Without thinking too much, Zhao Gao directly opened the system panel and looked at the experience points stored from 22:00 last night to 18:00 in the afternoon.

After a little thought, Zhao Gao added all experience points to the intermediate swordsmanship.

"Stored experience: 4057998"

"Intermediate knife skills improved successfully"

"Knife Technique Level 32 1192640"

"Level 33 1311720"

"Level 34 1438480"

Just after adding the skill level, the familiar feeling of pulling pulled Zhao Gao to the top of the mountain again.

Zhao Gao was kicked back after he practiced swordsmanship for three more years on the top of the mountain.

Afterwards, Zhao Gao used the trance of time to fall asleep.

In his sleep, Zhao Gao was in a daze several times and was awakened by the sound of drums and horns outside, but subconsciously, he called Zhao Gao away, he just needed to sleep peacefully.

Just like this, he woke up startled and went back to sleep. After going back and forth several times, he finally got to the firewood house and was knocked on the door.

"It's three o'clock at midnight, get up and get ready to switch!" Just after knocking here, the voice knocked on the door next to him.

"It's three o'clock in the morning..."

Hearing the sound, Zhao Gao and the others, who had been sleeping lightly, were awakened immediately.

Everyone quickly put on their helmets, put their weapons on their backs and went out.

"Come on, let's get some cold well water first to clear our minds, and then we'll hurry over there." As soon as he went out, Wang Ergou picked up the bucket and rushed to the well with a few people.

"Okay!" Everyone answered.

After he woke up now, Zhao Gao could really hear clearly. The screams of killing, the sound of war drums, and the sound of horns on the other side of the city wall were all so clear.

It was only at this moment that Zhao Gao realized that he might not be so brave and could not be afraid of war.

His heart was beating, he was excited and nervous, and even a little scared, his whole body began to tremble slightly.

"Come on, just rub your face with cold water." Wang Ergou urged immediately as soon as the well water came up.

Hearing the words, everyone didn't say anything, they just expressed it with actions.

He picked up the cold well water, put it on his face, and rubbed it casually.

The cold well water stimulates the brain and makes it more awake.

"Go!" Wang Ergou took the lead and trotted under the city wall.

A few people had just arrived at the city wall, and before a few people could observe the situation on the city wall, two fire-headed soldiers came over.

Each of them held a wooden barrel full of white flower buns, and they sent two when they saw someone coming.

A person in the back carried a wooden bucket of vegetable soup and gave each person a serving.

"Eat it! Don't delay." Looking at the steamed buns and soup in his hands, Wang Ergou gave a dull command.

Because these steamed buns are not just for feeding them enough to have the strength to fight.

This is the last meal of many people!

This is "Practice Meal"!

In less than ten minutes, everyone finished eating the buns in a dull atmosphere.

Then, Zhao Gao only heard a loud shout: "Switch defense!!!"

"Dong, dong, dong..."

The deafening drumming sounded, this is the horn of the charge, and it is also a movement of lamentation.

"Follow me, Wang Gang grabs a shield for defense, Goudan, Gouwazi grabs a spear. Ma Feifei, Zhao Gao, start shooting at will when you reach the city wall!" Wang Ergou quickly instructed while walking up the stairs of the city wall.


As soon as he rushed to the city wall, Zhao Gao instinctively took a bow and shot arrows.

"Hey~" The galloping arrow quickly penetrated a head that had just emerged from the ladder.

"Uh..." The barbarian with the orange-red beard, until the last few seconds of his life, had a ferocious smile on his face. He only cried out for the sudden pain before falling off the ladder.

And Zhao Gao, who came back to his senses, realized that he had shot the arrow.

Zhao Gao clearly saw that his arrow entered the enemy's eye socket and directly pierced the enemy's head.

The tip of the **** arrow was dripping with blood-red blood beads.

Zhao Gao was stunned for a moment, and at this moment in his heart, he had no idea.

Until a flowing arrow shot at him, Zhao Gao's sixth sense sent dangerous information, and his body instinctively tilted his head to avoid the flowing arrow.

At this moment, Zhao Gao was shocked and sweated, and quickly came back to his senses.

At this time, he realized that he was two steps behind the team and Wang Gang's shield was not there, so he was shot by the stray arrow.

"Don't be stunned, don't fall behind, keep up quickly!" Wang Ergou found out Zhao Gao's situation and reprimanded him loudly.

"Oh oh~ right now." Zhao Gao quickly followed the team as he prepared his bow.

"Hey~" As he moved forward, Zhao Gao observed, as long as anyone appeared, he would just shoot an arrow.

Even if the enemy had an arm shield blocking the front of his face, it couldn't stop Zhao Gao's powerful arrows. He went straight through the helmet from the side of the enemy's head, and the arrows shot into the enemy's head.

"Uh~uh..." The last blank look in the enemy's eyes and the disbelief at his own death made Zhao Gao a little excited.

"Is this what it feels like to have power and be able to control the life and death of the enemy at will?"

"Not bad!" Zhao Gao murmured inwardly, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

But he obviously forgot that his previous apprehension and fear had been shielded by him.

"Be careful!" Suddenly, a spear-like crossbow bolt avoided the gap in Wang Gang's shield and shot at Ma Feifei who was a step behind But when Ma Feifei heard the sound, it was already too late, and the crossbow bolt was Only two meters away from her, with her physical attributes, it is impossible to completely escape in time.

No way, Zhao Gao placed a pile of ground, two steps away, and reached the instant. He held the fast-moving crossbow arrow in his right hand. Following the strength, his body rotated and pulled the crossbow arrow 360 degrees.

"Hey~" Zhao Gao used his own enormous strength, plus a little bit of power, to directly let the crossbow arrow return to the original path, but this time the crossbow arrow was obviously more powerful.

When the crisis was over, Zhao Gao quickly picked up the bow and arrow he had just dropped: "Don't be distracted, watch the six roads with your eyes, and listen to all directions with your ears."

Ma Feifei nodded solemnly: "No way."

Wang Ergou: "Follow up!"

Everyone moved forward quickly, dodging arrows, crossbow arrows, boulders, and so on, taking every step very carefully.

Finally, after half an hour, everyone arrived at the crenel of 876 where they were.

"Brothers, prepare to switch defenses and kill!!!" As soon as he came over, Wang Ergou greeted loudly.

Let the defending team quickly prepare for the handover.

"Kill!" Wang Gang held the shield and stood in front of the stack, resisting the arrows and the slashing of the enemy on the ladder.

On the other hand, Wang Ergou was holding a sword and a shield and guarding Wang Gang. When he saw the enemy soldiers emerge, he slashed.

Li Goudan and Gouwazi stood behind Wang Gang with spears and stabbed the enemy on the ladder with their spears.

"Kill!" Zhao Gao and Ma Feifei shot directly at the enemy when they saw it, or they shot without showing the enemy.

Beside them, the auxiliary soldiers and the civilians were carrying stones and rolling logs and smashing them at the enemy.

More catapults and siege crossbows are controlled by auxiliary soldiers and attack continuously.
