Chapter 287: The grievance of the queen

Finally, when the Demon Sea was completely destroyed.

Red Thorn had to abandon some of the fourth-level demon flesh that he could not yet digest.

The withering and burning characteristics of these fourth-level demon flesh equivalent to platinum-level spirits, even the red thorn mother plant can't bear to swallow.

At that time, Red Thorn was only used as a container for storing the blood of the fourth-level demons, preventing the fourth-level demons from being devoured by the third-level demons and forming a threat on the battlefield.

The red thorn has absorbed the flesh and blood energy that it can absorb through the slave strain.

A large number of slaves withered instantly, and the huge flesh and blood energy was transferred from the roots and hairs connecting the red spines to the inner body of the mother plant.

This huge energy of flesh and blood made the red thorn directly enter a dormant state.

At this time Lin Yuan could feel the red thorn in the mouth of the Naji, giving out the rumbling sound like a furnace running.

And the twelve digestive cavities in full bloom of rose-like and fascinating red flowers around the mouth of the Red Spindle Festival are also collecting the digestive juice stored in them.

These strong acid digestive juices flow into the mouth of the Na Ji, which maximizes the digestive capacity of the mouth of the Na Ji.

Even if Lin Yuan was some distance away from the mouth of the Na Ji, Lin Yuan could feel the endless flesh and blood energy in the mouth of the Na Ji.

The red thorn is rapidly digesting the huge flesh and blood energy in the body and transforming it into its own strength.

Lin Yuan believes that after this week's slumber, the red thorn can almost reach the bronze level ten.

After that, as long as the quality of the red thorn is promoted from the current epic quality to the legendary quality, then Lin Yuan can promote the red thorn to a fantasy species.

If Redthorn is promoted to a fantasy species, Lin Yuan's combat ability can be greatly improved.

It's just that Lin Yuan hasn't decided yet, which one of the two will runes in his spiritual space should be used to fuse the red thorn.

Because it is true that these two will runes are extremely consistent with the red thorn.

It is important to know that when the rune of will and the spirit are merged and promoted to the fantasy species, the spirit will undergo a new transformation.

Therefore, different will runes will make the path after the spirit change drastically.

So this kind of thing is a bit sloppy.

But Lin Yuan thinks this question is still too early.

Because Red Thorn wanted to upgrade from the epic quality of the bronze rank to the legendary quality is not an easy task.

Because the red thorn can only rely on the energy of engulfing the flesh contained in the flesh to upgrade the rank and promote the quality.

So the path that Red Thorn is taking now is almost the same as other Reiki professionals' way of strengthening spirits.

Through the cultivation of red thorns, Lin Yuan also understood the hardship of other Reiki professionals in cultivating spirits and improving the quality of spirits.

Lin Yuan sighed as he felt the state of Hong Ting at this time.

The red thorn has not yet digested the huge flesh and blood energy in the body, and obviously still cannot make the red thorn upgrade from epic quality to legendary quality.

Because Lin Yuan felt a thick barrier between the epic quality and the legendary quality in the red thorn.

Want to rely on the red thorn that flesh and blood energy has not been completely consumed is not enough to break through the barrier.

It seems that if Red Thorn wants to upgrade the quality from epic quality to legendary quality at the Bronze level 10, Lin Yuan needs another way.

The improvement of the quality of the red thorn should be one of Lin Yuan's biggest problems in cultivating his spirits.

However, Lin Yuan was also unwilling to let Lin Yuan waste some of the potentialities of spirits like other Reiki professionals, first to upgrade the red thorn rank to the silver rank, and then find a way to impact the legendary quality from epic quality.

In Lin Yuan's view, since it is possible for him to do, he must do his best to do his best even if it is difficult.

The queen-grade first-class legendary acid-etched queen bee was already expelled from the mouth of the sacrifice by the red thorn when it was already dormant.

So the bee queen can only live next to the red thorn, which is in the digestive cavity of the huge red rose-shaped flower.

The queen of acid etched pitifully crawled out of the digestive cavity of the red thorn with huge monster rose-shaped flowers and landed on Lin Yuan's palm.

Lin Yuan looked at the empress bee carefully to please his own expression, and found that it was exactly the same as when he ate the red thorn.

It's just that it seems to bring some purpose to please yourself.

During this time, the queen beetle licked the dog with red thorns.

But the red thorn has always been indifferent to the acid queen.

Red Thorn has always relied heavily on Lin Yuan and regarded Lin Yuan as everything.

So after learning about this, the queen bee immediately used the roundabout tactic of licking the dog and repeatedly licking.

By pleasing Lin Yuan to make Red Thorn feel good about herself.

This is a bit like a goddess who is chasing herself, but her goddess does not respond to her love, so she tries to please the goddess’ parents and then gets the goddess’s favor.

At this time, the red thorn in the sleep seemed to sense something.

Directly wrapped the smooth vine without any thorns on Lin Yuan's wrist.

Then the vine shook and UU read books www.uukanshu. Com pumped the queen bee away from Lin Yuan's palm.

After licking the dog, the queen licked the dog, and it was not counted. The goddess she wanted to please was actually a dad.

Lin Yuan recovered all the etched queen bee and the sleeping red thorns into the leaf-shaped diamond-order trapped spirit box worn on his chest.

Afterwards, he entered the space of the spirit lock, and was ready to check the heavenly and earth creatures, Qifeng Wutong, and Twin Fire Festivals he had acquired in this experience.

After Lin Yuan entered his lock-up space, he looked at the scene in the lock-up space.

I only feel that this area of ​​the spiritual space is a bit small.

Especially after Lin Yuan fully utilized the area in his lock-up space, the lock-up space became extremely crowded.

Lin Yuan has many things to do this time when he enters the Ling Ling space.

Because more than a month has passed, the precious wood that Lin Yuan placed on the two huge sycamore wood shelves has been completely jadeized.

Therefore, Lin Yuan wants to replace these precious jade precious woods with new ones.

These completely jade-made woods are all cherished qualities carefully selected by Lin Yuan at that time.

These completely jade-like precious woods are flowing with various colors and halos under the strong aura in the Ling Ling space, which is really beautiful.

Lin Yuan looked at these five types of completely jade wood, whether it was Huanghualimu, Wenge, ebony, Qingmu, or Phoebe chinensis.

These five kinds of completely jade-like precious woods placed on the market at random will cause those giants to fight wildly.

What's more, Lin Yuan's completely jade wood is still very large and very regular.

Lin Yuan’s entire piece of completely jade wood is most suitable for relief, furniture and carvings.