The next day, the sun was shining brightly, and Jin Xin hurriedly left the attic of Mu's house early in the morning, planning to hang out with the friend he just met yesterday, but Lin Xiu ignored him because he had something on his mind.

Outside Mu City, there is a world-renowned great lake named Yunmeng Great Lake, which makes many people linger and forget to return.

An exquisite painting boat escaped from the cluster of boats and rowed leisurely towards the center of the lake.

There are four people on the boat, one white, one yellow, one purple and one black. The one in black is rowing an oar. He is a boatman. The other three sat around a table, namely Xu Fei, Jin Xin and Zi Man.

"Master, come, let's have another prawn." Xu Fei got up and picked up a prawn and handed it to Jin Xin. The piece of fish in Jin Xin's mouth was not finished yet, so he quickly took it and said vaguely: "Yeah, um , um, I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself."

Xu Fei put down his chopsticks, looked out of the boat window for a while, then turned his head and asked Jin Xin: "Master, what do you think of the scenery of Yunmeng Great Lake?"

"Okay, okay." Jin Xin hurriedly glanced out of the window, then buried his head and started to eat.

Zi Man gave Jin Xin a disdainful look, and really didn't understand why the young master respected this rude, incompetent and shameless monk so much.

Because no matter from what angle, from what level, from what style, it all shows that he is just a wild monk who eats and drinks, at most he is a wandering monk, not even a little bit outstanding, let alone a Excellent place too. Master, what exactly are you thinking? Ziman couldn't help but secretly sighed.

"Master, what do you think of the game in the lake?" Xu Fei still asked gently.

"Okay, okay" Jin Xin nodded non-stop, and promptly used actions to enhance the expression effect.

"Then what does the master think of this Yunmeng Dahu girl?" Xu Fei suddenly whispered into Jin Xin's ear and asked.

"Hahahaha," Jin Xin laughed loudly when he heard this, put down the crab shell in his hand, wiped his chest and back with two greasy hands, then lifted the tablecloth to wipe his mouth, then stood He got up and walked to a vase of flowers by the window, fiddling with them absent-mindedly.

"Did you embarrass the mage? In fact, this is just a purely academic discussion. Let's study it together when you have nothing to do. Since the mage doesn't have much research on this, it's my brother who is abrupt." Xu Fei got up and was about to apologize to Jin Xin .

Jin Xin interrupted Xu Fei with a wave of his hand, then turned around slowly, staring solemnly at the pure white flower that he just pulled out of the vase in his hand.

"Actually, I was just thinking of what kind of metaphor to use so that you can understand what I mean better. This Yunmeng Dahu woman is just like the women in this world. It can be divided into two types: one is safflower, red hair Purple, the kind that turns purple and turns black. This kind of flower grows in the soil, and needs others to sprinkle yellow and yellow flowers—in order to breed its own beauty."

Jin Xin walked slowly to Ziman's side while talking, and saw that Ziman was tearing and biting a chicken nugget, so he patted him on the shoulder, and added the accent when he said "yellow big-poop". Zi Man stared at Jin Xin in a fit of anger and ate a few mouthfuls. Jin Xin continued to pace.

"The other kind of woman is white flowers, white and pure, pure and transparent. This kind of flower grows in the water, with a clean and elegant, seductive temperament that can't be met, and a beauty that is far beyond The spirituality and persistence of ordinary women."

Jin Xin stood firmly in front of the window, staring straight into the sky with confused eyes, and after a while said intoxicatedly: "A woman like this, once she appears, the whole world will be pure."

"Classics, really classics." It took Xu Fei a while to get out of Jin Xin's words, clapping his hands and walking towards Jin Xin, "The mage is indeed superb in Buddhism, with outstanding insights, unconstrained and extraordinary. It's just that I'm still a little puzzled, what do the mage's so-called 'stool' and 'water' refer to?"

"Oh, that's it. Master, did you see the small boat opposite?" Xu Fei followed Jin Xin's gestures and looked, and sure enough, there was a unique painting boat leisurely floating on the water. The middle window of the painting boat is wide open, and there are two wealthy young men and women hugging a few women for fun.

"I see." Xu Fei is still puzzled, does it have anything to do with them?

"Did you see those girls?" Jin Xin continued to guide her in a persuasive manner.


"What are you wearing all over your neck?"

"Gold embellishment."

"What color is the embellishment?"

"Gold embellishment, gold embellishment, of course it's yellow..." Xu Fei suddenly became enlightened at this point, and exclaimed: "High! It's really high!"

Jin Xin shook his head lightly and smiled modestly. Zi Man snorted coldly behind his back.

"Then what is the meaning of the word 'water'?" Xu Fei asked more interestingly.

"This 'water'——" Jin Xin stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, and his eyes began to stare straight at the lake again.


Suddenly, a thunderstorm fell from the sky, and a thick, long and multi-branched lightning split the blue sky, which was fleeting. However, the cracking thunder sound reverberated between the heaven and the earth.

"A thunderbolt from the blue sky?!" Xu Fei and Zi Man screamed loudly, staring blankly at the sky together.

For a long time, there was no sound at all.

"Where is the mage? Mage—" Xu Fei and the two waited for a while, but they turned around in confusion, but Jin Xin was nowhere to be seen. Xu Fei hastily screamed.

"Young master, where is it?" Zi Man suddenly pointed at a place. It turned out that Jin Xin was curled up under the table, covering his face with his hands, and was still shaking.

"What's the matter, master? What's the matter?" Xu Fei hurried over to help Jin Xin up.

"Is there no more thunder?" Jin Xin asked with lingering fear, while cautiously looking out of the window from behind Xu Fei.

"Don't fight anymore—may I ask the mage, what's the matter? Could it be that the owner of the thunder just now was very fierce?" Xu Fei asked Jin Xin eagerly.

"Damn, I'm most afraid of thunder." Jin Xin got up and straightened his clothes, and said angrily.

Ziman sneered again, and once again expressed his contempt for Jin Xin from the bottom of his heart. He walked to the table alone, sat down, and ate by himself.

Xu Fei nodded in understanding, walked to the table and sat down, and then said to himself worriedly: "A thunderbolt in the blue sky, there is no miracle, there will be a miracle——ah!"

Suddenly a gust of wind blew in through the window, making everyone tremble. When I looked out again, there were thick clouds rolling in mid-air, as if surging from thousands of miles away, and suddenly the clear sky was as dark as night. The strong wind swept the smoked willows by the lake, helpless as if they were dying. After a while, the torrential rain poured down like silver flakes all over the sky, and it was pouring out in an instant.

"It's raining, pack up your clothes—" A cry came from a distance, but it was drowned by the hungry rain in an instant.

This heavy rain did not come without warning. Lin Xiu had already heard some news in the attic. It was said that the ancestor of the Mu family had left the customs...