Chapter 1972: grade

In order to be advanced, Liu Ning did not distribute these materials to everyone. Except for the batch that was initially sold on the Internet, all the rest were placed in his own laboratory. To say that Liu Ning is selfish is mainly because there are various levels in human society. Who doesn't want his laboratory to achieve better results?

Liu Ning invested so much money in it.

Moreover, Liu Ning believes that if there are any research results, it is better in his own hands than in the hands of others. In the hands of others, he will definitely face this unfair society, and ordinary people will be able to get them. How much, that is a thing worth pondering. If it were in Liu Ning, it should be much better than others.

It is precisely because of this that Liu Ning made this decision. He is preparing to conduct a single-sided research. Many people in the society are saying that Liu Ning’s approach is likely to ruin a great invention. How do you know those? Can't small institutions research it out?

If Liu Ning were to say that, it would be impossible for these small organizations to study it, and there may be a certain probability.

But the odds are too small. Among the top ten inventions in the past, all ten were researched by large institutions. Among the top twenty inventions, only one invention was researched in small laboratories. It came out, and this small laboratory still purchased some data from the large laboratory, and the research was supported by this data. The current research is not the same as the original.

Originally, it was possible to research by one person's ability, but now it has completely changed. All research must be coordinated with these researchers. Each person is only responsible for a part of it. When your research data comes out After that, all went to the chief engineer, and the chief engineer was collecting all the data.

Then choose the next research direction. If one or two people rely on their personal strength, they may be able to develop by leaps and bounds on a small project, but if it is for other large projects, it is basically impossible. Thousands of people are needed for every research now. This is one of the reasons why human society develops such a research team. The strength of soldiers is of course important.

But there is another advantage that humans are stronger than fierce beasts, that is, humans will use a variety of technologies. When these technologies are all put on the battlefield, they can also bring warriors some much needed things, such as them. The armor on your body is all the researcher’s credit. If you don’t believe the researcher’s credit, then you can only say that you are blind, including the various weapons on the city wall. Without these researchers, how often would the beasts attack the city?

When their brigade comes over, can they be sniped only by relying on the strong in the city?

This is absolutely impossible. In human calculations, the fierce beasts destroyed by weapons are almost equal to the fierce beasts eliminated by humans.

This can show how important weapons are. Many people have always said that weapons occupy too much research resources of human beings, but if weapons kill these beasts, I am afraid they will be able to shut their mouths. Now, if you don’t look at these data, then think about 50% off thermal weapons. How much can a thermal weapon warrior do in the wild?

As long as it is a person who has walked in the wild.

Basically, they can understand what they are doing. When the heavy machine gun fires, it can kill at least dozens of beasts. If these dozens of beasts rely on cold weapons, when will they need to fight? What?

And if you are exhausted from the fight, don't say that you kill these fierce beasts, it is very likely that you are not careful, and the beast can swallow your head.

It is precisely because of this that when these things happen, many situations can be shown in this way. For the current situation, others may not understand, but most people still know it. Now that I am in my state, many people may not understand what is going on, but many people can understand it.

Weapons research and the development of mankind must go forward together. The two are indispensable, but it is a pity that most people do not see this. They only see the contributions of these powerful people in normal times. Less than the contributions of those scientific researchers.

If it were not for the insistence of the Human Council, many scientific researchers might have changed careers. When these people changed careers, it would not be of any benefit to the entire human society, so everyone should remember this.

Su Fei is the chief engineer of these people, and will also collect all the data of all of them. If it is replaced by the second person, I am afraid Liu Ning will not believe it. Su Fei is Liu Ning’s first love. There is absolutely no falsehood in this matter, and it can be done very safely. If it is not done well, it may be possible for other people to correct it.

Others may not understand this kind of contribution, but Sophie is very clear. Among these researchers, many people are also very selfish. Whenever they are close to the research results, these people They may do some very selfish things. Don't think that they are all people studying.

In fact, behind these scientific researchers, there may be many people waiting for the research results. As for what these people think in their hearts, it is not easy to say at present, so at this point, other people are also To understand what is going on, you have to find someone to look at them, for these researchers.

If it’s not the people inside them, it’s hard for people outside to know what they’re thinking, but as long as they know who is standing behind them, we can monitor them. The monitoring mentioned here is 24 hours of monitoring.

This is not a computer-planned monitoring. It is very likely that you will have to find someone to follow. This is also to prevent our research results from being robbed by others. Don't think that there are more good people in society, but in fact there are still more bad people in this society There is nothing wrong with being careful.