Chapter 1093: Come back home

Liu Ning went home after separating from Ms. Julie. It is said that he should live in the capital area of ​​the town now. The house has been broadcast to Liu Ning, but it is a pity that the family does not want to be there, especially Zhang. Jing, this girl, all his businesses are here, so she doesn’t have a good impression on that side. Generally speaking, she likes to live here, and her mother is even more reluctant to be there. There are often some high-ranking officials and nobles. My mother came from ordinary people, so there is nothing to talk about with those people. Liu Ning has said several times that those people are here to cheat you. You don’t need to deliberately cheat them, but the mother still has some I don't adapt, but I still like the house Liu Ning bought at the beginning. After all, Liu Ning can only rely on them and regard this side as a main home. Instead, he doesn't go out much in the guard house community.

"Mr. Liu is really a rare visitor. Although he is also our boss, it has been a long time since he opened his business. What is the wind blowing today?

Did the sun come out from the west?

Are you here to check the accounts?

We have slept for a long time with the account books of our property company. I have never heard that Mr. Liu is going to check the accounts, or what to do. Should I gather all the senior management staff, to be honest, everyone I admire you very much. They have such a big reputation in the society. When they know that the boss is you, they are immediately ready to come to work with us. Many people have a high degree of education, but it is a pity that they have not seen you once. After you, if you really let them know that you are back, I don't know what to be happy about. "

The person who spoke was Zhou Rui. Zhou Rui was about to go out to do errands, and ran into Liu Ning at the gate of the community. To be honest, Zhang Jing hated this girl very much because she was very beautiful and also There will be trouble very much, and I am afraid that Liu Ning will fall in love with this girl. If there is any problem between the two, Zhang Jing will fall in her own house, but after a period of time, Zhang Jing He also has his own power of observation. I found that Liu Ning didn’t like this girl that much, just like ordinary friends, so the guard between the two was let go. Moreover, Zhou Shirui is indeed a trouble-free property company. Belongs to Zhang Jing's banner, but Zhang Jing didn't bother with it, and her monthly profit also grew steadily.

"Let’s stop talking here. According to what you said, I’m about to become a star now. I haven’t been back for a while. You seem to have remodeled this place. I remember that this place was a vacant lot. The office buildings are all built and the floors are not high. How are the relationships on the floor fixed? Are the people in the community willing?

Hasn't their green area decreased?

If this is the case, I'm afraid they will complain to you. How did you do it?

I remember that when I first moved in, even if I bought you an open space, it would take a long time. Now you are very good at saving land, but don’t arouse people’s disgust. If I really do, I will If you don't speak to you, you have to solve everything yourself. "

Liu Ning saw that the surrounding environment had changed a lot. Originally, when he went home, there was only the guard box at the door and there were a few prefabricated houses around. Around 8 floors, each floor has an area of ​​less than 1,000 square meters. It can be said to be a miniature building. Compared with the residential buildings in the distance, it can be said that there are few, but this kind of place is not construction land. When the community was first established, what was said here was quite correct. Here are some greening land. Now that these places have been built for buildings, let’s not talk about how the guard house passed, just look at the residents of these communities. I don't know if they want it or not. If they don't, we have to dismantle all these things. We can't learn to take advantage of others as the company grows.

"Don’t worry. At first, we thought about going out to rent an office, but after discussing it with the residents in the community, if we go out to live in an office, the closest distance is also a few hundred meters away. It’s very far away, but it will take some time to resolve certain things, so we changed the current situation. We are also very clear about other people. Regardless of what they think, anyway, we just We get up first, and we also give certain compensation to the residents of the community. Besides, we still have some offices for rent. About 50% of them are rented out. We also share the monthly rent with the residents of the community. Fees can be reduced a lot. Many people are very willing. Besides, we are only at the door, which has no effect on their lives."

When Liu Ning first met Zhou Rui, he knew that this girl was very active in business. Now it is basically like this. I explained the matter clearly in a few words. Not only did we save a lot of office expenses here, but also the residents of the community. I also got real benefits from it, which is pretty good for everyone. If you can have this ability, everyone also hopes to do things this way, but then again, in some aspects it is not the way to do things. Liu Ning still feels a little uncomfortable, but people have negotiated, we can’t be the villain, if we continue to be the villain, this is our fault, so Liu Ning sees this. Is also very clear.

Liu Ning nodded and didn’t say anything more here. Zhou Rui was more beautiful than before, but Liu Ning did not dare to say anything to Zhou Rui. In case the two people have been in contact for a long time, the company There will certainly be rumors. Liu Ning doesn’t want to have such rumors. We, a man, are not afraid of anything, and besides, we have daughters-in-law and women friends. Are we still afraid of this rumors?

The most terrible thing is Zhou Rui's side. Why should people spread this rumor with you?

Is there a problem with someone's head?

Therefore, people have their own ideas. Because of this, it is better for Liu Ning to be honest and not to cause any trouble to others. So Liu Ning bid farewell to Zhou Rui and went to the supermarket. Look at what your wife is doing, that's serious business.