Chapter 2158: fault

Some things are destined for their results from the beginning, but some things are not like this. For the current situation, regardless of how these people think, in short, it is impossible to have any fine results, because These people see it very clearly. Under the current circumstances, if someone has other ideas, they may be able to say it very clearly, but if there is no idea, some things may not be easy to say, so At this point, other people are quite clear, as for what everyone thinks in their minds.

That’s probably your own business. It has nothing to do with many people here. If someone really solves these things, I believe they will understand this very well. No one will put all these things on their own. Heart, if you put it all on your own heart, it’s not a good thing for everyone. At this point, many people can see clearly, so it’s not good at this point. There may be people who say more. If someone says more, it is their own problem, so in this case.

Although everyone feels a little bit uncomfortable on their faces, at least their lives are saved. If their lives are saved, then some things are hard to say, so under such circumstances, some people don’t know what to say. What is it? Whenever they want to say something, there will be some things in the world after all. Take the current situation, there may be people who do not perform well, but most people still perform It's okay, so in such a situation, don't worry about what they think in their hearts.

In short, they will be able to get by after all. If there are some things that can't get through, it won't be a good thing for everyone, so these people are also more aware of the current point. If no one is clear about it, then certain things are not so good. It's easy to explain, as a magician, you really should have one's own responsibility to the society.

This is also a kind of pride of magicians. Liu Ning is now making everyone turn this pride into a reality. In the past, magicians did have their pride, but they were not used for serious things. For magicians, they spend most of their time squandering their youth and making their lives a little better. As for some of their final thoughts, they actually have no contribution to society. At this point, Everyone still sees it very clearly, if these things can be resolved.

It’s also a good thing for everyone, but it’s a pity that some things are not so easy. If everyone thinks that way, some things will not be easy for everyone. Under the current situation, Maybe there are many people who think right, but there are some people who can’t do these things well. This is quite helpless. No matter what they think in their hearts, we do things extremely well. If If you don't do enough, then some things are not easy to say.

At this point, everyone’s thoughts are basically the same. Although all kinds of troubles will be caused, but then again, in the current situation, there is nothing to be afraid of the troubles, everyone. It is not people who are afraid of trouble, at least in the current situation, they can properly solve these problems.

If someone can’t solve these problems properly, then some things are not easy to say. Under the current situation, perhaps their ideas are correct, but some things have already been shown, regardless of yours. What is in your mind, no matter what you want to do, in the current situation, everyone may be able to understand some things, but.

I am afraid it is not easy to understand what these things will look like, so in such a situation, some people have to face all this.

If they don’t want to face these things, it can only show that there are certain problems in their heads. If they can solve this problem, it is of course very good for everyone, but if it can’t be solved, then it’s not. It is a difficult problem. After all, these people have already had their own psychological preparations. In this regard, there is nothing to say. Everyone is very correct. As for what will happen in the end, now this In this state, everyone is also very worried about this matter.

If you don’t worry about this matter, I’m afraid there will be some trouble in the future. So on this matter, there may be many people who say it is not good, but what they do is very good, because here In a matter, a problem that many people can't solve, everyone can help solve it, as to what kind of effect will be produced in the end.

I’m afraid it’s their own business, and they don’t have much to do with others. Once these things become reality, it’s a very good thing, but it’s a pity that there are many things that are not so simple. If you think these things are so simple, then I’m afraid that you would be very wrong. In this matter, others can see clearly, only some people can’t see clearly, but when these people can’t solve it At that time, then some troubles really come, so when solving these problems.

Everyone knows how to do it. It may offend some people’s ideas, or they may lose their interests. But at this point, no one will think that these things will go wrong. If someone thinks it will If something goes wrong, it can only be said that these people have ghosts in their hearts. Once there are ghosts in their hearts, there are many things that can’t be said. Some people can’t do these things well and they can only be slow. Do some other things slowly.

So in such a situation, they don’t know what they are thinking in their minds. In any case, these people have a lot of ideas to do things, and they won’t be able to make any ideas for a while. If they can give me something. If you have an idea, some things can still be passed, but if you can't get the idea, then some things are not easy to say, so in such a situation.

Everyone can remember these things very well, but some people just don’t have the ability to do so, so in this situation, maybe they have some opinions of their own, but if these insights are not well done, then It will cause disasters for everyone. At this point, maybe they think is correct, but it may also be incorrect. Everything has its own suddenness. As for what kind of result they will produce in the end, Or whether it can make everyone happy, this is not important.

What matter is important, that is who can solve the matter at hand, when they can solve the matter, it is very important, but if it can’t be solved, then don’t talk about it. Everyone is actually very tired. No one wants to waste time on this matter. If you want to waste time on this matter, you have to have some ideas of your own. If you don’t have this idea, then some Dissonance is not easy to talk about, in this case.

Everyone knows very well, as to what kind of result will be produced in the end, or what kind of result will be produced for everybody, everybody's heart.

You are also very clear that when a magician does things, he will always consider the problem in this way. If a magician does not consider the problem in this way, it means that he is not worthy to be a magician.

Under the current situation, what does the magician's world look like?

There are still a lot of people who can see clearly. If these people can’t see clearly, it’s purely their own problem. So in this matter, the magician does things quite well, but in the current situation Among the magicians, Liu Ning does not see how many people are willing to give. Take the existing magicians, they are not doing very well. So in these things, there may be many people who are willing to give. unwilling.

But one thing is certain, that is, under the current circumstances, no matter what they think in their hearts, when they want to do this, there will be some people who can change all of this after all. If they can’t change all of this, then it’s their own problem. Earlier they fooled others to change, but when it happened before, these changes became extremely difficult. If it stays like this, I’m afraid that something will happen. Some people can't get off the stage anymore.

At least their faces are not very good-looking, so they can still see very clearly at this point. No matter what these people think in their hearts, in short, after you enter this level, you have to be involved in this matter. It’s only possible to give others a part of the benefits. If you want to eat more and take up all of your things, it’s probably impossible. So at this point, some things are not easy to say, if you can. In the past, some people are not easy to say, if some people really think so.

Then they have nothing to say. At this point, they are very clear about how to do this, so if someone wants to embarrass them, it is impossible for the time being. In short, these people do very well. Yes, no one can make a joke with this thing, and no one dares to make a joke with this thing.

If there were such a person, it would be really surprising, so at this point, everyone’s hearts are completely different. Some people can treat these things as a business, but some people only take this matter. Regarding as a joke, as for what kind of person is regarded as a business, and what kind of person is regarded as a joke, this is probably a matter of the benevolent seeing the benevolent and the wise, so at this point, there may be many people who don’t understand, but there are some People can imagine when they are solving such things.

All these things will be optimistic. Of course the magicians want to change. This is by no means a simple thing. These magicians are now used to solve these problems. If you count on the magicians to solve these problems, it is not for the time being. It is very possible that when the magician is doing things, he will of course take all things into consideration, but whether you have the ability to solve these things, then I am afraid it is your own problem. Don't think that these are all small problems.

In fact, this is not a small problem at all. At this point, everyone can see it very clearly. If it really can’t be solved, some people will stumble on it. As for what kind of people are following. For the time being, it’s not easy to say. In any case, some people can’t stand such directions. If these directions can be solved, it is indeed a good thing.

But no one thinks about this now, because they are not.

Check it out clearly. Don’t think that these things are so mixed up. Some things are completely unclear. If you really want to be so mixed up, it’s purely a problem with your head and you don’t have much contact with others. So at this point, it can also be said that it is their own problem. If some people do not believe it, they can completely investigate it by themselves. In short, on this matter.

Liu Ning believes that what he did is very correct, and it is completely different from others. At least we have not done anything to cheat. As for what other people think, it can only be for others to speak for themselves. If they don’t want to say anything, they can only talk about their own problems. So at this point, Liu Ning is still doing a very good job. Of course, some people may be reluctant to talk about it. This situation.

Regardless of whether you want to talk about it or not, you have to handle these things well. If you don’t handle them well enough, there is no benefit for everyone. Everyone can see this. Clearly, if someone can't see clearly, it can only be said that there is a problem with their own head, and they have no relationship with others. These things are impossible to come up with.

If you take it out and say it, it’s no good for you. Everyone knows this. So in such a situation, some things are really difficult to handle. If you can do things well, then it will be long ago. There will not be these problems anymore. There will be many better problems to do, but unfortunately there are no good problems at the moment. If someone talks about this problem, then no one knows how to explain it. If If anyone knows how to explain it, it might be a trivial matter, so at this point, countless people have suffered a great loss.