Chapter 1992: family

Delentai was born in a city like this, and his family is here. This guy has a great energy and is completely different from other people. He has never thought of leaving this city. In fact, with his potential, don’t The big family wanted to take him away, but unfortunately they were unsuccessful. Every time someone wanted to take her away, this guy tried to run out. If he was caught, he would rather If he died there, he would never leave his family, because others only liked him.

It’s impossible to bring his entire family with him. There are so many more than 20 people in his entire family. Only after he gets better, can he bring these people out. This time Liu Ning recruited apprentices, this guy I sold everything that I could sell, and then I made up a ticket worth 650,000 yuan, ready to come to Liu Ning to learn. The elimination just now is so powerful, this guy is also extremely anxious.

If by any chance I was eliminated, I would really have no place to cry, because I have nothing left, including those in the family, all put hope on him, if I can settle down here If you go down, it is of course the best for everyone, but if you can't settle down, then you can only find a way to go home. Everyone understands the current situation.

No matter what you think in your heart, you have to find a way to leave as soon as possible. If you don’t want to leave, it’s very likely that people like them will have to die of old age, such as his grandfather. In other cities, the most advanced technology can be used for treatment, and it is not an incurable incurable disease, but in their city.

Basically it's impossible, so this guy hopes to succeed quickly and become an apprentice with Liu Ning. At the beginning, many people asked Liu Ning how long it would take to become a fighter?

Liu Ning's answer to them is very simple, which is a week at most. You must know that from a fighter apprentice to a fighter, no matter how good your aptitude is, I am afraid you will have to train for a certain amount of time.

I’ve never heard that it only takes a week. If that’s the case, then the fighters are really worthless, but Liu Ning really said that. For Liu Ning, it’s nothing remarkable. The aptitude of these people is one in a thousand. As long as they can be guided to these people a little, they will be able to become super strong immediately, and there is no need to control them by themselves. So in this state, as long as they can make them well Yes, I can send them to the highest position.

Even if you want to surpass your current position, no one can tell what will happen in the future. Because Liu Ning has a replication system, he is in the current position, but can you guarantee that there are no such people?

If these people have a stronger golden finger than you, it means that they are even more powerful, under the current situation.

People are likely to have better achievements. Liu Ning is also looking forward to this point. Now human society is on the verge of danger. As long as someone can mix better, then human society will be able to achieve better achievements. Take the fierce beasts in the sea now, no one knows what is going on with them. If they can't handle it a little bit, they may be killed by these guys at any time.

Therefore, in the current state, all people must strengthen their own strength. The fierce beasts in the sea are also looking for routes. Once they are allowed to find a route to land, then the entire city will be overwhelmed by the time. The beasts are not the same as those on the land. Although the fierce beasts on the land are also thinking about destruction, they are not as excessive as the fierce beasts. It is like two poisonings.

Humans and the beasts on the land can be considered to be able to unite. At least the two sides have an agreement. The reason for that agreement is that on the one hand, they don’t want the two sides to kill too much, and on the other hand, they don’t want the beasts in the sea to pick them up. Cheap, if humans and the beasts on the land lose both, then the beasts in the sea can pick up this cheap, which is too much for them.

It is precisely because of this that when these things happen, the highest level of the two sides reached an agreement. For these people on both sides, they don’t care what the agreement is about. Anyway, as long as they don’t fight at the highest level, the following Whatever people love is, this itself is also a social law, especially on the side of the beast, they don’t care how many people die on their side! Because their reproductive ability is too strong, take Liu Ning's killing of the beasts, at most, within half a month, the beasts can be replenished immediately. For some areas, humans There are still too few people going there, and the killing among the fierce beasts is even more severe. Some giant fierce beasts eat hundreds of ordinary beasts every time they eat, and they kill so many every day.

So after the whole year, this number is definitely not a small number. Liu Ning can’t manage that much. Anyway, every time I go out, it’s the end of you guys. If you have other ideas, it’s also you. Your own business has nothing to do with us, so in such a situation, no matter what you think in your mind, it is a must. So in this case, many people are also very Clearly, what should be done must be done well.

But some things will still change. Under such circumstances, everyone can only come slowly. If you don’t come slowly, more troubles may occur. The first day of training will be very fast. It passed, and all of these ten people persisted, but they already felt that although it sounds like the training is not very hard, if something goes wrong, it would be a terrible thing for them.

Today they have felt one thing, that is, they are a little tired from doing this kind of training before. The training items are basically the same, but today under Liu Ning’s guidance, they feel it Very tired, this can only show one problem. Liu Ning is indeed different from other people. He added some problems to them during training, but this also indicates that their challenges are coming.