Chapter 673: magic eye removal

The Mystic Eye Collection Train released a statement immediately after the previous incident - there are other "Rainbow" level Mystic Eyes that can be sold.

So the magician, who thought it was a pity that the "Rainbow" magic eye had disappeared, became excited again.


After actually seeing that level of magic eye, even with the terrifying ability that the magic eye killer can't resist at all, their expectations became even stronger.

Originally, the ability they possessed for the "Rainbow" level magic eye was only at the level of [fantasy] and [documentary records].

In reality, there is no one who has actually seen this level of magic eyes on this magic eye collection train.

But now—many people have indeed seen the powerful effect of that level of magic eye.

Among other things, as long as you get those magic eyes, it means you are standing at the apex of this world!

Even the Magic Association or the Holy Church cannot ignore the power brought by those eyes.

It is the eyes that can indeed shake the world order!

The funds originally planned for this pair of magic eyes have increased several times again.

They began to use various means to contact the family behind them, preparing to raise more funds, just to buy those magic eyes from here!

Even if the use period is likely to be only a few years, as long as the effect of those magic eyes can be maximized during this period...

No matter how much investment it is, it will be able to recover in the end.

That's what magicians think now.

At the same time, the priest Karabo, who woke up from his coma, found Rojean, the manager of the magic eye collection train.

The real controller of the magic eye collection train, which was hidden behind the scenes, appeared in front of everyone again because of this incident.

Moreover, with that profound strength, some people who were eager to take away the "Rainbow" level magic eye put out their thoughts...

Well, although Luo Jiean also panicked when she showed her power to them, she was afraid that Liangyi and Mi were going to **** the magic eye away, she had already thought about it at the time, if such a situation really happened, she would Just send the magic eye out.

The size of the sky and the earth is the greatest.

She hasn't lived enough yet!

Fortunately, nothing like this happened, which made her inexplicably grateful...

After all, the money from selling magic eyes will be used to buy a series of materials from the Magic Association and black markets around the world to build her "fortress" to ensure that she can survive the next period when the source fades.

It's great to be able to survive like this without incident...

"So, what's the matter?" Luo Jiean looked at the priest sitting in front from a distance and said.

After all, she is a dead disciple, and the opposite is the representative of the Holy Church.

She didn't want to suddenly have a baptism chant on the other side and then rush over.

There are many such lunatics in the church.

"I need you to help me remove the current magic eye..." Calabash said with his eyes closed. Only in this way can he feel better. Every time he opens his eyes, the magic eye will absorb his life force and plunge him into a kind of pain in the state of...

"This is impossible~" Luo Jie'an seemed to think of something and said with a light in her eyes: "According to the previous appointment, your magic eye should be removed in ten days, not now~ You have to remember this clearly Oh, it takes a lot of energy to remove the magic eye here~~"

"...I don't need money."

"Huh? What did you say?"

Father Calabore said in a slightly hoarse voice: "I just need a pair of ordinary eyeballs... I will sell this pair of magic eyes to you at the price of [normal eyeballs]. I don't care."

"Oh hoo~~" Luo Jie'an's eyes lit up, she meant that at first, but didn't expect this priest to understand it very well, it saved her a lot of things~~

This is also impossible for Calabash.

These magic eyes really consumed his vitality too much.

Although, there is no doubt that he is strong, and among the agents, Calabor is also top-notch. Among them, the pair of magic eyes also played a big role.

"Past vision" that can see the past. The "past vision" that can kill the past.

His attack comes from the past, that is to a certain extent, it is the nemesis of the ability of "future vision".

He even killed Isaac Barnes once out of the blue with this magic eye.

However, it is precisely because of this that the level of this magic eye is too high.

Originally, with the growth of age, the consumption of his magical eyes, who is no longer in his prime, has become more and more burdensome to his body.

Now, even catching up with the disappearance of Dayuan—

The consumption of the magic eye remains the same, but his own vitality and the surrounding magic are constantly weakening... so that he can only consume more of his own vitality.

Therefore, he had to remove the pair of magic eyes!

Especially in the previous battle, his magic eye ran away uncontrollably, consuming a lot of his vitality.

Moreover, because of this, the ability of the magic eye itself seems to have evolved!

The already powerful magic eye has become even stronger.

But the consumption has also changed even more.

His vitality could no longer handle this situation.

ten days—

Maybe nothing for others.

But for Calabor, ten days later... he might be a corpse.

"Very good, then wait a while, I will sort out a contract, after you sign it...we can perform the operation."

"Thank you." Karabo stood up and saluted the dead man: "The Lord of the Magic Eye Train."

"Ha, this matter is not a big deal..." Luo Jiean waved her hand: "It's you... a little bit beyond my expectation~"

"Which aspect exceeded your expectations?"

"It's true in every way..."

Luo Jiean waved her hand as she spoke, and signaled to Leandro, asking her to bring over the contract that she had prepared before... She had already guessed this matter—

With his eyes closed, Carabo signed his name in the place pointed by Leandro.

"What? Don't you read the content of the contract?"

"I don't think... there is anything else in my disabled body that is worth remembering by others."

"Tsk, well, get ready - it's easy to remove or something, it only takes a few seconds -"


The next moment, before the old priest could say anything, Luo Jiean inserted her finger into the priest's eye socket.

In just a moment, the two eyes were taken off, just in a moment—