417 415 How to Use Magic Release

Immediately after Fran shook me, a tremendous light and magic emanated from the Devil's Sword. They released magic from all over their bodies. It's not just a blind eye, it's an omnidirectional attack with a lot of attack power.


Prevent it with barriers, but you can see the whole underground lane shaking. Immediately the magic release subsided, but the appearance of the Devil's Sword was not there already.

We didn't just attack this one with a magic release, we used the momentum to move.


"Run away!

The Devil's Sword does not kill the momentum as it is and flies towards the entrance of the underground tunnel at a tremendous speed. That speed is comparable to my all-powerful catapult.

Metastases are - no. At that rate, he wouldn't even be lying right after we transferred.

I reckon it's not a good idea to destroy this place in an effort to unleash the magic of great firepower. In the end, he shot Fire Javelin out in a row, with more than 20 flaming spears pouring with the Devil's Sword.

But the Devil's Sword avoided everything with such sharp moves that it was impressive. Twist your body while flying at high speeds and draw a rotating orbit. That one, it would be a barrel roll.

And the Devil's Sword, who dodges all attacks, leaps straight outside without killing the momentum.

"We're going after him!


After a hasty chase, the sight of an annoying cry was spreading outside.


"Itai, Itai!"

"Ha, help me..."

"Blood, blood...!

Near the entrance to the underground tunnel, more than ten human beings were bleeding to fall. Some of them have arms and are dying.

Not only that, but people were hearing screams from afar.

'Ah, that bastard...... They're attacking ordinary people for the cost of going!

"... heal!

"Oh! Ursi, follow the Devil's Sword!


We abandoned our pursuit and healed those falling down with healing magic. Knowing that this would be the aim of the Devil's Sword.

You're definitely intelligent. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to think of a way to hold back this unpleasant foothold. Finally, the possibility has increased that that sword is my kind.

"I hate that sword"

"Me too."

"I'll definitely beat you to death!

"You just have to settle the next time we meet."

"Mmm! I won't let you get away with it this time!


Still, the devil's sword behavior on the run was like my mind-blowing catapult.

But the principle is completely different. Apparently, that demon sword is spraying compressed magic to gain propulsion.

Whereas my mind-blowing catapult, as its name suggests, first explodes mind-blowing and ejects itself, then takes the rudder with mind-blowing, that way of flying the Devil's Sword was also a rocket engine method that kept ejecting magic all the time.

Maybe it was also due to this ability to eject magic that he was making unusual moves like ignoring Hamulus' physical limits during battle.

Previously, Disaster Ballbug, an insect-type warcraft who fought in a Ulmut dungeon, used his magic release skills for rapid acceleration and reorientation, but the principle seemed the same.

And I'm also convinced that the Devil's Sword will only be used on the run. Anyway, it would take a tremendous amount of magic to produce that much speed. At least, it shouldn't have been possible to keep using it continuously for long periods of time.

In addition, an accelerating force would not facilitate small turns. Anyway, if you're going to attack someone who doesn't move, it's pretty hard to hit someone who moves around at high speeds like Fran. If they do, Hamulus and the Devil's Sword will be defenseless in the meantime. The area seems to be a weakness.

We're done rescuing people, and we'll just go back to the underground. Then Fran lowered her voice.


"What's up?

"I don't like it gone"

'What do you hate, the one who says you felt it when you walked into the basement?


I guess that had something to do with the Devil's Sword, too. As always, I have no idea. Or does it have something to do with the disgust I had against the Devil's Sword? But I hear Fran and Ursi didn't feel the same emotion for the Devil's Sword or Hamrus as I did...

I don't know.


Let's see what we can do with Hamulus' body. You want me to turn you over to the guard's jar? I don't think you're going to be treated like a murderer, but you're likely to be detained.

If I was worried about what to do after this, I could see someone coming into the basement. And many from both entrances. Coming down the tunnel, it looks like the ordinary people.

Come to think of it, despite all that intense fighting, it was unnatural for anyone to come in.

Besides, it's impossible that one of the kids wouldn't come in for all that time in this basement in the Pleasure Street.

Could there have been techniques or skills in the basement that would have prevented people from entering or leaving? It's a paying conjunctive. With that in mind, I can also understand the discomfort that only Fran and Ursi felt. I'm not an organism, so it seems possible that I didn't feel it at all.

Thinking on the spot, I could see signs of what I saw coming down the tunnel. Contrary to the Devil's Sword's escape, it's the entrance to the first one we come in.

"Fran, are you okay?

"Princess Black Thunder, are you all right?

"Bermelia. Frederick"

That was two people who had just broken up earlier.