Chapter 1930: prosperity

Back then, this city also experienced some prosperity, but what was going on at that time?

Everyone can see very clearly that it is a kind of false prosperity, which is all based on the prosperity of the service industry. For such a situation, perhaps others don’t know what’s going on. Liu Ning’s investigation is quite clear. There is nothing good about false prosperity.

Even if you put all your efforts in this city, when the beasts come to attack, the city will not be able to save your life. This is the terrible part of false prosperity. The city hall at that time kept explaining that they How many troops are deployed on the periphery, and how powerful their weapons are on the walls.

But the layman does not seem to have any problems, the insider can see the drawbacks of this kind of thing at a glance, your weapons are indeed powerful, and your strength is indeed good, but then again, in the current state No matter what you are thinking about in your heart, under the current situation, you have to reform these things.

If the transformation is not good, then some things are not easy to say. At present, everyone is very clear. Under the current situation, if the beasts do not attack, maybe you people are still good, but If the fierce beast rushes over, your life will not be easy for you people. You can only adapt to all of this slowly. When the resources of other cities cannot survive, what should you do?

In fact, many people have now said that what our city specializes in is the service industry. As long as we serve the uncles who have won the fun network, will we have no money in our hands?

At that time, there was everything you wanted, and you could trade with the outside world. From the perspective of peaceful times, there is absolutely no problem with this thing, and the thinking is very good, but the words come back again.

If you think about it since the war years, I’m afraid that this matter will not work. Let’s not say whether there is a problem with these people’s heads. Once the beasts surround this place, the railway line must be the first to be destroyed. Although air transportation It is possible to come in, but air transportation has great limitations. The first thing to say is that there are not enough things to bring. An airplane needs a lot of energy to get there.

It can only carry a few hundred people and their equipment. At that time, the war has entered a fierce heat. There is no way to find a common ground between humans and beasts. This is the summary of everyone over the years, so Either the fierce beasts suffered heavy losses, and they took their troops to retreat from the city, just like the city where Liu Ning was located, under the pursuit of them.

The fierce beasts retreat one after another. Another point is that the fierce beasts are attacked in, just like the city of windmills. The entire city is turned into ruins. Don’t think that you will not find such things. If such things happen, the city will It’s too late for people to regret it. What Liu Ning has to do now is to let them understand that what we are doing is correct. As for the things that other people are doing, I’m afraid that none of them are correct. It depends on how you end up. If you think about it, we will help you.

For Liu Ning’s move, not many people agreed at the beginning. They thought that Liu Ning might have a problem in his mind. In this state, do you really want to solve all this?

This is also an unlikely thing. First of all, the city’s finances will not be approved. Don’t worry about what you are thinking about. The city’s financial status is not very good, and the entire renovation plan is too large.

They think that Liu Ning will be stuck in money. Who knows that money is nothing great. Liu Ning did everything well. Regarding this matter, don’t care about what you want. The strength of others is there, and they can change most of the things in human society.

Couldn't this little thing be changed?

So in this state, don’t care what they’re thinking about. Liu Ning’s actions are here to make everyone admire. Even if you don’t want to admit it, now you have to take a good look. In some cases, these things we have done are quite good.

If these things are not done well, some of the remaining things will not be good. All the current situation is understood. When these things happen, everyone can only find ways to solve them. If they can’t be solved. If that is the case, then these things are not easy to say. Now the city has begun a huge transformation, and the whole city has also been upgraded. Of course, many people do not believe it.

They think this is just a flash in the pan, the beasts did not come to attack, and the outer walls did not resist. Moreover, there is still more chaos in the city now. If there is really noisy, the city will probably be unable to hold on. Under their thoughts, the Internet and newspapers began to slander Liu Ning. Originally, they were a hero. They transformed the city very well. But to these people, what kind of hero is this?

It doesn’t count at all. Under the influence of these people, many people have also changed their opinions. Of course, all these people are clueless. Liu Ning doesn’t care how they criticize themselves on the Internet and newspapers, anyway. I will follow my own method and I will follow my own ideas. If you want to criticize, you can say it as hard as you can. Do you think I care about what you say?

Anyway, under Liu Ning's reform.

The city’s army has been abolished by 40%. It turned out that those people came here to make up the count, and there were even some Jiangyang robbers. Although their combat strength was fairly good, Liu Ning was not prepared to let these people. Come here, because Liu Ning can see very clearly, what is going on with these guys?

We are also clear about 10,000 here.

It is absolutely impossible for them to be here like this. There is nothing good for us. Therefore, in the current state, Liu Ning can see more clearly than everyone else. Even if all your brains are flooded, we will never I won’t let you continue here because my mind is not flooded. Under this circumstance, you can only ask for more blessings. If you don’t do these things, I’m afraid it’s hard to tell the future results. In this state, Liu Ning's strategy is correct.