Chapter 840: real than unreal

"Oh - in this way, Jincheng's repentance will be successful!"

Ryuji Sakamoto clenched his fists and laughed.

" the game, repentance is successful, but there are still many problems in reality." Gao Juanxing sighed and said: "After all, we can't get into that air bank, right? We can't let Queen take risks again Just once... As for us...Although it sounds a little harsh to say that, we are not even worth being Jincheng's guests, are we?"


This is the true code name of Niijima after confirmation.

"Yes, this is indeed a very serious problem." Shinjima nodded: "A bank in the is really difficult."

"...We should be able to draw a conclusion after going to the palace of Jincheng." Yu Gonglian stretched out her hand: "Now the Queen has joined us, that is to say, we can temporarily cross Jincheng and find the next The true face of a target."

"Next target...Megido, right?"

Morgana looked at several people and asked, "What impression do you have of this organization?"

"Simply speaking, it should be a world-class hacker group..." Niijima frowned: "Why does this kind of organization focus on our Phantom Thieves?"

"Let's explore this point later." Yu Gonglian said: "There are still a few hours before the night...Although the time to explore the next hall should not be enough, but... the previous plot should Both can be triggered. How? Do you have time?"

"It's okay." Kitagawa Yusuke nodded: "I have time."

"I'm fine too!" Gao Juanxing said with a smile, "I've already put off all the work for this day!"

"I'm fine..." Niijima nodded.

"It's okay!" Sakamoto Ryuji said with a smile: "However, Joker, I always feel that you talk a little more than before. Is it an illusion?"

"..." Ren Yugong was silent for a while: "Then, let's continue to explore. In addition... I have one more thing I want to try"

Before, after leaving the velvet room of this game time, he also got the message that the coop level has been improved.

world coop4 - world coop5

Unlock: alternation of real and unreal.

He wants to try to see what the value of this ability is...

Thinking about it, he meditated on this ability in his heart.

There seemed to be some changes around, but nothing seemed to happen.

Morgana looked around and said, "Just now...what happened?"

"What's wrong?" Sakamoto Ryuji asked suspiciously.

"That's right... I always feel that there are some changes around me... For example..." Morgana said that his body slowly changed. It is not an ordinary black cat, but one that can walk upright...

Cat monster!

"Wow——Mona, why are you able to transform here?" Gao Juan's eyes widened.

"I don't know... It feels more like a palace here... Some of the constraints are gone, and... instead, I can do some things here..."

"Anyway, let's take a look around." Yu Gonglian nodded and said.

"I launched a new system before... It seems that something has changed, but now I am a little careless..."

"Don't you feel that there is some noise around?" Niijima looked around and said: "The words spoken by those guests before were just a few words... It's like an NPC with fixed words, but now..."

"Yes." Morgana nodded, "Those people seem to have come back to life."

"Wow—Mom, what do you see that is? Does it seem to be moving?"

Seeing the child pointing at him, Morgana's expression changed, and he immediately turned back into a cat.

"That's it? Well... isn't that a cat..." The child's mother said in a daze: "Huh? Pets are not allowed in this store, right? The waiter—"

"Not good—Joker, change back quickly!"


Ren Yugong nodded, and activated this ability again.


The waiter who was supposed to come over disappeared.

All the people who were talking before lost their voices, and it was like a background board there.

"I see..." Niijima nodded, "That is to say... a system that makes this world more real..."

" should look like this. Anyway, let's try after we go out." Morgana nodded and said.

After Amamiya Ren and the others walked out of the restaurant, they activated this ability again.

for a moment—

Compared with the restaurant, the big changes here can be easily seen!

There are more pedestrians around.

Shibuya got bigger—

In an instant, it was like changing from the game world to the real world...

"Is this the so-called 'real'..." Morgana looked at Shibuya, who hadn't changed from the reality, and said, "Is this of any value?"

"It should be time..." Niijima really thought about it: "Doesn't Joker need to establish a coop with various people? But isn't there enough time in the real game... After all, it's not just about coop conversations , but also to improve the attributes... Otherwise, there will be some situations where the game will not be able to continue..."

"That is to say, the increase in game time..." Amamiya Ren looked around and said.

Of course... the transfer of such a location is not that simple.


Towards him switching the world back to the nature of the game, he opened the map.

Then, they teleported directly to the Six Genjaya without taking the train.

After that, it was replaced with 'reality' again...

"Very good..." Ren Amamiya nodded, so that when on the road, you can directly use the nature of the game to teleport, and then... when you need to do some things in the game, you can turn on the attribute of reality, Conversation time is greatly reduced.

Of course, when doing things like palaces, you still have to use the attributes of the game.

Otherwise... Maybe they will explore for several days one after another, wasting the game time in vain.

"Then, let's continue. Next, let's find Megiddo's true identity in the game!" Gao Juanxing said with a smile: "As long as we find out the identities of those people, we will definitely find them in reality." So much easier!"