49 47 I rubbed him a little.

First day of dungeon investigation request.

The line that left the guild at the end of it all took half a day to come to the cave.

Well, it was tough on the road. Mostly clad. I guess it's the general temperament of your mountain. I really don't seem to like leaders other than myself. Straight around. But I was surprised I even answered exam officer Cruz.

That's all I want to get up to D-rank. Speak up, what are you gonna do with that bad impression of the examiner? Or am I such a self-assertive, active type of person! I don't even freak out about the guy in front of me, he's got the guts! Is that an appeal? Well, one vote for those who haven't thought about it.

Amanda, too, feels pretty good about it, so soon the two of us start teasing each other. At the end of the day, Mr. Amanda's temper will break you, Clad, and I wish I hadn't turned my teeth from the beginning.

Free-on has nothing to do with rubbing, but he's a complete bystander, and he doesn't stop. So all the rubbing arbitration was in a state that you had to undertake, Cruz. In just half a day, is it my fault that I feel strangely screwed up? I wish we could all get him in between for a little while.

Fran? Well, people don't get it, do they?

I was amused to see Mr. Amanda fight on the road. The whip was stifling, and the wind magic seemed pretty useful. Unlike the magic of fire, it's good to let it flourish in the woods.

The journey was also quite delayed. Originally, you should be able to reach the dungeon in the evening, but it's already night.

"Uh, I was supposed to tread a tier or two within today and plan to attack the rest tomorrow, but I'm a little behind schedule. So I'm going to camp here today and get into the dungeon early tomorrow. All right?"

"I'm not going camping. Why don't we just put it in the dungeon? Come on, let's hit the crisp. Anyway, it's just a bunch of miscellaneous fish in there, right?

"Sure, the Warcraft rank is low, but it's dangerous to get in with a tired body. We're going to camp here today."

"I agree"

"Me too."

"Good enough."

"Shit! The hipsters!

or something like that, but we don't seem to imitate going in on our own. I guess even he really knows. He said it was dangerous to enter the dungeon in a state of weariness in a half-day march. Still, I supposedly couldn't care less if I didn't say something to Cruz.

Honestly, I hate the type. He is a prominent wanderer type who scratches the irrelevant agenda that was about to be decided at a grad meeting for some strange reason. I was around saying, "I don't care anymore. I just want to make up my mind and go home. Shut up," but keep arguing prolonged against the popular.

"Fran! Why don't you sleep in my tent? Let the men keep an eye on you."


"Uh, you're not connected"

"The watch, first Mr. Fran. We, Cladd and the Free Ones in order."

Oh, you pushed the claddies for the most troublesome late night turn. Don't do it, Mr. Cruz. You got a little payback, didn't you?

"Don't you keep an eye on A-rank?"

"Master Amanda is an observer. Besides, if I ask her, it won't be your exam. That would be the only thing that would break through the dungeon in less than an hour. I'll put it on my way home by the end of the day. As a result, you failed."

If they put their hands out of the standard to say A-rank, everything would be easy to do. Rather, it was enough to get in the way. Well, Amanda better think about it as much as insurance when she says no.

"Oh, yeah."

In the end, in the order that Cruz had decided, we were to do a lookout. I said bumps to the end, but it's the form of Mr. Amanda shutting me up.

"Dinner and bedding are prepared at each party, as was communicated in advance?

Even if I do. I asked Randall to get me some fancy bedding. Sleeping bags, blankets, 7,000 gold combined!

Dinner, not to mention. I have a mass-cooked Warcraft dish. Well, for starters, we'll keep an eye on the rice.

"Dude, can't that kid be the lookout on his own?

"No problem."

"Oh? How can you trust a kid to declare himself?"

"She is a Rank D Adventurer. Better than you guys, huh? I'm telling you she's okay, it's okay."

"Rank D is suspicious! What happened while we were on an expedition! Hey, did you even use your body to get into that Lolicon Gilmouth? Say it!

Uh, was this the Survey Return Team? Then we would not have had a chance to see the battle of Fran. At this level of rank, the artists will be able to measure their strength. Clad must be mistaken that he got a higher rank than himself by some unauthorized means.

Well, it was actually a special ranking increase. Isn't there zero doubt?

Even so, I can't forgive anything that's unforgivable.

"Fran, what do we do?

(? I don't care. Just a little loud)

Clad is still activating his intimidation skills, but it seems he's just a little noisy with Fran.


"Ha! Strength huh? There's no way a kid like you can reach Rank D with strength!

"Strength (of me and my master)"

"Hihaha. Fine, then show me what you can do. I'm gonna give you a little rub."

Clad said so, lifting the spear to show it. I guess I'll even do a mock fight.

Fran, stand up slowly. Oh, I'm in a perfect state of battle already.

'Fran, it's good to do it, but don't overdo it, okay?

(I know. I'll give you a little rub)

Nice smile. But the others haven't said anything. The free-ons weren't originally that type, so I know...

Amanda or something, I thought she was at the top of the list to stop it, and she's laughing funny. Well, if there's a difference in strength between Fran and Clad, you know there's nothing wrong with it.

The Cruz aren't coming to stop you, either. Are you exhausted and have no strength to stop? No, it's not like that. They were also staring at the two of them with a serious look.

With that said, I didn't even see the Cruz guys on the Goblin Crusade. Maybe it's an investigative return group. They also seem to want to determine Fran's prowess. I can see two of Cruz's buddies trying to be subtle and attentive to their surroundings and watch over them instead of Fran.

"Fran, before you do it, you better tie the line"

If we start a mock fight like this, maybe Cladd and the others will complain about the lookout.

(Mm-hmm. Okay)

- Wind zone.

- Earth Zone.

Wind Zone is the junction of wind magic. Cover any range from the base point to the hemisphere. It senses the intrusion in the wind flow and tells the operator.

Earth Zone encloses any range from the base point to the hemispherical shape in the junction of earthly magic. The difference with Wind Zone is that it covers downwards, - that is, under the ground. Instead, it doesn't work in the air.

With both wind and soil, it is a division that can cover all directions.

"... Huh? You think it's magic?

"Plus, I used two attributes."


Clad's crew made a scene. Until now, I've been sneaking around and watching what happens, but suddenly you look blue.

"Oh, you, you were a magician!

"? I'm not a magician"

"No, 'cause you used magic!

"Nothing, you don't have to be a magician to use it"

"Well, that's true..."

Something, just using junction magic, seems to have succeeded in intimidating you, Clad. It's LV4 magic for once. Fran, who used that lightly, might look like a threat if he tried being a rank e adventurer.

"Well, do it"

"Ooh. Fine, I'll do it!

You can't use magic, but a spear can't beat you. Such determination is the face of the whole. Besides, spears versus swords, spears are overwhelmingly advantageous. You can't lose a one-on-one match.

"... anytime"

"Follow me!

How is it going? Isn't that nice? It would be an all-powerful attack on the late Flan, who felt only a little bit of his strength.

Full force to the face, no way to think about inching or anything at all. The free-ons, who were in the mood to watch the game while eating freely, were just amazed at this, he said. From Clad's people and them, a scream leaked at the same time. Seeing Fran not moving at all, he thought Clad's spear would hit him directly.

But their expectations are out of line.

"You can't do that."

Fran waves me slightly, plays the spear and misses the tip. Clad, who gained too much momentum, had his body swimming and was completely dead. There, Fran's kick bursts.


The cladding is blown up and rolls to the ground.

"Damn it!

"Do you still want to?

"Oh, of course! I'm alarmed about that, but I'm not eating the same hands anymore!

Ooh! Temple loss so far, you may have never heard of it before! He's annoying, but he just made me listen to this, and you can forgive me a little. Well, just a little bit.

"Yes. Then I'll go from here"

"Ah, shit!

From the clad, it should have felt like Fran disappeared and was suddenly punched straight from the side. Well, I moved fast and just slapped him with my sword belly.

"Not yet......!


"Whoa, whoa!

You screwed up, you wiggle your spear rough, and you throw a continuous poke at me. But it doesn't hit Fran. Poke, poke, poke. And avoid it, avoid it, avoid it. How long did the repetition last?

"Why? Yikes! What the fuck!

"That won't hit me."

"I can't believe this!

Maybe, like, three minutes, but Clad, who kept spinning his spear around with all his might, was already flirty. Are you shocked that your whole body attack didn't hit you at all, with a pitiful face, gasping?

"Damn, dude, dude!

"Then it's time to end it"

"Chiku - Ha!

Hit me in the face again. And Clad lost consciousness and fell down.


Clad's people rush over.

"Well, if you just do this, you won't stick around anymore"

"Mm. Too bad."

"Oh, you're sorry"

Sure, 'cause I don't have a trainee. Even the person with the personality difficulties, it must have been interesting.

"Fran, you're strong."


It was Amanda who hugged Fran. I knew I didn't notice any approaching. Damn, I'm a little sorry.

I'm just a little uncomfortable with Amanda's face. It's the gentle grin as usual - but my eyes aren't laughing. Either that or he looks like a raptor who found his prey.

"Hey. Why don't you and I have a mock fight?

"With Amanda?

"Yeah. Me, solo on top of A-rank, right? You were having trouble with the training guy, weren't you? But if you're Fran, you're going to have good training!

Oh, doesn't she have a training partner, too? Training with Class A. It would be a valuable experience. But is it a good thing I let you do it? I don't think there's going to be an accident...

"Hey, Fran."

(Great for mastery of sword sainthood)



Oh, no. Totally battle mode. I can't stop Fran from doing this.