Chapter 1352: Goddess County, Xie Tianzong

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Early the next morning, Ye Tianyi took Su Mei'er and Mu Ling'er and set off!

Where are you going?

Ye Tianyi was not very clear, but he must be a little farther away from this county.

One day later, they came to another county called...the goddess county.

"I rub! Goddess County? There is something in the name of this county."

Ye Tianyi was secretly speechless.

What kind of Lingya County, Dingtian County, this is a goddess county, is this county all goddesses?

"I know I know, there must be beautiful sisters here, and the eldest brother likes it the most."

Mu Linger said excitedly.

"Hey hey hey, I like it, why are you so excited."

Ye Tianyi said helplessly.


Su Mei'er smiled and said, "That's it. The princess of this county is quite special. She is a woman. She calls herself a goddess, so she renamed this county to the goddess county. When she goes out, she also lets those goddess counties. Those people, the monster race and even the strong, anyway, those under her jurisdiction call her Lord Goddess."

Ye Tianyi; "..."

"It's really narcissistic."

Su Meier smiled and said: "That's true, but this goddess county may be the most harmonious county relatively speaking, and those people still respect her."

"Have a backstage?"

"Let's not talk about the background, the entire Cursed Thunder Demon Realm, twelve counties, and twelve county owners, the power of this county owner is too great."

Ye Tianyi nodded.

I can think of it.

Ye Tianyi traveled through the 23 provinces of the state of China on the earth before, but this demon domain is probably bigger than dozens of China. In such a demon domain, twelve counties converge into a demon domain, that one How big is the power of the princess? unbelievable!

This is probably not a county, but an empire! This size is definitely an empire level.

"Moreover, the sheriff of this goddess county does have something."

Su Meier said.

"Oh? How to say?"

"She should be proficient in the art of deriving the secrets of heaven. When she first came to this goddess county many years ago, she was directly involved in the construction and construction of hundreds of thousands of monsters. Among them, many of the monsters with high realm built a stretch. The thousands of kilometers of dam aroused extreme dissatisfaction from many people, including those with higher levels, but she insisted on requesting. Finally, the dam was successfully built. Not long after it was built, Goddess County ushered in a thousand-year heavy rain. The weather and the flood broke the bank. If it weren't for this dam, this goddess county would probably be destroyed.

Ye Tianyi pondered slightly: "That's not how many people will die, right? After all, all monsters can cultivate."

"It's not that many people will die, but the city they built for the entire Goddess County over so many years, including the forests where the Monster Race lives, etc., will probably be destroyed. For the Monster Race, once the Goddess County is destroyed, the consequences will be …Countless monsters have been displaced. They have to go to other counties, which is very troublesome, and other counties are also difficult to accept, because many people of the monster clan want to live in the city but have no place, and the monster clan has a strong sense of territory."

Ye Tianyi was secretly speechless.

"That's true."

"One more thing is that the goddess county princess bought countless masks from the human race at a huge expense."

Ye Tianyi; "..."

"What is this going to do?"

"Yeah, no one knows what to do. On the contrary, it also increased the income of the human race. But then, a terrible plague broke out in the Goddess County. This plague, even if it is obtained at the Celestial Realm, the mortality rate is extremely high, making the entire goddess The county panicked, but it was because these masks still had some measures that they did not completely spread, she was out of control, especially in the eyes of these people in the goddess county, who respected her!"

Ye Tianyi; "..."

"Isn't it? The virus can still poison the Heavenly Sovereign Realm?"

"It's not a virus. It's a poison created by a certain evil **** of the Yao race. It spreads through the air. In the end, that person was killed and the root cause was cut off. After the Goddess County was blocked, the mask prevented the spread.

Ye Tianyi was secretly speechless.

"anything else?"

"Of course there is, and the princess of that goddess county played a memorial to the demon **** who cursed the thunder demon domain, which means that the powerful celestial master of the thunder demon domain secretly colluded with the human race, and was found out on the spot. Put to death."

Ye Tianyi; "..."


Ye Tianyi has a big head!

It's over, it's over!

problem occurs!

This goddess county actually has such a princess master who is proficient in the art of deduction. Wouldn't it be a direct exposure to deduct him?

"But it's nothing. Although everyone respects her, this princess is also afraid of her."


"Because she is not very serious, she cheats some people's treasures everywhere, so everyone respects and respects, but no one wants to approach her very much."

Ye Tianyi let out a long sigh of relief.

"So, in fact, her reputation is not very good?"

"That's bad. She has a strong governance ability, but her personal reputation is really poor."

"That's okay, where are we going?"

Su Meier pointed to the front.

"Nuo, this is a sect in Goddess County, called Xie Tianzong. It belongs to a more powerful sect in the Cursed Thunder Demon Realm. There is a mountain next to this sect that belongs to them. You are not talking about finding a geographic location. Very good, but isn't it too close to the really powerful sect? This mountain is perfect, there are more than a dozen cities around, and there is no too powerful sect nearby."

Ye Tianyi nodded: "Then let's talk about the conditions."

Mu Ling'er and Su Mei'er walked over.

That's right, Ye Tianyi did not go, because Ye Tianyi is a "fairy".

"Xie Tianzong is a heavy land, who are the two?"

Su Meier took a fist and said, "I'm here to discuss business with you."

"Talk about business?"

Then Su Meier took out something as big as a grain of rice.

"This is an empty magic stone."


They were dumbfounded.

"Although it's not big, you should also know its value in exchange for the right to use the Evil King Mountain next to it for three years. Is there a problem?"

"Please wait a moment."

A few minutes later, several old men walked out with a smile.

"Hahaha, I have seen you!"

Su Meier said faintly: "Just talk about business, are there any questions?"

"With the three-year usage right, UU reading is a bit too much?"

Su Meier said: "Forget it then."

"Ai Ai Ai, sir, wait, three years is three years!"

Anyway, if this Evil King Mountain is placed here, they won't use it. If you exchange for an empty magic stone, you can earn a little bit! This is the legendary empty magic stone.

"Give me the title deed."

"no problem!"

Then Su Mei'er took Mu Ling'er away.

"Who the **** are they? They were able to take out the empty magic stone in exchange for such divine objects! They obviously can exchange it with other things!"


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