Chapter 2284: Run away

Because under the current situation, I can at least actively complete these things, don't worry about what these things look like, but I have completed them myself.

Liu Ning can be said to be very accurate about the ocean beasts. There are many people here who really want to make ghosts, but Liu Ning can’t do anything to them. After all, people who know about this matter. There are too many, if you want to solve this matter once and for all, it is still very difficult from the current point of view, so after these things have happened, Liu Ning must show these things better.

If it’s not good enough, it’s definitely not a good thing for Liu Ning. So in this state, these guys must be well prepared. If they’re not prepared, I believe in the next few things. In the situation, they should all be doing something wrong, so under certain circumstances, what these people have to do is such a result, if someone is unwilling to do it.

In fact, it's nothing. These days, no one can be **** with someone. Even if someone is unwilling to contribute to this matter, it is a very normal thing. Is it possible that we can still tie people up?

This is probably an unlikely thing, so at this stage.

What Liu Ning did was actually very perfect. If someone thinks it’s not good enough, it can actually be understood. If this thing does not have a good result, I am afraid that many people are not happy in their hearts. At this point, everyone sees it very clearly, and no one admits wrong in this matter, because they think the ocean beasts are indeed very important.

This very important thing cannot be forced on a person. If it is forced on a person, it seems a bit too much. Why should it be counted on a person? Does this person owe you? ?

If this person does not owe you, it is impossible for these things to happen temporarily, and it is precisely because of this that when these things happen, they will understand what the final result is.

No matter what you think in your mind, in any case, there will be some people who will handle these things. Maybe they are not doing well enough, but these people do have to deal with these things. In this matter, all people They all have their own reasons, no matter what they are thinking in their hearts, and no matter what kind of ending they want to achieve in the end.

In short, they see this matter very clearly, and they see it very clearly. To put it plainly, it means that these people live very well. If you want to take advantage of them in this matter, I’m afraid it’s not. It's too possible, so in this case, no matter what these people think.

In short, we can't take much advantage. This is absolutely certain. If you still don’t understand, you can directly answer some things. Under the current situation, there are indeed many people who have various ideas, but they Basically, you can’t make it to the table, so in this case, everyone knows what the final situation is, so when these things are put on the table.

Many people feel uncomfortable. They think that they have changed the rules. In fact, they have never changed the rules. If someone insists on changing the rules, Liu Ning will also bear the responsibility. Liu Ning did not take the initiative to change the rules. , But Liu Ning does have an unshirkable responsibility in this matter.

So when this incident started, Liu Ning was very sad inside, but sadness alone is of no use. Take the current incident, can you solve all this just by being sad?

Obviously it is impossible, so at this point, what Liu Ning does is not very attractive, but there is a problem that lies in front of everyone, that is, Liu Ning does things openly and honestly, especially when dealing with children.

It’s convenient to be in the ocean. If you find another leader from human society, 90% of people will vote for Liu Ning, because they feel it too, except for Liu Ning. Other people have no such idea at all. If you insist on letting someone else be the leader, it’s not impossible, but the question is, why should they do this?

This is obviously a thankless thing, and if ordinary people want to participate, they are still inferior in terms of strength. Liu Ning also sees this very clearly. If it can be solved earlier, Xiaoli Some things don't need to be so embarrassing. It is a pity that Liu Ning has done a good job in this matter, so everyone is happier.

But there is one thing that everyone understands. No matter what the matter is, there must be someone who is responsible for it. If no one is responsible, there must be some things that are not easy to handle. In the current state Everyone knows the result very well. If someone wants to do something else, it is definitely not a good thing for Liu Ning today.

So when this matter started, you basically knew the final result. Although no one would be convinced of this matter, no one would deny this matter. Everyone saw it very clearly. , Liu Ning did bear a lot of responsibilities. Many people are unwilling to bear responsibilities, even unwilling to bear their own obligations. This is a very funny thing. You can not bear the things that others have given you, but if it is What about the future of human society?

Don't you bear this too?

If you don’t even bear this, then some things are really disgusting. So in this case, Liu Ning’s thoughts are very normal, while other people’s thoughts are very incorrect. Everyone also agrees. I understand, if I can't even understand this, what else is there to talk about working together? Obviously working together, there is no way to talk about it under such a premise.

So when these situations are over, everyone must have a new result. No matter what the new result stipulates, everyone must put this matter on the agenda. If no one is on the agenda, then Someone must be responsible for this.

As for what kind of person is responsible, at least now Liu Ning can't bear this responsibility, so in this case, they can only be in charge of their own affairs.