Episode 115

Eugene, who hugged me tightly for a few seconds, soon let me go.

His nose was slightly red looking at me.


He spoke in a low voice.

I think it means sorry for hugging me suddenly.

Slowly, I looked at his blue eyes and smiled faintly.

“It’s all right.”

I turned my head and looked around everyone.

Cassius, Erica, Rachel, Astra, and Eugene.

I took a close look at each face.

I thought it might take a long time to see these faces again.

‘No, we might never see each other again unless it’s now.’

It was bitter.

I died without any connection or close family or friends in my previous life.

If I didn’t have any lingering feelings about my past life after being possessed this body, that would be a lie.

But it was different this time.

Some people would be sad if I died.

And I will also feel the pain of thinking that it would be better to die if I lost them.

“Yerine, what’s wrong?”

Erica asked, rubbing her sleeve around her eyes with a voice that still cries.

“Oh, nothing.”

I just smiled.

If I tell them that I’m afraid I won’t see them again, I’m sure everyone will be sad.

“Professor, how’s it going out there?”

Cassius, who was standing still and biting his lips, asked.

“We’ve got a shield ready, and we’ve got some countermeasures that take full advantage of the light and heat magic.”

Professor Fraine answered the question in a subdued voice.


Her eyes turned out the window.

The windows were shaking tremendously in the heavy rain.

“The rain and the storm is the problem.”

“That’s right.”

Professor Fraine nodded softly at my words.

“I don’t think Miss Spade’s magic is too much to be affected by the storm and rain, but….”

“If it doesn’t work, I’ll strengthen the size and intensity of other people’s flame magic. It’s kind of hard if there are many people, but I think it’d be better to do that.”

Cassius shook his head at the words.

I’m sure everyone would have.

The silence fell heavily for a while.

The room was as quiet as a tomb.

“Hey, you know what?”

It was the very moment Casius broke the silence and opened his mouth.

The window suddenly broke with a crash.

Glass debris splashed into the air, and a taffy-bent spear fell from the window and rolled on the floor.


Everyone was surprised by the unexpected situation and stepped back.

“Everyone, get ready to attack!”

Eugene’s voice was heard in the dust.

It rained when the window was completely pierced.

Then a black cape slowly flowed through the big hole where the window was.

It was a monster.

“What, how is that here……….”

Erica murmured as if she was shocked.

And among the constant stream of monsters, a man in a white cape appeared.

‘Is he Iker’s man?’

However, the monster did not even give us time to identify the man.

The five monsters immediately opened their mouths full of sharp teeth and tried to rush.

I immediately invoked the flame magic.

And just as I tried to blow the flame, the man opened his mouth.


It was the voice of a middle-aged man.

Surprisingly, the voice stopped the monster from moving in unison.

And they stuck to the wall in the room and made a circle around us.

‘He could control it?’

In the Noble State Field, Iker also showed control of the monsters.

However, Iker himself had no reason to come all the way here, and there was no reason to hide his appearance.

“You’d better put out the flames, Yerine Spade.”

The man in the white cape warned.

“As soon as you set off a flame, those monsters will come at your colleague.”

After grinding his teeth, he lifted the flame magic.

“I don’t care if you run at me. Don’t touch others.”

“If you run into it, there will be no countermeasures. These guys are the same kind you saw in Noble State Field.”

The man quietly walked forward and talked.

“If you deal with it well, no one can get hurt and end it.”

“If you cope well, you can end it without hurting anyone.”

The man didn’t open his mouth for a while.

After a long time, I heard his answer.

“Going to the current emperor without resistance.”

He added when I didn’t answer.

“Then they won’t all die. So are you, and isn’t that what you want?”

It was.

As he said, that was the thing that I wanted.

But I knew.

“Well, I don’t think that person will stop killing just because I’m coming to him.”

The man in the white cape slightly raised his head in my answer.

Nevertheless, his entire face is big.

I couldn’t see it because it was covered with a cape hat.

“You know that best, don’t you?”

The man didn’t answer what I said.

I looked at him straight.

With blazing eyes.

“How did it happen?”

Why didn’t you tell me?

No, you should have made it a little obvious.


A sad voice rang out in the room.
