Chapter 378

Name:Legend of Valoran Author:Mo Yi Zu
It's hard to breathe, but Ye Feng finds out that it's sylvier. He looked at her unnaturally, not knowing how to explain.

She quickly glanced at the three arilia, who were still wrestling with the shadow.

"I'll leave it to me next."

Smelling the confident words of sylvier, rob was slightly unhappy. "Do you think you will be my opponent now?" he said

"Do you know how funny you look now He did not answer, but made a few teasing.

Robbed by shivell, his chest burning with anger, he snapped: "I this is the highest state of the unity of man and shadow, what do you know?"

Shivell faced robbery head to head, with a confident smile on his face, and said, "I'll tell you so. I want to take Ye Feng down the mountain today, so I'll ask you if you agree?"

"Shall I say no?" Shivell's arrogant tone completely angered rob, and his breath became furious.

"Call until you agree!"

At the same time, he threw a whirling cross blade without saying a word, choosing to start first.

I didn't expect that before he finished speaking, he made a startling cut in the chest by the cross blade.

"Ah I will kill you

's terror sounds as like as two peas, resounding at the top of the mountain, and robbing the eyes of the red light. Under the influence of nightmare, he has begun to emerge several identical robbery figures.

"I will make you regret against me!"

More and more robberies emerged from the ground and surrounded him.

The smile on hivier's face gradually solidified. She looked at all the robbers with horror and killed her.

The dark evil energy turned into substance, and the dark shadow in the form of sword Qi came from all directions.

Under the indifferent gaze of rob, shivell's eyes were frozen in place. The fear in her eyes relieved him.

In a moment, shivell was cut to pieces.

Rob wantonly laughs wildly, this is to fight against him!

With a smile, Rob's laughter was interrupted by a joking voice: "smirk what? I'll say hello to you before I leave. I'll take these people away

Smell speech, rob the Mou son to reveal the fury mood. He turned and looked at the stone steps leading to the foot of the mountain. Shivell, who should have been killed by his soul destroying and ghost cutting, was standing on the steps intact and waving to him.

Ye Feng and Ali, who were seriously injured, and arilia, who was fighting with his shadow, appeared on the steps.

Taking advantage of the moment of robbing Leng God, he quietly released his magic power to bless Ye Feng and others.

Ye Feng and others, under the blessing of sylvier, obviously feel that their bodies have become very light. They all cast incredible eyes on her.

"Little robbery, your sister Wei has a lot to do, so I'll leave today!"

finally flirted with the robbery, and he rolled up his face and smiled softly to Ye Feng: "run fast, have the power of nightmare, robbed and now half of the foot has stepped into the half god, and we can hardly deal with him!"

As soon as the words fell, he took the lead in rushing down the steps and running down the hill.

Ye Feng and others are also a spirit of excitement. Under the blessing of sylvier's magic power, they escape at a very fast speed.

Seeing that they ran like this, I couldn't help being angry. He was trying to catch up with him, but he found that he was suddenly imprisoned in place by the flashing blue light array, unable to move for a short time.


Naturally, the roar of robber's anger came into his ears. She just laughed jokingly and didn't stay too long.

Ye Feng and others also heard his anger towards hivier from the roar of robbery, and they were slightly worried about robbery catching up.

"Don't worry, robbery has been imprisoned by me with teacher Ritz's magic. I can't catch up with him in a short period of time. Even if I break free of the imprisonment, he can't catch up with us. I used to escape teacher Ritz's tracking many times with this move."

When Ye Feng heard this, he was shocked and said: "if you escape from master rez's tracking, isn't the speed of your move comparable to that of a demigod?"

Shivell was very happy with Ye Feng's shocked eyes. She said with a smile: "yes, as long as you don't use a spell like teleportation and light speed, ordinary demigods can't catch up with me!"

Ye Feng felt annoyed and patted his head with his right hand and sighed: "it's strange that I learned the sword of wind, but I can't beat your magic in the speed of escape!"

"What is escape? This is a tactical retreat

He waved his powder like a demonstration, slightly dissatisfied with Ye Feng's statement. Is she sylvier so clever, the sort of person who runs away easily?

This is obviously a gorgeous tactics, using the enemy's anger to lose their senses, tactical retreat!Ye Feng widens his eyes, and he is really afraid that he will not be blessed with magic power all his life and let him stay in Nanshan alone. Forced by the situation, he awkwardly scratched his head and said with a smile: "yes, yes, tactical retreat!"

A Li on one side can't help laughing, and is amused by the conversation between Ye Feng and Xiwei.

Looking at Ali's smile and covering his mouth, there was a trace of catch in his eyes. After adjusting her posture, she pretended to be solemn and said, "Ali, why didn't you and Ye Feng come to Nanshan so dangerous in advance? Do you know if I hadn't arrived in time, you would have been robbed and killed? "

Smell speech, a Li pretty face gradually dull, Ning eyebrow way: "sorry."

Seeing Ali being questioned by hivier, Ye Feng is also a little guilty. Ali was going to tell shivell that he wanted her to keep secret.

Sweat seeps from his forehead, and Ye Feng lowers his head in a hurry for fear that he will notice.

Looking at Ye Feng's expression, Xiweier was amused. Intentionally or unintentionally, she poked the nervous Ye Feng with her elbow and said with a smile: "Ye Feng, you look a little nervous, and your forehead is sweating."

He felt more guilty when he saw him, and the cold sweat on his forehead was even worse. "Er Ha ha, you know, we are not escaping from the pursuit of robbery. We must be nervous! "

"I think it's because you are guilty." Shivell's eyes were suddenly cold, and his tone dropped to the freezing point.

Shivell's gentle and cold tone makes Ye Feng startled. He squints his eyes and smiles, trying to relieve the pressure.

After all, he is still running away, and he doesn't want to cross examine Ye Feng at this time. After leaving Nanshan, she has plenty of time to question him!

Xiwei, who knows how to grasp the yardstick, does not continue to tease and target Ye Feng. She also cooperates with Ye Feng, squinting her eyes and seems to smile kindly: "hee hee, I'm just saying it casually. Don't be nervous, don't be nervous!"

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