493 491 Fenrill and Evil God

Hearing the man introduce himself, Fran is opening his eyes. No, I feel the same way, don't I?

Even though I thought it might be possible, I'm still surprised to hear it from him. I'm so surprised you didn't raise your voice.

"Fenrill? Threat s warcraft's?

"That's right. That's Fenrill."

'I knew it was...!

"The master seemed to be sure already. I would have revealed it a little sooner, but I was a little late."


"We'll talk about it here, too. Well, let's talk a little bit about me first."

His name is Fenrill. It seems that the figure of a person is a tentative figure created to communicate with us, and is originally a giant wolf over 100 meters long.

Instead of being taught the exact size, I just imagined it was the magnitude of it because I brazenly said that Invisible Death or so could be killed with a single bite.

"I used to be called a god beast"

"Does God Beast mean there's any connection to God? Or was it just named that way?

"You call yourself a god beast too painful, don't you?

Fenrir laughs bitterly at my words.


"Oh, yeah. My Lord is the Goddess of the Silver Moon with ten great gods in one pillar."

I see. The crest of the Goddess of the Silver Moon existed in the mysterious footage Fallen saw. You mean it leads there?

"The mission I have been given more than God is to eat the shards of the Evil God and purify his power. To do so, I was given the ability to capture the power of the person I ate and make it my own."

I guess that's the great yuan of the ability to absorb demonic stones and gain power. Besides, it feels like God himself created it, doesn't it? You mean God's direct family?

"Down on earth I succeeded in defeating and eating shards of the Evil God in my first day"

"Is it something you can meet such a shard of evil god right away?

Or was there a shard of evil gods roaming around there a long time ago? But they don't.

"The fool who sought power, he unsealed it. I was originally created to defeat that evil god."

Fenrill then found the seal of a relatively weak shard of the Evil God, and said he had eaten it when he defeated it. If you can also combine the first defeated shards, the number is 4.

It is precisely the activity worthy of the alias of the divine beast that devours the evil gods. People worshipped Fenrill as God's spokesperson, God's beast, and God's messenger. That's how they treated God not to take a pull either.

But the faith of the humans did not last that long either. Whatever it is, Fenrir himself has broken out and started attacking the humans.

"I guess the delusion of the evil gods was more than the Lord gods could have imagined. I couldn't purify the evil I had taken in, and on the contrary, I was eroded."

When he took in the first Evil God shard, he said, it seemed completely unaffected.

"But now that I think about it, I guess it had a slight impact from the beginning. Without realizing it myself, there was an increase in destructive appetite and appetite. And I was driven by that desire, hunting for shards of evil gods at a high pace that exceeded my purification speed."

Ultimately, he couldn't resist the temptation of "destroy everything" brought about by the soul of the evil god who assimilated him, and Fenrill seems to have started a rampage.

More damage was done than a fragment of the Unsealed Evil God, and the Zilbard continent was in a crisis of devastation. In fact, he said that several countries had perished and affected the lives of tens of millions of people.

No, if Fenrill had really run wild, there would have been more damage. But Fenrill had not completely lost his reason.

"It felt like repeated rampage and upswing. Right...... We fought before, remember Rich on Floating Island? It could look like him."

The main personality and Rich's personality took the lead of the body, and while one was awake, one was asleep, was it? So it feels like Fenrill's original personality and the runaway personality eroded by the evil gods were alternating on the table?

"As my body's dominance gradually took away, I came to this plain squeezing my last strength. Well, there was no depleted forest at the time."


"Oh, it was later created by the gods. It's like a piece of evil god sealed from me never leaves the plain."

'Huh? I mean, on this plain...'

"Fragments of the Evil God are sealed. It's also a fusion of four shards, a particularly strong Evil God shard..."

It wasn't just me, Fran and Ursi, who accidentally stared at the ground. That's how shocked it was. But a man doesn't laugh at the act.

"I know how you feel, but I'm fine. So far, the seal hasn't been loose."

"Is that true?


Good. Something about the seal in me made me wonder if this one was okay. The seal of the evil gods is about to be lifted! Do something! They weren't in a situation like that.

"And you said to separate the evil gods and seal them, didn't you? How did you do that?

"Good question. Only the gods can seal the shards of the evil god."

"? So, God did something?


It was Fenrill who reached the land, but it didn't have a particular purpose, he said. It was simply looking for places with few people and animals to find the land.

"The Divine Beast cannot die from itself. Because it is a divine division and is incorporated into a part of the world's operating system."

I guess that's why he was at least retracing a place that didn't bother the world.

"No, even to the gods, he said it was difficult to pull off and seal the shards of evil gods from inside me. But there appears one human"


"Oh. Ermela, a divine blacksmith. He was a displaced person looking for a place to build and dispose of Kelvim."

Producer of Kelvim. I mean, the person who created the part as my sword. I recognize myself as a sword. Strange, but the thought of being a sword, not an ex-husband, was stronger.

When I came to this world, I thought I had a strong sense that I was an ex-human. While living as a sword, I may have gotten used to being a sword.

That's why Elmera had a strong image of a creator for me. Not so much a parent, but I feel close to it.



But Fenrill once again uttered a surprising word.

"Well, we killed each other at first."

"Huh? Did we kill each other?

"You fought?

"That's right. Ermela heard rumors that I was here, and she came to the plains."

You mean you've come for Fenrill from the beginning?

"If we were to dispose of Kelvim anyway, they were going to rampage all the power of the Divine Sword and defeat Fenrir"

'That's why we're working together.

"I myself was prepared to be defeated by Elmera while I managed to hold down the flesh trying to take interception action on my own... The Goddess of the Silver Moon asked other gods to save me."

Apparently, the gods around the Goddess of the Silver Moon called on Elmera to help Fenrill. And Elmera accepted it, too.

"Sometimes it would have been because the gods asked for it, but even the slightest bit of Kelvim seemed happy for Elmera to stay"

You're the same divine blacksmith there as Alistair. I guess you don't want to destroy the Divine Sword as much as possible.

In order to save Fenrir, it was necessary to separate Fenrir's soul from that of the Evil God. So they decided to separate only Fenrill's normal soul in a way that would leave the soul of the evil god in Fenrill's flesh, which had already merged with the shard of the evil god.

"The problem was the place to keep my soul. Separating a part of your soul drains a lot of that power."

If we leave Fenrill's soul without any vessels, it will vanish in no time. It was the Divine Sword Kelvim that was chosen for its vessel.

"My body was sealed deep in this plain with the Evil God, and I fell asleep in the Abandoned Sword"

Thereby the evil beast Fenrill was extinguished, and the continent of Gilbard was saved.

"But that didn't make you happy, did it?

"Do you understand?

'Bye. Whatever, I'm not in the story right now. There must be a continuation.'

"Exactly. It's just, you know, my old body's been congratulating me on this, right? sealed by God, and made even more to the juncture"


"Could it be the forest of depletion?

"And the sky. Those are also the jetties in case the Evil God is resurrected. It also absorbs the surrounding magic and weakens it a little by continuing to purify the evil gods who sleep beneath this ruin."

He also said that the skewed distribution of warcraft on the plains of the Wolf is actually due to the work of its junction. By the forest of depletion, the plains of the Demon Wolf are a land where magic accumulates easily and warcraft is easily born. So the gods also suck up power from the Demon Stone of the Warcraft, and they use it for the art of purification as well.

Warcraft increases in reproduction, but other than that, it is a being whose magic solidifies and is born. When a warcraft is born from its magic accumulation, the first stone is created, and the stone wraps around the magic and becomes a warcraft.

Therefore, the very birth of the Warcraft is weakened by the kingdom of God, which sucks up magic even from the demonic stones that have just been created from the magic accumulation. Moreover, the closer the power of the junction is to the ruins, the stronger it is, the weaker the Warcraft is at the center.

The born warcraft also dislike the ruins that suck up their power, so they stay away from the center? They say only miscellaneous fish warcraft like goblins, with little effect on the junction, come close.

"Is Ursi okay?

"It's okay there. The forest of depletion sucks magic up indiscriminately, but the junction of the plains chooses their opponents"

They say my magic is registered and its submissive, Ursi, will not be affected by the kingdom. It's convenient.

"By the magic gathered by the kingdom of God, the shards of evil gods parasitized in my flesh are purified every day, and you have no problem. It was my soul that had the problem."

"What happened?

"Well, just to be brief, you haven't been able to pull the evil god off my soul perfectly,"