Chapter 247: Nosy

Looking through the night vision binoculars, behind these people, a large swarm of beasts rushed over, almost more than all the beasts in the small village. They didn't know what these people did, but they definitely knew one. Things, these people absolutely can't live.

Cut our ropes and no one can make a sound. People will die at this time. "

Even if you come out for the first time in a place like this, all the seniors will tell you that you must not be nosy, even if you have enough strength, you can’t be nosy, except for the level of Zhao Wudi, if If you want to live on your own, it is best to take care of yourself first.

Zhang Daxue gave this order, and the two warrior apprentices cut the rope gently. They can escape from other places as long as they don’t expose themselves. If a beast finds the rope, they may be able to find it. local.

The most terrible thing is that they can’t be discovered by these humans and put out all the lights on the rooftop. It’s pitch black here. If they were discovered by these humans, I’m afraid they would run over desperately, preaching that these people are like this, any human beings. They can become their own stepping stones. As long as they can survive, who will care about others?

Both Zhao Lele and Wang Jun didn't understand. According to these two people's ideas, shouldn't we help? After all, everyone is human.

Put your kindness away, just imagine, if we are chased down below, do you think others will control us? "

Liu Ning was about to explain, and Wang Fang taught the two men a lesson. This is indeed the case in the wild. What a kind heart brings is death.

Captain, look, that person seems to be your brother, this is his team, and I know his team’s logo will not be wrong..."

Gundam was a little surprised and said that the Gao brothers have a good relationship with mine hunting, and naturally they clearly list some things in the family. The younger brother of mine hunting is a senior fighter, but the two brothers are not in the same team. Met each other.

When Gundam finished speaking, everyone looked at Mine Hunter. Mine Hunter gave Gundam an angry look. In fact, facing his younger brother, how could Mine Hunter see clearly? Mine Hunter knew that it was his younger brother, but Mine Hunter never said anything.

Everyone took a breath, facing his own brother, this guy could be so calm. If Gundam didn’t say this, I’m afraid the mine hunter would pass by like this. This is definitely a ruthless person who can do anything. Do it out.

It’s no wonder that Mine Hunter just gave Gundam a glimpse. Gundam said this thing and looked like mine hunting, a bit cold-blooded and ruthless, watching other people negative here is a very normal thing in the wild, but if people there are My own brother, you are a bit too much.

Intellectually, the mine hunting choice is very correct, but emotionally speaking, it is impersonal.

The mine hunting didn’t say anything. He continued to stay in the original position and watched. The others moved their positions quietly. They were all a bit farther away from the mine hunting. No wonder that that day was given such an order, even if he kissed him. The brother's life and death are not in the eyes, let alone us people.

What do you see me doing? "

When Wang Fang looked up, he saw Wang Jun looking at him.

I'm thinking about something, if I'm in that place at the moment, can you watch me die there? "

Wang Jun didn't speak loudly, but it was guaranteed that everyone would be able to hear it. Of course, Wang Jun's words were not spoken to Wang Fang, but to the mine hunting nearby.

Wang Fang pinched Wang Jun fiercely, saying this at this time, isn't this stimulating mine hunting? In Wang Fang's heart, hunting thunder still has a little status, and Wang Fang is unwilling to fall into trouble.

It's like putting a knife in the mind of a mine hunter, but Wang Fang also asked himself, if Wang Jun was really on the team below, Wang Fang would never be able to stay here, even if he died together. I felt a little better, so I saved my life. After returning to the city, can I really live my life? It is absolutely impossible, this matter is like a nightmare, and will follow oneself forever.

In fact, it’s the same if you don’t get out of this kind of thing. Look at the densely packed fierce beasts around you. If it were me, I would hide here without saying a word. It’s a death to go out..."

This matter was caused by the Gao family brothers, so Gao Yuan could only come out and say this. When Gao Yuan was fighting Gundam, the two brothers were desperately protecting each other, so Gao Yuan said this, the old man in the team. They didn't believe it, and the reason to say so was to give mine hunting a step.

Even if the Gao brothers said so, everyone understands that the look in the eyes just exposed mine hunting. People have discovered their brother a long time ago, but they just don’t say anything. If you can do this, this person really is Ruthless, completely different from us.

As everyone expected, this team didn't hold on for three minutes. Their torches were slowly extinguished and the shouts disappeared. They must have been killed by the beast. This is also normal.

If it is during the daytime, they might be able to run, but at night, people’s eyesight is limited, but the beast can see clearly, so it is absolutely impossible to fight the beast at night, let alone be given by the beast. Surrounded.

The others sighed, preparing to return to their positions and continue sleeping.

But Zhang Daxue didn't do that. It wasn't his brother who died below. Zhang Daxue still had his own basic judgment. Zhang Daxue looked at Zhou Pian'er with the night vision binoculars, frowning deeper and deeper.

Don’t take a break, everyone. Maybe we’re in trouble. Everyone, look around. Because of this team, they have attracted too many fierce beasts. Let’s not talk about attacking as planned tomorrow. I’m afraid it will be difficult for us to go out Now, the number of sales around us has exceeded our estimate..."

When Zhang Daxue said this, everyone's heart sank and they all took out their night vision binoculars. Sure enough, just like Zhang Daxue said, there are densely densely packed beasts, which are more cheats than during the day. It is really not good to have more of this number, but it is estimated that everyone understands one thing. If you want to go out, it may be impossible. This team has brought disaster to them.