Chapter 2718: attack

When some people do these things, they don't actually know what they are talking about. After all, today's era is different from the original time. If it were the same as the original time, I believe they would not do such a thing. , Judging from the current situation, no matter what kind of things we want to do, we still don’t know how to do these things, especially in the current situation, maybe what everyone said is very correct.

But if it really comes to us people, I am afraid some things are not so simple. It is because of this. If some people want to do things that benefit the country and the people, then they have to see if they have the ability. , or whether others will express disgust after doing it, if others do not express disgust, then it means that this matter is actually very correct.

But judging from the current situation, it is very likely that those who oppose will occupy the vast majority, because these people have their own ideas in their hearts. If you do what you want, maybe some things are not the results they are now. It is actually a very helpless thing for everyone to be able to achieve the current situation.

If you think you are doing better, then you can actually ease some of the next things. As for what kind of result we will make in the end, I am afraid that this is not everyone can understand, no matter this matter Whoever stands up and speaks is actually a good result, as long as this problem can be solved perfectly, in the next series of events.

I am afraid that no one cares so much, but if no one solves it, then I am afraid that some things will be difficult to talk about. This is also the most important thing. When we want to solve these things, we must It is necessary to see all these things clearly. Maybe you think these things are not important, but if someone thinks it is important, I am afraid this thing cannot go on.

At least from the current situation, it is impossible to proceed. Everyone has done this for the sake of it. If you can do it well, it is a very good thing, but if you don't take this matter If it is one thing, then it is difficult to say what will happen next. In their impression, some things are really not for us.

After all, if we take care of these things, things will be very helpless in the future. In our impression, some things are really not that easy, not to mention that even if we all solve them, some people will not be willing to do it in the future. This matter, in their impressions, perhaps some things have already been decided, and they cannot be changed.

Even if you want to solve this matter yourself, we will never cooperate. Even if you don't let us contribute any manpower and material resources, we just don't want to take care of this matter. This is the most helpless thing. Others are simply oil and salt. No, if you think you have the ability, you can speak out about this matter, of course, what will it be like in the future.

No one will make it difficult for you with this matter. You just need to do these things well. As for how we deal with the marine beasts, this should not be within your consideration. If you insist on considering it. If this is the case, it means that there are a series of problems with us. When we cannot solve this problem, we are likely to enter another situation.

All people do not want such a situation to happen, nor do they want such a situation to affect everyone's friendship, so in such a situation, no matter what you want to do, you must take a good look at it. When this matter is put on the table, you must state all the conditions, but you cannot hide it in any form, as long as there is a slight haze.

This matter cannot go on, so in such a situation, many people are very clear, maybe we already have some rules, but it is useless to have rules, people will not take what you said at all. Taking it as a matter of fact, even if you want to do this thing, the situation in the future will not be so easy, so in such a situation, everyone must look at it honestly.

No one can play tricks on this matter, if someone plays tricks, then this matter is afraid.

He can't get over it. These people present are very brainy. As long as one person wants to mess with their brains, then the rest of the people will not let their brains rest. They are already optimistic about everything. , when they want to do it.

We really can't destroy it. If we want to destroy it, we have to see what the final result is. When you can figure out the final result, some things will be easier to handle, but if you can't. If we do this, then the situation in the future will not be easy to say. We can all understand this, and what we said on this matter is still very correct. As for what the common people will say in the future.

That is not the relationship between us people. We can do everything well, which means that we people are more aware, and it does not mean that we should be responsible for everything. If we let us If you are responsible, then this matter is not very good, and in this case.

In fact, everyone can see that no matter what we want to do, we must be well prepared. If you are not well prepared, then this matter will be difficult to handle. We also think We are trying to get this thing done, but the question is does anyone control us?

If no one cares about us, it means that this matter cannot have a good outcome.

We will never find a back account for this matter, because there is no back account for this matter at all. Some people are not careful when they do things, and always feel that the whole thing can be solved perfectly, but Then again, can you really solve these things perfectly?

In the old days of human society, there were more than a dozen institutions, and each institution was responsible for various things.

And there are still a lot of capable people, and none of them can solve this problem well. Why can you solve this problem?

Maybe you will say that your ability is relatively large. In fact, in the eyes of many ordinary people, this is an act of shirk. Your ability is not much stronger than others. You are only looking at problems from your own position. Maybe some people will Respect you, then something.

You can do it well, but if someone doesn't respect you, then this matter can't go on. Everyone has done a very good job. After the cataclysm, everyone thought a lot, of course not. Everyone has changed, but the real social environment has made everyone different from before. If the social environment was stable and peaceful before, many people would be full of love.

But at this time everyone is already numb, and there is no way to figure this out. If you want to figure this out, this situation is basically impossible, no matter what we do. It seems that some things in the future can only be put here. If they can be put here properly, it will be a good thing for everyone.

If it doesn't make sense, it proves that some things have not been seen before, and our previous practices may be wrong. Who wants to admit their mistakes?

Some people may stand up and admit their mistakes, but most people will still cover up their mistakes. If this happens, then some things will be very insignificant.

So we have to see clearly at this point. If some people don't see clearly enough, then they may arouse some people's disgust in this matter. Of course, we have no way to correct their thinking. , after all, there are certain flaws in what we do, so in such a case, once we have a deeper insight.

Then this matter is another matter. They can completely say that we are not doing well enough, but on the issue that we are not doing well enough, these people do not have much qualifications to talk nonsense, because even if we are not doing well enough , are you doing very well?

Does what you do deserve to be called a good person?

If you really do well.

It is also impossible to argue with us about this matter. Without arguing, you will be able to solve the trouble.

When they are all solving this matter, maybe the final result is completely different. As for what these people are thinking, we can't solve this matter for the time being, but then again , When we can solve this matter, some things are actually completely different, so in this case, maybe some things we can solve well, but as long as someone stands up.

That means that this matter is actually very easy. As for what we are thinking in our hearts, we can still see it very clearly for the time being. Of course, if we do not do well, then some situations will not be very good in the future. Well, that's exactly why, when we started doing this.

Everyone is also working very hard. As for what they want to make this thing look like, it is probably their own business, and it has nothing to do with us, if we really want to do this. , then some things are completely different, so in this case, some people can actually avoid this kind of thing completely.

When they can avoid this kind of thing, some results are not what they think now, so in this case, everyone can see it very clearly. There is no good result, so in such a situation, everyone still understands it very well, even if there are one or two people who do not understand.

They won't get this thing wrong, because in their impression, maybe we will do something wrong, but as long as we get this thing right, the future situation is still very difficult to say , so in such a situation, it is very easy for them to do things well. If they do not do things well, some situations will be completely different in the future.

It is impossible for us to blame everything on others. If it is blamed on others, it means that this matter is too much. Therefore, under such circumstances, everyone is still You should watch it carefully, no one can forgive this matter, if someone forgives this matter, I am afraid the future result will be another result.

So when they all understand, we won't talk about other things in this matter. If you talk about other things, there can only be one result. You have a very serious problem in this matter. Not very clear behavior, if you can look at everything, of course it is very good, but if you are not optimistic about these things.

Instead, everyone has made a series of concessions, and there is no benefit from these concessions, then this matter is not a joke, at least no one is playing with you now, and everyone is also in their hearts. I will think carefully about this matter, what kind of role do you play in this matter, and how much benefit you can bring to everyone.

These are all things that these people need to consider slowly. If you can’t bring benefits to everyone, then don’t expect everyone to treat you as one thing. This is also the most important point. Of course, some things may not be as good as ours. Thinking the same, we are also likely to be deceived in it, and when we are also deceived in it, we are likely to do some unforgivable things.

So under such circumstances, we can only watch it honestly. As for what we will see in the future, that is probably their own business, so under such circumstances, everyone can still Those who understand and those who don't understand are still a minority. Of course, it is impossible for us to spread this matter out, once it is put on the table.

Then it seems that all of us are very incompetent. This is a very helpless thing, and no one will talk about it. It is not good for all of us.