616 614 The heart of the lake

Fran and Ursi ran through the lake in the wake of Zelaise's remorseful screams.

"From here on out, we'll use Dimension Shift to move on"


'It's not like we can afford magic that much, and we're moving fast. And then Ursi follows me as I travel with a shadow metastasis'


I activate the Dimension Shift while Vivian Guardian senses signs of vigilance.

Ursi follows as he moves shadows such as rocks at the bottom of the lake - he couldn't. Apparently, the wolves in the shadows have noticed me.

Where Ursi is hiding is surrounded by the Guardians.

"Ursi! Back!


If you don't, the Guardian may run wild. Let's focus heavily on Zelaisse's stalling here.

Me and Fran went on the water, no problem. And then, after a while, I catch a strange object in the front.

"What the hell?

"Ha Ra?

Fran was right, it looked like a pillar.

A white cylinder about 5 metres in diameter stands from underwater toward heaven. Besides, it's not one.

"Let's see from the top"


Looking down from above, there were 12 white columns. arranged at equal intervals so as to draw a circle. Whatever you think, this would be the heart of the lake.

Don't even feel the weird magic.


From the center of the circle, I feel strange magic. It's not evil, but it wasn't normal magic. It is a disgusting, unpleasant magic, as Fran puts it.

"Master, I'm going in like this"

"I don't have a choice."

I really want to act cautiously, but I can't afford magic. You can't leave it alone, and we'll see how big the magic is here first.

Fran broke into the water, keeping the downward momentum.

Only around here, the water seems pretty shallow. The water depth is less than 10 meters. At the bottom of the lake, a mysterious building was sinking.

The impression I saw was of a temple. The same white stone as the stone columns is laid, and in the center there is something like an altar.

I think it's an old thing, but it's still very pretty. It maintains what can be described as pure white, free of cockroaches, debris and dirt.

And there was an unusual source of magic in the center of that temple.

He is in a beautiful white temple and emits a distinctly heterogeneous, poisonous. An object like an object, made up of purple crystals. It is a complete foreign object.

(That, what?

"It's a demon stone weapon!

Moreover, it seems to absorb the surrounding magic and pour it into the temple. The creeps we felt would be disgust at being sucked by magic.

"You've come this far."

"! Lane"

It was the Lane of the Spirit that suddenly appeared.

"This place is special. You can disarm space-time magic now. Because the guardians can't come into this place."

Follow Lane's words and try to unshift Dimension. There's no sign of the Vivian Guardians making a scene outside the temple. It really didn't seem to come in this far.

As we wrap around the wind junction, we continue our conversation with Lane.

"Did you guys see that giant demon stone, too?


With Lane's grieving eyes, he stares at the Demon Stone weapon

"Is that disgusting device to resurrect the Great Warcraft?

"That's right. I use the magic of my surroundings to devour the seal of the Warcraft little by little"

"So if you break that one, the Warcraft won't come back to life?

To Fran's inquiry, Lane shook her head sadly.

"The seal of the Warcraft is already quite loose. If we don't do the re-sealing ritual, the seal will self-destruct in a matter of weeks."

"So, should we do that ritual?

"We need to be ready to do the re-sealing ritual. We might make it if we hurry..."

"What do I do with that ritual?

"Wiener Lane would know. Especially if she'll perform that ritual?

"What do you mean?

"Listen to yourself."

Lane, as always, doesn't want to talk about what's at stake.

"Then I'll destroy that one for now"

"In the first place, I can't do that. Zelaisse overlays and strengthens multiple walls. I tried it too, but it didn't scratch one. That's not possible unless you're also a high-elf force."

The Lane itself seems to be a high-ranking spirit. I didn't know the Spirit couldn't scratch one... That's awesome indeed.

But that would be the case with the others.

"Lane. Answer only one. Can I break that?

"If you can. But you can't do it, so get out of here - and get out of this country. You're gonna get caught up in this."

"If you can break it, that's fine. Master."


"... because no matter what happens, I don't know"

With poor Lane's words on his back, Fran was slashed by a demon stone weapon.

"Flash Thunder - God's Break!

The slaughter of Divine Speed rushes as he shelves the black thunder.


But the response was slightly different from what I had imagined. It feels blunt, as if I slapped it with a blunt knife and even a hard rock.

"Is that it?"

There is no change in the demon stone weapon in front of you. Fran's leaning his neck, but I know what caused it.

"I guess it didn't scratch."

My ability to absorb demon stones is to eat slashed demon stones. In other words, if you do not suffer one predatory wound, your abilities will not be activated.


'I have no choice... Let's use sword deification'

This would be an impossible occasion. But Fran shook his head with a crying face.


Hey, Fran's been a little worried since you heard about me turning into a sword. Well, I don't know.

But if you don't, it's gonna be hard to scratch that one.

Even Heavenly Break is intact.

Sure, it's pretty dangerous for me to use sword deification right now, but it should be bearable in just a moment. But Fran doesn't shake his head vertically.


'So, what do we do?

"Leave it to me."

Fran stood me up again with a determined look on his face.

"Because I'll definitely try to kill that one. So don't push your master."