Chapter 331: Eat other forces like crabs

In the early winter season, this very rare and usual noon.

Lin Yuan was like chatting with Wen Yu in ordinary times, saying that he wanted to build a private power.

In a total of tens of minutes, Lin Yuan clarified his plan for private power.

Seeing Wen Yu listening seriously, Lin Yuan asked simply.

"Wen Yu, what do you think would be the most appropriate route if I were to establish private power?"

Wen Yu didn't hesitate to hear Lin Yuan's words, he said directly.

"Master, if you develop your own private power, it is most appropriate to take the path of accumulating resources."

Lin Yuan nodded and signaled Wen Yu to continue.

Lin Yuan just said that he intends to build private power and his own advantages, but did not say that he will develop specific plans for private power.

However, in Lin Yuan's view, Wen Yu's view can be said to coincide with his own development view to a certain extent.

After Wen Yu said that Lin Yuan did not directly express his position, but let himself continue.

Wen Yu thought about it carefully and pondered for five minutes before talking seriously.

"Master, according to what you just said about the idea of ​​building private forces, then it is most appropriate for us to take the top line in accumulating resources. The resources we take out are about to be agreed, so the more we gain for our forces. Big."

"And, as long as our top luxury resources are there, no one will want to stifle our power."

"So we have to use the most top-level resources to prove the foundation of our forces. Once we release our foundation, then other forces will try our best to establish a relationship with us and replace them with the luxury resources in their hands. Luxury resources useful to them in their hands."

"As long as we can guarantee that our luxury goods are not in their possession, but they are desperately wanting them, then we can squeeze other powers from their hands and squeeze them out of the luxury resources we have paid Quantity."

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows when he heard Wen Yu say this. It is true that Wen Yu, who was the prodigal man when he built the manor, was truly extraordinary.

However, when expressing his thoughts in three words, Wen Yu said that the direction of the development of private forces was almost completely consistent with Lin Yuan's ideas.

When Wen Yu actually said his thoughts, he was thinking about this for more than a month.

Wen Yu's own detailed information about the various forces of the Shining Federation watched in Huiyuedian's database, I was very impressed.

Because of understanding, Wen Yu would express his thoughts in front of Lin Yuan.

If he didn't understand at all, Wen Yu would never talk in front of Lin Yuan anyway.

At this time Lin Yuan's face showed a sunny smile.

In fact, there are many development routes for developing a private force, and it does not mean that which route is taken will definitely have an absolute benefit to the development of forces.

But if you want to develop a powerful force, then there can only be one voice in this force to make major decisions.

Lin Yuan’s private forces naturally required Lin Yuan to make the main decision.

However, Lin Yuan wanted Wen Yu to help develop his forces as his assistant, so Wen Yu's voice must be consistent with his own.

Otherwise, even if Wen Yu has the strong strategic talent to deploy materials and review the situation, Lin Yuan will not let Wen Yu play a role in assisting the development of his own power.

Because if the development paths of the two people are different, the decision opinions made by Lin Yuan and Wen Yu are different, then it is equal to two forces.

Even if these two forces are trying to pull the forces forward in one direction, the two forces will invisibly contain each other.

Such development is of little benefit to a private force.

However, according to the conversation just now Lin Yuan knew Wen Yu's ideas, and Lin Yuan's ideas also coincided with Wen Yu's ideas.

Then the private forces that Lin Yuan wants to build can be outlined.

At this time Wen Yu took a deep breath and looked very seriously.

"Master, how much private power do you want to build?"

Lin Yuan heard the words, raised his head and looked at the distance with his eyes.

"The Shining Federation is just a starting point."

When Lin Yuan said this, he thought of the floating island whale that had not yet hatched in his spiritual space.

The world is full of floating island whales that can build a sky city on their backs, so Lin Yuan’s own private power can be not limited to the Shining Federation.

Wen Yu listened to Lin Yuan and clenched his fists.

Wen Yu felt the greatness of Lin Yuan's pattern and the magnificence in his heart. As Lin Yuan's assistant Wen Yu knew that he still needed to grow.

However, in the face of Lin Yuan's plan to build a private force, Wen Yu was willing to return all his efforts to help outline the outline of this grand force.

Lin Yuan was originally looking at the day of the sky, and only Wen Yu said it again.

"Master, I am ready to face all the challenges in the future when building private forces."

Lin Yuan said with a smile when Wen Yu said this.

"Relax, we will not have a hard time building private power. UU Reading"

Lin Yuan had already started to decide to build a private force. In fact, he had already expected everything he had to face.

It was only a month and a half after Lin Yuan experienced the cracks in the three-dimensional abyss of the controlled abyss, he added a scale in his heart to measure the heart and good and evil.

Lin Yuan's shape can completely eliminate the ruler in his heart to measure whether he should do or not.

The establishment of a private force is not a play, it is not as simple as opening a small shop on Xingwang.

Lin Yuanxing's shop has always looked like a smooth river, which has no effect on Lin Yuan, but it is not that no one has done it.

The first Linyuan's Xingwang store is self-produced and self-sufficient.

Second, even if other people make a trip, but whether it is elite-level spirit goldfish or silver-grade Qingluo is in great demand in the market.

Even if you want to make a tripper snipe Lin Yuan's Xingwang store, there is no good way.

So Linyuan's Xingwang store has been developing so smoothly and smoothly.

However, the establishment of a force must be suppressed by other forces at the beginning.

If they can't withstand the pressure of other forces, they will be forced out by the erosion of other forces.

Of course, these are just the problems that need to be faced in the establishment of some ordinary forces.

Lin Yuan has the ability to easily take out the bronze-level epic qualities.

Even taking out legendary spirits of the Bronze Order is not difficult for Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan was confident that other forces would become licking dogs one after another.

But for licking dogs, the hardest thing is not thinking about how to lick Lin Yuan’s private power.

Instead, he wanted to lick Lin Yuan's private forces.

Today's second

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