464 462 Treating Ground Lars

"... Fallnd is!

Slightly further away, Fallen is down. I managed to control the disturbing disturbances while rubbing the pattern to the ground from time to time and managed to get under the Falls in low altitude flight.

"This is..."

I did it, but it's terrible. From the right clavicle portion to the right rib periphery was completely decided, with viscera and bones exposed. My left arm is also not ahead of my elbow. Due to massive bleeding, the ground evenly stained by heavy fighting is increasingly black.


But he was still alive. The remaining left lung moves slightly and the heart sounds slight. I rushed to Falund, where my life was about to be lost, to continue using healing magic.

I'm really glad that I had my magic restored by eating Fanatics together.

"Falund! Falund!

"I'm fine..."

Have you crossed the line? Fauld woke himself up on his own, still overflowing a large amount of blood from a cross section of his chopped shoulder mouth.

It immediately produces several demonic swords as it is. Then my arm began to regenerate with a jitter. It must have created the demonic sword of the recovery system, the regeneration system. Fallen's responsiveness is still amazing.

"Are you all right? Good. '

I haven't spoken to a dead friend in a while.

Does that mean you're on your way to the afterlife?

While I'm restoring Falund, Earthlers, who can stand up on their own, is checking Bermelia's condition. Then, most importantly, he set up Gaia, which was still open.

"Earth Lars! I'm not running wild anymore! You don't have to kill me!

"I'm fine. Well, look."

I don't feel like killing. Apparently, it's not about stabbing a stop. Ground Lars holds Gaia over Bermelia.

"The smile of the earth"

When Earthlers shrugged so, gentle magic overflowed from Gaia and wrapped around Bermelia. Bermelia's blood color, which was dying, improves and her whole body wounds heal. That resilience would be more than a greater heel. Gaia didn't just have an attack, she also seemed to have healing powers.

It also means that there is a powerful means of recovery for runaway Earthlers.

"... ugh..."

"Miss, are you all right?

"Me... here...?

There was also the possibility of fanatics absorbing the spirit and not regaining consciousness, but apparently the worst was spared. Fanatics seemed to have lost their original power because of the damage, or perhaps they had no power to integrate the other's spirit into themselves.

If you can fully integrate the spirit into yourself, you shouldn't need a magic potion to manipulate it. No, the Gauls weren't supposed to wake up because of the magic potion...

"Don't you remember? It's okay, just sleep now."

"... Shh..."

Life would have been critical, mentally and physically, even if it had been saved. Bermelia fell asleep again to faint.

"Hey, Ground Lars. Does the current healing move help heal the symptoms of the exorcism?

"The magic potion? No, that's just healing wounds."

'Then how did Bermelia wake up? No sequelae to the exorcisms?

(Master, maybe, but not because of the short period of time you consumed the exorcism? I guess she just got taken away, huh?

"I see."

Though a large number of magic drugs were used to administer mental manipulation, the short dosing period may have fewer sequelae. I guess there was a trace amount of magic pills accumulated in my body.

"... thanks for your help, both of you"

The word would mean it. That Ground Lars is full of creativity. Although the wound itself is blocked, the loss of magic and vitality has not yet recovered. Besides, the madness has progressed a lot. Mental drain must also be more than we imagined.

"He was a strong opponent. I don't know what would have happened without you guys."

'That's our line. If Earthlers hadn't been here, the damage would have spread more. Well, I can't say it's less damaging...'

It has become a pretty extensive wasteland. About half of the aristocracy would be in this state. The rest of the mansion should have no unharmed buildings either. Moreover, there is no gigantic castle or trace of that magnificent, precisely worthy to call it a symbol of the country.

There should also be suicide bombing damage to pseudo-fanatical swords in civil and slam streets, and the damage suffered by this king's capital would be unimaginably great.

"Still, I owe it to Earthlers to defeat Fanatics"


"Well, you mean each other. That said, it was a little too violent. I'd better just leave."

"Huh? Groundlers?

"I'll take your daughter, won't I?

'Wait a minute! What's this all about?

Ground Lars, with Gaia in his sheath, bears Bermelia on his shoulder, still awake. Are you saying you're leaving like this? And take Bermelia?

But Fallnd seemed to agree with that, too.

"That's for the country."

I don't know what Falund's whining means. For the country?

"Well, what can I say for myself, there was a lot of damage in this fight. I'm not saying I'm not guilty. But if the country tries to capture me and bring me to justice, it won't just end in this country's problems."

Groundlers and Falund explain. In other words, it seems the problem is that the presence of Groundlers is too great.

Let's say we captured Earthlers as the culprit of the destruction of the King's capital. And suppose to make him pay for his sins. But that's hard.

First, the death penalty is out of the question. If we get into a death crisis, the madness will just activate on its own and do a lot of damage again. You can't even commit suicide.

Neither can slavery. This has also been protected by madness. How am I supposed to use a monster in the country that doesn't know when to ramble up, as Earthlers serve on their own volition?

If Ground Lars cares about that, he'll be able to do most of it. But a super powerful bomb with a time limit is coming with us. If it explodes, several cities disappear from the map. Besides, no one knows when the time limit device will activate. If there was an exchanger who wanted to keep this in his own country, that would be either excessive stupidity or insane.

Then send them to the enemy country? That's impossible, too. We cannot allow Groundlers to be part of an act of war. If you do that, the Adventurer Alliance turns to the enemy. If the Alliance, which takes the stance of not participating in the war, were to be used by war as a rank s adventurer, which can also be described as a symbol of it, it would try to crush that country with whatever it takes to protect its face. Otherwise, the tissue itself can be licked.

No, it's a problem before that. In the first place, it was difficult in itself to unilaterally incriminate Earthlers.

This case, Daiyuan, is the coup d 'état of Marquis Ashtoner. Many adventurers are losing their lives and their supervisory responsibility lies with the state. Groundlers, who fought to stop that Marquis Ashtoner trump card, can also be said to have saved the country, depending on the way he saw it.

If you incriminate Earthlers, the Adventurer Guild will turn to that defense. If the country rebels against it, there will be a dispute between the two. It was the country that would lose money on it.

Furthermore, neighbouring countries should react sensitively. Whatever, Earthlers owns the Divine Sword. It wasn't strange to think that the Kingdom of Kranzel was craving a divine sword.

Instead of compensation. Or take it up after the death penalty. Regardless of whether it was feasible or not, it could have been a diplomatic issue simply because they said they were after it.

On the contrary, what if you put all your sins on the Marquis Ashtoner and lifted Earthlers up with the hero of the Redemption? That's another problem, too. It is possible that they are trying to take the Rank S Adventurer into their country.

Rather, this was the more problematic one. The fact that you are trying to possess a super weapon can't help but be seen as having some ambition.

In the end, Ground Lars was untouchable, no matter how he handled it. I guess the smartest option is not to get involved. So much so that even the Beast King is left alone.

And the most difficult drop for both the Kranzel Kingdom and Earthlers is Earthlers' voluntary exit from the country and his expulsion from the country, he said.

I guess at a time when mass saboteurs with aliases of fighting each other are normally able to wander the world, every country has a similar response.

If this is someone other than Ground Lars, this shouldn't happen. Catch him and enslave him. No, normally, it would be the execution route.

In other words, Bermelia was in high danger of doing so. It's the concubine of the Count, and it's not like he has any great power. Besides, he's a party to the biggest act of sabotage. I wasn't supposed to blame you.

To be honest, I have no ill feelings for Bermelia. There would be different opinions from the residents of Wang Du, but all I had was sympathy. I think he just got involved, and his opponents are the Divine Sword and the Marquis, which he's been preparing for 40 years. I don't think they got away with it. If Earthlers is going to help, I didn't mind that.

"Bermelia, please"

"This would also be on the edge of something. Leave it to me. I'm not gonna make it worse."

"I wish I'd seen Fran."

"That's hard. Well, I'll see you soon."

When he wakes up, Fran will be sorry.

'Where are you going?

"I was originally going to follow Zero Thread to the Goldician Continent. It's a great place to hide your lady, or hunt warcraft on that continent for a while."

"Is Zero Thread in the Goldician Continent?

"It's just more than likely."

The Goldician continent is looking for talented warriors to fight the Rank S Warcraft, and if they are strong, they will have no questions about their past background or anything else. They say it's the last place criminals from all over the world escape.

"I see."

"So, let's go? Master, Falund, see you later."


See you later.

I'm not supposed to be in the best shape, but Groundlers leaves with a firm foothold. It's on my shoulder. If Bermelia wasn't here, it'd be a painting.

It's a completely different direction from the gate...... Well, I guess I'll do something about it.

"What about Falund?

"Under Gilmouth"

'Right. Then let's go together. I mean, I'd appreciate it if you carried me. Keep it up, it's a flying sword.'

"Oh, okay"

Falund, who was finally blocked from scratching but still flirtatious, carried me and walked out towards the main entrance.