I was scared out of my wits. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at the puppet. The puppet fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

The sky was already starting to turn white, and the faint light of dawn was seeping through the curtains.

I didn't have the heart to sleep anymore. I recalled everything that had happened in the past few days. It seemed to have something to do with nails and hair!

And the first thing I need to know about my hair and fingernails seems to be when I bought that lucky piece of jade!

There must be something wrong with Lucky Jade!

Thinking of Lucky Jade, a figure suddenly appeared in my mind — that pot-bellied Boss Wang, he must know something!

I couldn't wait another quarter of an hour, so I got dressed and headed for the meeting place where I had talked to Boss Wang about the contract.

I rushed to Boss Wang's office. The receptionist told me that Boss Wang was inside, but I knocked on the door for a long time, but there was no response.

A cold air came through the door, and I had a bad feeling. I grabbed the handle of the door and slammed it open — Boss Wang was dead!

He had died and was slumped in his office chair, his head tilted over his shoulder in a twisted position.

Boss Wang was clearly a fat pig with a big belly, but now it was as if all the vitality was sucked out of his body. All that was left was a set of skinny skeletons, and his relaxed skin was hanging down on his body like a piece of rotten meat.

What was even more terrifying was that Boss Wang's thick jet-black hair disappeared and his scalp was torn off as well. His head was badly mutilated.

There wasn't even a fingernail left. It was as if someone had ripped it off one by one. Blood dripped from his fingertips and dripped onto the ground … Drip, drip, drip. The bright red blood dripped onto the white floor, blooming one beautiful flower after another, like Chang's blood-stained lips.

I thought I heard Chang's shrill voice again, hoarse with despair, like a trapped beast — "Help me! "Save me!"

Ah!" The dead are dead!

Boss Wang's secretary walked in with two cups of coffee. When he saw this scene, he was so shocked that he dropped the cup onto the floor. The scalding coffee mixed with his blood and formed a single word on the floor … Die!

I turned pale with fright and stumbled out, holding on to the wall.

The police arrived in a moment, and I recognized the tall, thin man, Xiong Hui.

"Officer Xiong."

The tall and thin policeman had a stern expression on his face. When he saw me, his gaze turned even more unfriendly. "Why is it you again?"

"I came to find Boss Wang to learn some things. I didn't expect Boss Wang to have already …"

I took a step to the side, just in time for Xiong Hui to see Boss Wang's corpse.

Even if he was suspicious of me, Boss Wang's appearance that made him look neither like a human nor a ghost was something that I could do by myself.

Boss Wang's mouth was wide open, his eyeballs almost popping out. The veins on his forehead were bulging as if he had seen something extraordinary.

This expression... A light flashed in my head. The same expression appeared on the painter's face when he died. The same painter also found his hair and fingernails at the scene of his death … Could it be that both these cases were committed by the same person? Or was it simply not a human being who had caused the deaths of Boss Wang and the painter? It was a ghost!

The police took photographs at the scene, collected the evidence, then put the boss in a body bag and carried it out.

I was about to leave, but Officer Xiong stopped me. "Miss Bai."

"You want me to come back to the station with you for an investigation?"

Officer Xiong did not deny it, "After all, you are the number one witness at the scene of the crime. In consideration of the situation, you should come back with us."

"Let's go."

I calmly followed the police back to the police station. In any case, these two matters have nothing to do with me. Even if this police officer suspects me, he has to have evidence against me.

Back at the police station, the police asked me a few simple questions. After I finished writing down my statement, they waved me off.

On the other hand, that tall and thin policeman refused to let me go, "You said that you went to find Boss Wang, but it was really a coincidence that you ran into him dead the moment you went?"

I'm not too proud of this cop's brain circuits.

If I really murdered Boss Wang, wouldn't I have run away to the scene of the crime and waited for him to arrest me? However, since he was a police officer, my tone of voice was a bit softer than before. "Officer Xiong, as you said, I met a dead person early in the morning. I'm afraid I might get into trouble."

Officer Xiong didn't say anything. His brows were furrowed as he looked at me.

"If you really think I'm suspicious, find out the evidence. I won't argue with you."

With that, I strode toward the door of the police station.

I had only taken two steps when I remembered that the painter had given me a piece of stolen money in my bag.

"Officer Xiong, I do have a stack of stolen funds to hand over. If you think this can be counted as evidence, then I have nothing to say. "

As I said that, I took out money from my bag. Officer Xiong frowned a little, "Loot?"

"When that painter bought my hair, I don't know when he threw it into my bag."

It wasn't easy for me to find that pile of stolen money in my huge backpack, but I felt that something was wrong. I took it out and looked — it was actually a stack of underworld money!

Officer Xiong raised his eyebrows, "Is this what you meant by stolen money?"

I hastily took off my backpack and shook everything on the floor. "Where's the money?" "Why is that pile of money gone?"

I calmed myself down. Could it be that someone moved the stack of underworld money? But no one has been near this bag except me these days.

"Are you sure the painter gave you the money?"

Officer Xiong interrogated me like a prisoner.

I nodded my head vigorously. In the past few days, only that painter had approached me and nervously discussed the transaction of money with me.

"How long?"

the bear cop asked again.

"A few days ago. I worked overtime that night, and when I came out, I ran into this talkative painter. When I woke up the next morning, I found the money in my bag. "

Officer Xiong's face was gloomy, "A few days ago? "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. At most three or four days."

Officer Xiong was getting more and more unsightly.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem? "

"The painter died half a month ago."

If I had been struck by lightning, would I have died half a month ago? But I talked to him that night!

I tried to recall the night when a painter with wild hair and a thick layer of white powder on his face asked me for hair and nails and I thought he was a pervert.

I did not expect to meet a ghost that night!