Chapter 2099: Helpless

Zhao Wudi knew that Liu Ning could no longer stand such things, so he found an opportunity, and Zhao Wudi dragged Liu Ning into his room and prepared to give Liu Ning a good lesson. This matter is actually very simple, as long as It is because you have been in the society for a long time, and you can understand these things. If you understand these things according to your previous ideas, then I am afraid that these things will be difficult to understand. Take the current situation as an example, Liu Ning does not Being able to treat all these things as your own business, if you take these things as your own business, in the end you will be tired without even the thought of breathing.

"You are still too young. What you do is really worth it. Looking at the current situation, who would treat these things as their own?

If you really want to treat this thing as your own thing, it is purely a brain problem. If you really feel that these things are not right, some things have to be passed, and you can’t think about doing everything. . "

Zhao Wudi poured a glass of wine for the two of them. For Zhao Wudi, Liu Ning had to be properly educated about the matter in front of him. There will be more opportunities to participate in such meetings in the future. Isn't it so depressed every time?

This requires a principle of being a human being, that is to be frustrated outside, but as long as you are going to a meeting, you must maintain a good attitude. This is the most important thing you should do now. If you don’t even do this If you don't understand, then you can only say that you are not mature enough.

"Maybe I will never understand what you are talking about. Under this circumstance, I don't want to understand these things. If I force me to understand, I will just treat it as nothing happened."

It is not impossible to want to change, but you have to come up with a plan for the problem. Just say it like this. How can you expect others to listen to you? How can there be such a thing in the world?

So no one would believe it in such a situation.

What Liu Ning was talking about was the steel industry. He thought that he had already had a great influence. Who knew that in the steel industry, there are still many people who do not follow the rules. They still like to follow their own set of things. For Liu Ning, it is really unacceptable. In today’s world, there are many people who speak the rules and regulations. Since the commercial scope has been delimited, we have to solve this in a commercial way. , If you beat me with formal business methods, it can only show that you have the ability.

You can do whatever you want, but if you want to use political means to solve this, does it seem that you people are too much?

Taking this matter as an example, the price of steel has been adjusted in accordance with the market, but at the meeting there were people who asked for an increase in the price of iron ore, and they also put it all right. What did Liu Ning say? In this matter, the law of the market is hindered. Why does Lao Tzu hinder the law of the market?

I dug it out of the city, didn't you dug it in the city?

The cost I dug out is much cheaper than yours, so in this matter, naturally it will sell cheaper. If it is as expensive as yours, isn't it a profiteer? Liu Ning still sees these issues. I understand it very well, so I can't accept this at all, when the conference interviewed Liu Ning.

Liu Ning also didn't say a word after he went. It is precisely because of this that Zhao Wudi was a little worried. The people who take the high-speed rail are only a small part of the human society. If this is the reason, it will leave everyone with an overbearing attitude. For Liu Ning’s impression, it’s not worth the gain. Take Liu Ning now, he is clearly a good young man in human society, but because of some people’s attitude problems, they disguise themselves like this. It is not a good thing.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Liu Ning must make certain changes. If there is no change, then this matter may not be completed. So at this point, Zhao Wudi is really very helpful. Liu Ning considered that if he insisted on doing it according to his own ideas, there would be no good results in this matter. Now everyone understands the situation.

Liu Ning just asked for a relatively balanced business environment. When Liu Ning first started his own industry, many people didn't pay much attention to this. Therefore, Liu Ning felt very depressed. Take Lao Wang's website as an example. , Let’s do business well in that place, you can’t show me, I earn too much, and you have crooked eyes. At that time, Liu Ning thought that he was not strong enough, but he didn’t shrink back. It just happened once, but what happened later?

In the steel industry.

I am already a very powerful magician now. It is said that no one should have trouble with myself in this respect, but the final result is still like this. These people still do not take their words as a matter, and the more powerful they are It’s getting stronger. There were only one or two people who couldn’t make it with me. But now it’s better. All people in the steel industry basically have trouble with me. If this continues, it’s for Liu Ning. But there is nothing good. After all, Liu Ning has invested a lot in this industry, if there is no good standard.

Liu Ning, who is likely to be in serious trouble in the future, is just thinking about doing something for the human society. I didn’t expect this thing to be so difficult to do. Take the current situation as an example, it is obviously possible to negotiate It's resolved, but these people don't want to negotiate to resolve this matter. Instead, they want to suppress others by their own strength. Is this a serious business environment?

For Liu Ning, this kind of business environment really wants to spurn, but he has no choice but to be honest now, so he can only be honest. As for what kind of effect will be produced, it is not his own. The problems are caused by you people yourself. After you mess up the market, I'm afraid some people will regret it then.

In fact, at this point, Liu Ning should have underestimated these people. If they are afraid of ruining the market, they will not make such unreasonable demands for Liu Ning. Even Liu Ning is treated like this. Not to mention other people.