Chapter 898: Beyond ordinary

As for the senior general level, it needs 8000 kilograms. There is nothing difficult here. It is just a matter of time. However, there is a misunderstanding here. Many people think that as long as they become a senior general level, it is so slow. Slow cultivation may lead to the level of God of War, but this is actually impossible.

If you want to become the God of War level, you must first enter the Extreme Warlord level. If you can’t become a powerhouse at the Extreme Warlord level, then the God of War level has nothing to do with you. This is how many years. With the accumulated experience, almost no one has directly become the God of War from the senior warlord level.

The limit for the extreme general level is 10,000 kg. Liu Ning has already exceeded this value. Just now, Liu Ning did not use his full strength. Obviously, he has reached 14,000 kg. When it comes to real danger, there is still a part of the potential that has not been realized, and it will be even stronger at that time.

According to the introduction on the Internet, Liu Ning’s original power should have reached the God of War level. If Liu Ning has the power of the God of War in his body, then Liu Ning should now be a power of the God of War, but Liu Ning can’t feel it. There is a little bit of the power of the God of War in your own body, so even if your power reaches it, you can only be an extreme warrior-level powerhouse.

After the test, Liu Ning also felt depressed at this time. What is going on?

He has already broken through the original limit, and his strength is growing very fast. Why is there no God of War power in his body? Liu Ning is very clear that the power of God of War is very powerful, that is, the difference between the power of God of War and the rank of Warlord, a little bit. The power of the God of War can keep the general level busy for a long time.

For example, for the same opportunity, a strong warlord may need to pay 500 kilograms of power, but if you have the power of the God of War, you only need to pay 5 kilograms of power. This is where the power of the God of War is strong, so At this moment, Liu Ning also thinks of owning this thing. This is a great help to the improvement of his strength. Unfortunately, no matter what method Liu Ning uses, he can’t find the power of the God of War in his body. This is what The most depressing.

Liu Ning now has some doubts that others have come up by hard training, and he has come up by the replication system. Is it because this replication system prevents him from gaining the power of the **** of war?

If this is the case, then this system will not bring you a shortcut, maybe it will be a pit.

"It's really surprising. If I'm not mistaken, you should be just a warlord-level powerhouse, but the combat power you have erupted cannot be kept up with the general war-god-level powerhouse. You just use your own The original power can do this, which is really amazing. You are qualified to defeat Yale. If it takes time, the super power among humans must have your seat."

Just as Liu Ning was thinking, a voice came over, and both Liu Ning and Sun Qiang in the car were shocked. What is going on?

Neither of them found this guy just now. Because Liu Ning was focused on thinking, he didn’t look at the surrounding situation. The guy Sun Qiang couldn’t sense it at all, because Lin Lei had some special magic weapons in his body that could help him The breath was covered up, even if Sun Qiang stayed next to him, I'm afraid Lin Lei didn't know that Lin Lei had been here, so this was a very normal thing.

Liu Ning looked up. This guy should be a magician, because the clothes he wears are similar to Yale's, but the color is a little different. Yale wears blue color, and this guy wears yellow color. It seems to be different from Yale. If distinguished by color, this guy should be a fire magician, and from the position of Liu Ning, this guy is also much more stable than Yale. Just look at it. The expression on his face knows that the guy at Yale is very light-hearted. As a magician, he doesn’t look steady at all. The guy in front of me looks like a person in his 30s, but Liu Ning is very clear that he is the oldest person. That is in his 20s.

"If I'm not wrong, you are also a magician. I just defeated a magician some time ago. Do you want to avenge him?

If this is the case, we can proceed here and it is not within the scope of the city. Even if we fight, we don’t need to explain anything to those people. Whoever lives or dies depends on the true ability of our own hands. "

At this moment, Liu Ning was engrossed in looking at the other party, because he didn’t know what the other party was. Based on Liu Ning’s understanding of the Wizards’ Guild, he made the reputation of the Wizards’ Guild this way. It’s impossible. In addition, the other party has already followed up just outside the city today. Obviously, it is for revenge. If it is resolved in the city, I’m afraid it’s already here. You don’t need to wait until today. He didn't want to solve it in the city, because he didn't want to expand the matter, so he followed Liu Ning to the outside of the city.

"You think too much, I'm not here to take revenge. If the magician wants to take revenge, there is no need to wait until this time. You think our magicians are too dirty. Although our magicians are withdrawn, we are also It’s by no means some bad people. What I’m surprised by is your attitude. We are only 5 of human beings. All people will feel strange when they see us, but when you see us, it’s really plain. What's the reason?"

Lin Lei is really very curious about Liu Ning's attitude. There are only 5 magicians among human beings. If you are unlucky, you may not be able to see magicians in your life. It is too rare, whether it is a high-ranking official or a **** of war. Experts all want to see the magician, but Liu Ning's attitude is too cold. In fact, there is a reason for this. Is the magician curious?

As long as Liu Ning had enough of those things, he could become a magician.

Besides, if you are curious, you are still a person who carries the system. There are 5 magicians. If you say that the people who carry the system in this world are probably left alone, so there is nothing great about the magician. Ning's eyes were similar to ordinary people.