Chapter Vol 2 5: not human

No matter how great the determination is in my heart, no matter... what I said to myself before.

These will be completely useless in the face of that fear.

Completely forgot everything before, only the fear left in my heart has... escaped—

"I...I don't have a three-dimensional mobile device yet, I don't have much combat power yet...Even if I rush up, it's useless, right...That's right, wait five years, five years later it will be fine , Five years later, I have mastered the three-dimensional mobile device, and then... I can fight after I have the power."

Isaac ran away and muttered to himself in a voice only he could hear: "Yeah... that's it, just wait five years, when... when I-"


These are just excuses.

Although this is indeed true, but... there is another reason that he does not have the courage to face those giants at this time!

"No...not right."

Isaac looked at the giant behind him, and people who ran past him stopped: "I...why did I stay here, why did I stay in Sigansina District !?"

If you escape once, then you will only escape in your life.

Courage was destroyed once... Can it really come to my heart again?

Now I ran away... Then can I really stand in front of giants five years later?

He knew that these giants were just poor people, but...but——!

It shouldn't be like this!

shouldn't be... so...

Colossal giants destroyed the outer walls of the Wall of Maria, and giants breached the Segancina district.

Then the armored giant broke through the inner wall of the Wall of Maria, and that's it... The giant's actions completely devoured one-third of the human land, and swallowed up all the outer areas of the Wall of Rose .

Erwin temporarily closed the book when he saw this, and understood what happened.

"If that's the case..."

There are also two pages of illustrations in this book, which depict the appearance of the super giant and the armored giant after breaking through the city gate.

Let him have a more intuitive impression of things, but... the painting is really good.

Although at this time he wanted to stay and continue watching to see what happened next, but the current situation did not allow him to do so.

Because the Wall of Maria has been destroyed, their survey corps will also retreat...temporary retreat!

Afterwards, he will definitely take this stronghold back again, no... not just here, even the investigation outside the wall... all of them must be taken back from the hands of the giants!

Next, they will retreat to the stronghold inside Rose's Wall.

This has to be said to be ironic. The survey corps, which has been conducting investigations outside the wall, can only choose to retreat at such a time.

After all... the strength of the survey corps itself is insufficient now. The previous investigation outside the wall has killed a large number of people, and the rest are a group of wounded and seriously injured.


Levi's elite squad didn't join the previous investigation outside the wall, and they still maintain their strength, but... what can they do alone? At most, it is delaying the giant's footsteps.

But... the wall of Maria has been destroyed, even if it is delayed for a while, it is completely useless, it is just a waste of current combat power!

Compared to the lives of soldiers of the Survey Corps, and the lives of civilians who ran slowly and were killed by giants in the process of escaping...

Erwin chooses the Survey Corps!

Only by ensuring that these elites are still alive can they better understand what will happen next and break the current situation.

As for the lives of ordinary people...

Even if those people are saved, it is useless.

It's just a matter of dying later... The current human government can't support these fugitives with only two-thirds of the original land, and it's only a matter of time before they are abandoned.

Erwin is very clear about this.

Not afraid at all...

Isaac feels a little dazed about his state, is it because he has overcome his fear?

Without thinking too much, he tried his best to save two people, and met giants twice...but he ran away. Although he still ran away, but for some reason, he didn't have any fear of giants.

On the contrary, he has a feeling in his heart for those big guys...

Feelings of contempt?

Why the hell... who the **** am I?

Is it really just a simple earth traveler?

So it is now... so it was before...

He who has never learned painting is somehow very familiar with painting, and he can even be said to be very good at it. The giant who should be really afraid when he is far away, but when the giant does appear in his own in front of you.

He didn't feel any fear at all—

No...a picture popped up in my mind...

It wasn't Earth, he saw someone... stranger, but he was sure it was himself—

He saw a girl in a kimono... no... that doesn't exist in reality, right? Isn't that two rituals? ? ?

what happened?

don't understand—

Could it be that... this means that I have traveled through the moon world once? Now is the second crossing? ?

And...he was able to escape from the giant for another reason - the giant ignored him for a while.

At the beginning, he still chased him, but after a period of inexplicable, he stopped, and then chased others. Even if he got on top and went to find the giant himself, he didn't care about himself.

But the other new giants will still attack him...

It probably gave him the feeling that the giant chased him for a while by sight, trying to eat him.

But I don't know when, I found something... and left.

It's like... he's just some unknown existence in human skin.

Is he really human who ignores even giants?

Feelings of incomprehension and uneasiness appeared in his mind. Originally, what he thought about was how to survive in this world, but... now it seems that this is not so difficult.

Coupled with the unexpected progress during his previous training...he felt that maybe, maybe he really wasn't human.