red cheek, eyes with a little tear marks, the body is full of indescribable traces.

Even in sleep, it seems that there is something bad, slightly frowning.

Ji Jingchen silently smile, even himself did not think that wentiantian's willpower is so strong.

No matter he is intimidated or seduced, the other party is not affected.

It seems that on the ferris wheel, he dug a hole for himself. I don't know when Tiantian will be able to calm down.

No, even if you don't agree?

He spent his whole life with her and put the ring on her hand.

Ji Jingchen slightly lowered his head and gently touched his brows.

Originally slightly frowned eyebrows slowly released, fell into a sleep.

Ji Jingchen then picked up the people and sent them to the bathroom to clean them up carefully and carefully.

Changed the bed sheet by hand, let wentiantian continue to rest.

He turned out of the bedroom and went to the kitchen.As soon as I turn around, I can see the obvious scratches on his back. They are all the marks left by Wentian when she moves.

This is a desolate island. There are only two of them on the island. Even ships can't get close to it, let alone be seen.

Ji Jingchen casually clear, waist hanging a towel, directly into the kitchen cooking.

After dinner yesterday, they set out to cross half the earth to come here.

Breakfast has been missed, isothermal sweet must wake up very hungry.

There was no one on the island, and the cooking fell to Ji Jingchen.

There is a saying good, to seize a person's new, first to grasp her stomach.

Since coercion is not successful, how about inducement?

There is enough food for two people in the villa for a week, so don't worry.

Looking at the food in the refrigerator, Ji Jingchen frowned and finally took out the fish.

Wentiantian is still in her sleep.

I don't know how long after, she was awakened by the smell of food.

As soon as I opened my eyes, my stomach growled in protest.

She had just moved for a moment, but she felt all over her body and all her limbs were weak.

Then, the picture of last night appeared in my mind, and two blushes quickly flew up on my cheeks.

Fortunately, Ji Jingchen was not in the room. Wen Tiantian recovered quickly, looked around and sat up with difficulty.

The aroma of food in the air is more attractive, which makes people move their fingers.

She crumpled her small face, kneaded her waist, and stood up, feeling that her legs were as soft as two noodles.

Looking for a circle, but did not see their own clothes, Wen Tiantian had to open the wardrobe.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw that there were more than ten skirts in it.

They are the same size as Jingtian.

But after a close look, we found that these skirts are not deep V long skirts, or miniskirts, and some of the fabric is also frightening.

Wentiantian's face is red. Usually Ji Jingchen would like to wrap her from head to toe. Now how has it changed?

She chose again and again, and finally found a knee skirt, short sleeves, which she could accept.

One side knead sour and soft waist, looking for the flavor out of the bedroom, soon found the kitchen.