Chapter 2366: Resilience

Everyone's abilities are unlimited. Take the current situation. Although they appreciate the hard work of these people, how many people can continue to work hard?

This is the most important thing at the moment. Especially at this stage, the strong people in human society begin to gradually decrease. If the noise continues like this, there will be no benefit to human society, mainly because of human beings. The strong in society simply can't keep up.

If there is a sufficient population base, I am afraid this is nothing, but in this age, ordinary people can feed themselves, this is everyone’s biggest dream every day, when this dream has not yet been realized When I was born, who would want more children, especially those patrol members who lived at the bottom, they took care of them every day, just like when Liu Ning was born again, everyone got the money After the money.

They will find someone in their 30s and 40s. It is really terrifying for young people like them. Even if two people successfully obtain the certificates, they may not necessarily give birth to offspring. After all, many people rely on this If you live, they can register you with the town government, but they will never finish this matter for you. If you can persist for a month or two, I am afraid that this matter will still have a result, but If you can't keep going.

I'm afraid there is nothing to say about this matter. They will take your money and leave here without hesitation. Although this is the money you earned with your own life, for those women in society, I don't think this money has anything at all, after all, they used to accompany you through your last most difficult moments.

This is like a kind of labor fee for them. Although the society has condemned such things many times, but then again, this is after all related to the lives of the working people at the bottom. For the big nobles at the top, It's as if there is no need to worry at all. In their dictionary, they don't care about how these low-level laborers live. They only need to pay attention to one thing, that is, according to their own words.

Just live a good life, you people go to work honestly every day, and then take a meager salary to support your family. This is the life of you people at the bottom. If you are not even satisfied with this, then It shows that you guys are too much. As for what kind of path you choose in the end, these big capitalists won't even think about it. Anyway, as long as they don't bother them.

The whole society may be the peace of the world. Some people have also seen the various contradictions here, and hope they will not mess around with this matter, but then again, what should we do about this matter? ?

No matter what your inner thoughts are, someone has to do this thing properly. Therefore, the town's capital has also issued a series of laws, hoping to use laws to restrain this group of people.

But then again, since they choose to do this thing, they are not afraid of legal sanctions at all, so even if the law is introduced, it is nothing to this group of women. They do things very purposefully. , If they can satisfy everything they have, then they have nothing to worry about, but if they can’t be satisfied, even if you put them here forcibly, there is nothing to say, in the current situation.

These people see it very clearly. They do things with a certain purpose. What you are willing to say is your business. Anyway, we will not change anything when we do these things. You are counting on us to change this thing. At present, it is impossible, so we must continue to start from the town capital. For the town government, they really want to let everyone live a good life. Of course, this is the first wish.

But things have developed to the present, especially the social development to the present, they understand even more if it is to develop a society where everyone is equal, is it a bit unfair to those strong people who have given their lives? Woolen cloth?

And it is extremely disadvantageous for the entire society. Whether you work hard or not, you will end up with the same things. So why do those who work hard want to climb up with all their lives?

Wouldn't they lie down at home honestly?

It is precisely because of this that in the current situation, there may be some people who do not see thoroughly, but most people can see quite thoroughly. Whenever these people are talking about these things, others will always Rejecting them with various reasons. In fact, people like them know very well that society must have a certain degree of competition. If there is no competition, it may not be a good thing for human society.

Therefore, under the current circumstances, the Zhenshou Mansion and the Human Assembly seem to have fully understood this point. Although there are many inequalities in society, they still think about this for the two major administrative agencies. Inequality can stimulate human potential. If you can learn anything about this matter, or make yourself a strong person, then the Human Council is of course very satisfied, but if it is in this matter Not sure.

Or you can stand on the opponent's point of view, then this matter is probably not easy to say. The Human Council is not a soft persimmon. It is your business that you want to oppose today, but if you oppose it every day, Then this matter is not easy to say. Under the current situation, everyone sees it very clearly. If someone talks nonsense about this kind of thing, they will definitely be thrown into prison. Liu Ning also Knowing that such a thing is not easy to handle.

But then again, the masses of ordinary people still have no rights, and they must protect their own rights. If you do not protect their rights, then in the future, I am afraid that the people at the bottom will not have any growth. Space, just like before, the things they did at Fusang Martial Arts Museum were indeed very excessive, depriving the working people of the bottom of their living space. This is actually a huge crime against the entire society. If this crime does not end, There will be no good results in the future.