Chapter 2424: Lobbyists

There are really not many good ways to deal with the sea monsters for a while, so now Liu Ning doesn’t want to do so many things. He still does his own thing honestly. That is to train his mecha team well. If this thing can be done very well, it would be a very happy thing for myself. Of course, it may not work now. Nowadays, everyone still has a lot to say about what it looks like.

These people present also understand that the so-called meeting is just to give everyone a chance to get in touch. As for what it will become in the end, it’s hard to say. You can see what they are like now. In fact, these people are simply Without a heart to cooperate, people like them also have some ideas of their own. For them, it is already too late when they want to do this. Many people have said that it may be too late.

Liu Ning really hated their negative attitude.

If a lot of people say no at the beginning, then what should we humans do? Should we just wait like this?

If we just waited like this, how should we live in the future?

Are we just confessing our fate?

Everyone still remembers the events very clearly, and human society was also very difficult at that time.

When the cataclysm broke out, human society had reached the last juncture. If all people had already given up, what should we do in the end?

Will the current human society still exist?

Of course it’s impossible, because everyone knows everything nowadays. It is the result of all people’s struggle. If you choose to end it from the beginning, I’m afraid there is no need for everyone to play like this at all. Why should you be so tired of yourself? Well, don’t they have their own business?

Some things this is the final result, no one is so sure.

In this matter, what many people have done is very incorrect, but what can be done?

These people just want to do things according to their own ideas. If you don’t admit it, then in the future, they will never think that what you are doing is correct, because these people have their own ideas. The forces behind them are also diverse.

Some people might understand this, so they didn’t press too hard, but some people don’t know this at all, so these people’s actions are very incorrect. Whenever they do this, they They also know what the final result will be. This is a very good thing for them. If these things have no results, they will not know what to say in the future. Under the current situation, everyone can still According to the previous way of doing things, there are still rules after all, and I am afraid that there will be no rules in the end.

The reason why human society still has the current civilization is that there are no rules but it is very important. A society without rules is very terrible. Therefore, under such circumstances, some of everyone’s ideas are really good, at least in the current situation. Next, okay, everyone is very comfortable. Maybe you have the patience yourself, but you can't do everything well. This is your biggest mistake.

Many people understand what we are talking about, but they just don't want to work hard. What can we do?

So under such circumstances, Liu Ning himself is not willing to take care of this. Next to the capital, this guy opened up a large piece of land. On this land, this guy is doing very well, at least for now. It seems to be good. This has become a huge training ground. If you want to enhance your strength here, then this is indeed a very good place, but having said that, don’t let others look enthusiastic. Because in such a place, it needs money.

When Liu Ning built such a training base, he also used practical actions to prove it to everyone, so that you people can see clearly how we work. If everyone is watching the same as you, then this matter It will never succeed in the future. When this thing fails to succeed, that is, we have come to an end. No one can help us. Only by doing this by ourselves can we win the final victory.

He actually saw it very early on. Under such circumstances, it is useless to rely on his own mouth. Isn’t it true that these people nowadays can’t see clearly? They are all watching from the side. , If you regard them as your friends, it would be a tragic death, so in this situation, everyone understands everything at present, if you still don’t understand, you can only be like this Reason suffers.

Not many people know how everything came out now, but there is one thing that can be proved. They did it before. They didn’t want to pay like Liu Ning, but when they did it, they thought I have suffered a loss, what is it?

These people can't tell.

Liu Ning doesn't know what to say about their behavior. You can definitely do what you want to do. If you don't want to do it, then assume that this has never happened before. Under such circumstances, it is too difficult.

These people also found out Liu Ning's good friend Lin Lei. They believed that they were all magicians and they should have a common language.

Liu Ning naturally doesn’t know much about some things in the capital, but Lin Lei has lived here for a long time. Lin Lei is very clear about everything. It is better to bet on some things. If it can be managed well, yes. These things are also very good, but it is a pity that Liu Ning can't see these things. Liu Ning still doesn't want these people here. If these people are here, Liu Ning would rather let these people go. This is what Liu Ning is in now. As I thought, because of this, Liu Ning could only smile helplessly. Lin Lei also knew that Liu Ning was an adult. The two people had different ways of doing things, and they would never be able to continue on this matter. Reluctantly Liu Ning, besides Liu Ning's current strength is strong enough, plus the hand that he missed yesterday, Lin Lei just didn't say anything.

There is no need to offend people because of such things. Other magicians also have their own ideas. It is absolutely impossible for you to say what you say. This is unrealistic.