Chapter 2132: Not allowed

If you are not even willing to do these things, then you should not expect to succeed in anything.

Under the current circumstances, the counterattack of humans against the beasts is very rare. Although humans are invincible in the long-term struggle, if you look closely, you can know what the situation is. For example, in the current situation, no matter how humans counterattack, there is one thing that can be proved, that is, in the current situation, no matter what you think in your heart, you want to solve these things temporarily. It seems unlikely, especially if you want to solve this problem once and for all.

Some things have to be done in this way, otherwise, I am afraid that there will be a lot of things that will not go through in the end, and everyone understands this truth.

This is extremely unlikely. You can see from the number of fierce beasts. In this matter, this is definitely a long-term battle. If you think it can be solved in a short time, it is definitely your brain. The problem is, it’s not that we are looking for other people’s ambitions and destroying our own prestige. It is that we can see all of this clearly. Take some of the current things, if we can really solve it, it will naturally be very good. One thing, but the problem is at this stage.

How could we have such a chance to solve it?

Let’s not talk about people’s strength, let’s talk about the current actual situation. There are many things that we can’t solve. So in this case, some things are not that simple, and all of them must be taken care of. It’s good to be clear, so when these things are stuck on this threshold, Liu Ning also knows how to do this. If we do well, we don’t need the help of others at all. We can do it ourselves. This matter was resolved.

But if this matter is not resolved well enough, then we have to close our mouths. After all, in the current state, there are many things that we don’t want. As long as we don’t want to solve the problem, then this The problem is likely to be stuck here. In the end, no matter who will solve the problem, I am afraid that there will be no way to accept all this, and it is precisely because of this.

When these things are to be resolved, many people see it very clearly. They are not not on Liu Ning's side. They also have their own considerations. If they can consider all of these clearly, some things will be natural. Yes, but if these things are not well considered, who will be responsible if something goes wrong?

These are all problems that need to be solved. Don't think that these problems don't need to be solved. When these problems get stuck here, this is the inherent human problem that everyone needs to solve.

When this kind of inherent human problem arises, it is not a good thing for everyone. Therefore, under such circumstances, some people will try to solve these problems. When they try to solve the problem, everyone is very happy. If it is simple and not happy, then these things are not easy to say, so under the current situation, what are other people's minds?

Or what kind of contrast there is, this can be considered. After considering such things, everyone will be able to understand. When these things need to be resolved, everyone has a lot in their hearts. These ideas do not mean that it doesn’t matter for the time being. They are mainly because we can’t solve these things for the time being. If they can be solved, it’s a very good thing. But if they can’t be solved, who will bear the responsibility? What?

In the current state, no one is willing to take this responsibility. If you are pressed into anxiousness, I am afraid there is nothing to say about this matter. Everyone will definitely take this matter as an appetizer. In this case, the war between mankind and the beast can be stopped, because no one is willing to pay for this matter, so why should our war continue?

In this case, some people may think this matter is too simple, but then again, what kind of things can make them think that it is too simple, these are some indescribable things, in these run-down Under the circumstances, maybe your idea is correct, but then again, in the current situation, no matter what you are thinking in your heart, we have to put everything in place properly. Only Only in this way can we get everything right, if there is no such ending.

No matter how you make things look like, people may be surprised in the end, and this thing is not a trivial thing, if you think it is a trivial thing, it is purely because you have made things simple. So in the current situation, don’t care what everyone thinks, it’s impossible for everyone to put these things together, so in this situation, you should figure out how to do it yourself. If you don’t think about it clearly, there are some things. Things are not easy to say, when everything is about to end.

These people will not think about so many things. What they have to consider may be more kinds of problems. When these more problems are expressed here, everyone will not treat these things as once. There is something wrong, if they still take it as one thing, it is that they are not right. They are always struggling with these small things, which is of no benefit to everyone, because the safety of human society is still here.

If we can’t solve these so-called security problems, then some things are really hard to say. It depends on what everyone looks like in the end, and it depends on what height everyone puts these things at the end. If they can all come back, it will be natural. It's very good, but if no one is paying, then no matter which step this thing is done, I am afraid that there will be no way to complete the final goal, and it may even be abandoned halfway.

The cost of giving up halfway is extremely heavy, so in the current situation, no matter what they say in their hearts or what they think in their minds, in this case, they must do something. , As long as you are still a strong, as long as you are stronger than ordinary people, then you have to do this thing. If you don’t do it, it means your personal life has failed. Many people can Understand, many people don’t understand.